George Rowles
Date of Birth: between 1571 and 1587.
Place of Birth: unknown.
The will of William Rowles records that his son George was under 16 in 1587.
Date of Death: 1637.
Place of Death: probably Haresfield, Gloucestershire.
George made his will 20 January 1636/7 and it was proved in 1637.
Father: William Rowles.
Mother: Margaret.
See the Commentary section.
Spouse: Alice Cowlston. Married 9 May 1610 in Haresfield.
The marriage is recorded in the parish register.
Spouse: Marlyn.
This relationship is recorded in George’s will.
(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)
Alice Rowles
John Rowles (baptized 5 May 1616 in Haresfield - died about 1673).
Anthony Rowles (baptized 24 October 1619 in Haresfield - buried 11 January 1680/1 in Haresfield)
Thomas Rowles (baptized 26 December 1624 in Haresfield)
William Rowles (buried 18 November 1685 in Haresfield)
from the Haresfield parish register:
Gorge Rowles and Alice Cowlston were married the ixth of Maye 1610
John Rowles the sonne of Gorge Rowles was bapt the 5 of may 1616
Anthoni Rowles the sonn of Gorge Rowles was bapt the 24 of october 1619
Thomas Rowes the sonn of Gorge Rowles was bapt the xxvj of december 1624
Alice the Wife of George Rowles was buried the 14th of November. [1634]
George’s will:
Testamentii Georgeij Rowles./
In the name of god Amen I George Rowles of Harsfeild in the Countie of Glouc husbandman being weake in bodie but of p[er]fect minde & memorie (thankes bee unto god, make & ordeine this my last will & testamt in maner & forme following. First I com[m]end my soule into the handes of Almightie god my Creator & of Jesus Christ my mercifull redeemer by whose meritts I trust to bee saued & my bodie to bee buried according to the rites of the Church of England in the Churchyard of the said Harsfeild. /Item/ I give unto my daughter Alice Fortie Poundes to bee paid unto her either at her day of marriage of wn shee shall accomplish the age of 21 yeares. & in the meane time, my will is that shee shall haue the use of it to helpe to maintaine her. Item I give unto her all her mothers (my First wiues) Apparell, & all the Linnen which is in a Coffer standing against the Soller Window (excepting on paire of sheetes which my sonne Anthonies Godmother gave him) Item I give unto her one Brasse Pan my best brasse Pott my best Bed & my biggest brasse Candlesticke Item I give unto my sonne John Twentie poundes to bee paid unto him within two yeares after my decease. Item I give unto my sonne Anthonie Twentie Poundes to bee paid unto him within three yeares after my decease. Item I give unto my sonne Thomas Twentie five poundes to bee paid unto him at the age of 21 yeares. /Item I give unto my wife Marlyn Rowles Twentie five Poundes. Item give unto my sonne William Rowles all the rest of my goodes Cattells & Chattels whatsoeuer whom I make & ordeine executor of this my last will & testament & I doo desire Robert Beard & Brian Gillman to bee ou[er]seers of this my will & testamt dated the 20th day of January. 1636.
Read & published in the presence of us.
Robert Bright.
George Miniott
the marke of Edward Beard.
the marke of George Rowles
[Proved 23 August 1637]
George’s parentage:
The 1587 will of William Rowles of Haresfield names his wife Margaret and son George. The 1604 will of Margaret’s second husband Reynold Rowles names “George Rolles my wifes sonne”.
Haresfield parish register. Digital images on accessed 18 December 2020.
Will of George Rowles. Proved 1588 in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Gloucester. Digital images on accessed 18 December 2020.
Will of Raynold Rolles. Proved 1605 in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Gloucester. Digital images on accessed 18 December 2020.
Will of William Rowles. Proved 1588 in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Gloucester. Digital images on accessed 18 December 2020.