Rikdag I, count


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Death: unknown.

Place of Death: unknown.

Rikdag is attested in 833 and 873.


Father: Rikbert I, count in 822.

This relationship is given by Blaschke.

Mother: unknown.

Spouse: Imhild.

This relationship is given by Ludat and by Blaschke.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

Adalger, count in Wisgau.

Friedrich I, count in Harzgau.

Rikburg, abbot of Lamspringe.


Blaschke, K. Wettiner I genealogical table in volume 9 of Lexikon des Mittelalters. Munich: LexMA-Verlag, 1980-1998.

Blaschke, K. "Wettiner" in volume 9 of Lexikon des Mittelalters. Munich: LexMA-Verlag, 1980-1998.

Ludat, Herbert. “Harzgrafen-Familie und Querfurter Geschlecht”, a genealogical table at the end of An Elbe und Oder: Skizzen zur Politik des Ottonenreiches und der slavischen Mächte in Mitteleuropa (Böhlau Verlag: Köln, 1971).

Rikdag I at www.manfred-hiebl.de.