Ermengol III “él de Barbastro”, count of Urgell


Date of Birth: June 1032.

Place of Birth: unknown.

The date is given by Sabaté Curull.

Date of Death: 1065.

Place of Death: Aragonese territory (killed in battle).

The date and place are given by Miret.

Place of Burial: Ager.

The place is given by Miret.


Father: Ermengol II “el Pelegrino”, count of Urgell.

This relationship is given by Monfar y Sors (pp. 321-322), by Sabaté Curull, by Salazar y Acha (p. 195), and by Aurell (1991, 1997).

Mother: Velasquita (Constanza).

This relationship is given by Monfar y Sors (pp. 321-322), by Sabaté Curull, by Salazar y Acha (p. 195), and by Aurell (1991).

Spouse: Adelaida.

This relationship is given by Monfar y Sors (p. 329), by Salazar y Acha (p. 195), and by Aurell (1991, 1997). Sabaté Curull and Salazar y Acha state that she was the daughter of Guillermo I de Besalú.

Spouse: Clemence de Bigorre.

This relationship is given by Monfar y Sors (p. 329), by Salazar y Acha (p. 195), and by Aurell (1991, 1997).

Spouse: Elvira

This relationship is given by Aurell (1991).

Spouse: Sancha de Aragón.

This relationship is given by Monfar y Sors (p. 329), by Salazar y Acha (p. 195), and by Aurell (1991, 1997).

Children (by Adelaida):

(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

Isabel (born about 1051 - died 1071) married (1) Sancho I, king of Aragón, married (2) Guillem Ramón, count of Cerdanya.

Ermengol IV “el de Gerb” (about 1052 - March 1092) married (1) Lucia; married (2) Azalaïs de Provence.

Children (by Clemence):

Raimundo (born about 1056).

Berenguer (born about 1058).

Guillermo (born about 1060).

Children (by Sancha):

Sancha (born about 1065) married Hug (II), count of Empúries.


Aurell i Cardona, Martí. “Jalons pour une enquête sur les strategies matrimoniales des comtes catalans (IXe-XIe s.)” in Symposium Internacional sobre els orígens de Catalunya (Segles VIII-IX): I (Volume 23 of Memorias de la Real Academia de Buenas Letras de Barcelona, 1991).

Aurell, Martin. “Du nouveau sur les comtesses catalanes (IXe-XIIe siècles)“ in Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale Année 1997 Volume 109 Numéro 219 pp. 357-380.

Miret i Sans, Joaquim. “La Casa condal de Urgell en Provenza” in Butlletí de la Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona (1904: Vol. 2: 9 Jan - March 1903) pp. 32-50.

Monfar y Sors, Diego. Historia de los Condes de Urgel. Tomo I (Barcelona 1853).

Sabaté Curull, Flocel. "Armengol III" in Diccionario Biográfico electrónico (Real Academia de la Historia).

Salazar y Acha, Jaime de. Las dinastías reales de España en la Edad Media. (Real Academia de la Historia, 2021).