Rorico, count of Rennes

Also known as Rorgon.

Count of Rennes

Count of Maine


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Death: 16 June 839 or 840.

Place of Death: unknown.

The date is given by Cawley. Le Jan (p. 445) gives 841.

Place of Burial: Anjou, l’Abbaye de Saint-Maur de Glanfeuil.

The place is given by Cawley.


Father: Gauzlin.

This relationship is given by Le Jan (p. 445).

Mother: Adeltrude.

This relationship is given by Le Jan (p. 445).

Spouse (?): Rotrude.

This relationship is given by Le Jan (p. 445).

Spouse: Bilechilde.

This relationship is given by Le Jan (p. 445).

Children (by Rotrude):

Louis (died 867), chancellor to Charles the Bald.

Children (by Bilechilde):

(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project. Most information below comes from Cawley.)

Rorico (died 866).

Gauzfrid (died 877).

Bichildis married Bernard, count of Poitiers.

a daughter married Rainulf I, count of Poitou.

Gozlin (died 16 April 886). Bishop of Paris.


Cawley, Charles. “Rorico” in Medieval Lands: A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families.

Le Jan, Régine. Famille et pouvoir dans le monde franc (VIIe - Xe siècle): essai d’anthropologie sociale (Publications de la Sorbonne, 1995).