Jacob Clarke


Date of Baptism: 25 February 1676/7.

Place of Baptism: Pickering, Yorkshire.

The baptism is recorded in the parish register.

Date of Death: unknown.

Place of Death: unknown.


Father: John Clarke.

Mother: Jane Lyon.

Jacob's father is recorded in his baptism record. Jane's first name is recorded in her burial record, and her full name in her marriage record.

Spouse: Alice Eccleston. Married 17 May 1705 in Ellerburn, Yorkshire.

The marriage is recorded in the bishop’s transcripts of the Ellerburn parish registers.


Ann Clarke (baptized 15 May 1705 in Ellerburn, Yorkshire) married William Maw 15 April 1729 in Wilton, Yorkshire.

Jane Clarke (baptized 25 April 1708 in Ellberburn)

William Clarke (baptized 19 March 1709/10 in Ellerburn).

Elizabeth Clarke (born and baptized 4 March 1715/16 in Ellerburn).


Jacob's baptism [Pickering parish register, 1676]

Jacob the Son of John Clarke, of Wilton was baptized - 25 of February

Jacob’s marriage from the bishop’s transcripts for Ellerburn:

Jacobus Clarke & Alicia Eccleston Nupti. Mai. 17 [1705]

Baptisms of Jacob’s children from the bishop’s transcripts for Ellerburn:

Anna fil: Jacob: Clarke de Wilton Maj. 15. [1705]

Jana fil Jacobi Clarke de Wilton Ap. 25 [1708]

Gulielmus fil: Jacobi Clarke. B. Mar. 19 [1709/10]

Elizabeth Daughter of Jacob Clark of Wilton born & bapt: March 4 [1715/16]

from the Wilton Rental for Lady Day 1724:

Jacob Clarke a house, Garth, a Close called the Butt Close at the East End of the Town, 4 Oxgangs of Land and odd Land taken out of the Oxgangs.  4 15 0

Idem for 15 acres in the Ings.   1 12 6

Jacob Clarke for Brough Paddocke and one Gate in Cottagers Carr. 18 0


Craven, Philip. “Wilton in the Eighteenth-Century” in Transactions (Scarborough Archaeological and Historical Society, number 26: 1988). 

Yorkshire parish registers and bishops' transcripts, digital images on Findmypast.co.uk accessed 23 February 2019.