Gonario II, judge of Torres

A biography of Gonario, written by an unknown author in Sardinian, relates that Gonario's father died while Gonario was a minor. Due to fears for his safety, Gonario was secreted away to Pisa, where he was brought up by Ugo "Ebriaco". When Gonario reached the age of seventeen, he was married to Ugo's daughter, and he returned to Sardinia, accompanied by Ugo and four Pisan galleys. To atone for the sins he had committed while consolidating his rule, Gonario went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem [in 1147]. On his return journey [in 1149], Gonario met and was impressed by Bernard of Clairvaux. [In 1154], leaving his kingdom to his eldest son Barisone, Gonario retired to the monastery of Clairvaux.


Date of Birth: about 1110-1115.

Ronzani gives his birth as “all’inizio del secondo decennio del secolo XII.” Saura notes that he was still a minor in 1127.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Death: probably between 1180 and 1190

Place of Death: probably the monastery of Clairvaux, where he had retired in 1154.

The date is given by Ronzani.

Place of Burial: Clairvaux.

The place is given by Ronzani.


Father: Costantino (I) di Lacon, judge of Torres.

This relationship is given by Ronzani and by Putzulu.

Mother: Marcusa di Gunale (or Maria de Thori).

Marcusa is given by Ronzani. Sanna argues for Maria de Thori.

Spouse: Maria, daughter of Ugo “Ebriaco”.

This relationship is given by Ronzani, by Ceccarelli Lemut, and by Sanna.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project. Most information below comes from Ronzani.)

Barisone II, judge of Torres, married Preziosa de Orrubu.

Pietro married a daughter of Costantino, judge of Cagliari.




Casula, Francesco. “Barisone di Torres” in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Volume 6 (1964).

Ceccarelli Lemut, Maria Luisa. "Tra Pisa, la Sardegna e l'Oriente: i da Parlascio o Ebriaci o Verchionesi (secoli XI-XIV)" in Quel mar che la terra inghirlanda: in ricordo di Marco Tangheroni volume 1 (Rome: 2007), pages 241-268.

Putzulu, Evandro. “Costantino di Torres” in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Volume 30 (1984).

Ronzani, Mauro. “Gonario di Torres” in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Volume 57 (2001).

Sanna, Mauro G. “La Cronotassi dei Giudici di Torres” in La civiltà giudicale in Sardegna nei secoli XI-XIII. Fonti e documenti scritti, (Atti del Convegno di Studi. Sassari-Usini 17-18 marzo 2001), Sassari 2002, pp. 97-113.

Sanna, Maur0 G. “Osservazioni cronotattiche e storiche su alcuni documenti relativi all’espansione cassinese nella diocesa di Ampurias fino alla metà del XII secolo” in Castelsardo: Novecento anni di storia (Rome, 2007).

Tola, D. Pasquale. "Gonnario II re di Torres" in Dizionario Biografico degli Uomini Illustri di Sardegna. (1838). [Vol. 2, pp. 144-148]

"Vita di Gonario, Guidice di Torres negli anni 1127-1153, da un'anonima Cronaca in lingua sarda della fine del XIII secolo" in La Sardegna Medievale nel Contesto Italiano e Mediterraneo (secc. XI-XV) Olivetta Schena and Sergio Tognetti, ed. (Milan: 2011).