Otto “der Erlauchte”, duke of Saxony

Otto's byname is modern, not contemporary.


Date of Birth: about 830 - 840

Place of Birth: unknown.

This estimate is tentatively given by Baldwin and by Glocker (p. 258).

Date of Death: 30 November 912.

Place of Death: unknown.

The date is given Steindorff, by Glocker (p. 258), by Althoff (p. 425), and by Baldwin.

Place of Burial: Gandersheim Stiftskirche.

The place is given by Cawley.


Father: Liudolf (died 866), “dux Orientalium Saxonum”.

This relationship is given by Giese, by Hlawitschka, by Glocker (p. 258), and by Baldwin.

Mother: Oda (died 913).

This relationship is given by Giese, by Hlawitschka, by Glocker (p. 258), and by Baldwin.

Spouse: Hadwig.

This relationship is given by Giese, by Hlawitschka, by Glocker (pp. 258-259), by Bouchard (p. 109), and by Baldwin.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project. Most information below comes from Baldwin and from Glocker.)



Heinrich I (died 2 July 936), king of Germany, married (1) Hatheburg, daughter of Erwin, count of Merseburg; married (2) Mathilde, daughter of count Dietrich.

Oda married (1) Zwentibold, king of Lorraine; married (2) count Gerhard.

Liutgard (died 21 January 923), abbess of Gandersheim.

Children (illegitimate):

A daughter who married Wido, count in Thuringia.


Althoff, Gerd. Adels- und Königsfamilien im Spiegel ihrer Memorialüberlieferung: Studieren zum Totengedenken der Billunger und Ottonen. (München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1984).

Baldwin, Stewart. “Otto "der Erlauchten" (Otto, Oddo)” in The Henry Project. (2011)

Beumann, Helmut. “Heinrich I.”, in Neue Deutsche Biographie 8 (1969), S. 307-310 [Onlinefassung].

Bouchard, Constance Brittain. “Those of My Blood”: Constructing Noble Families in Medieval Francia (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001).

Bretscher-Gisiger, Ch. Ottonen genealogical table in volume 9 of Lexikon des Mittelalters. Munich: LexMA-Verlag, 1980-1998.

Giese, Wolfgang. “Liudolfinger (Ludolfinger, seit Heinrich I./Otto I. auch Ottonen genannt)”, in Neue Deutsche Biographie 14 (1985), S. 718-721 [Onlinefassung].

Glocker, Winfrid. Die Verwandten der Ottonen und ihre Bedeutung in der Politik: Studien zur Familienpolitik und zur Genealogie des Sächsischen Kaiserhauses (Böhlau Verlag: Köln, 1989).

Hlawitschka, Eduard. Vom Frankenreich zur Formierung der europäishen Staaten- und Völkergemeinschaft 840-1046: Ein Studienbuch. (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft: Darmstadt, 1986).

Steindorff. “Otto, Herzog von Sachsen”, in Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (1887), S. 723-725 [Onlinefassung].