Henry Wilcox alias Taylor


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Death: between 10 September and 7 November 1603.

Place of Death: probably Enville, Staffordshire.

The dates are when Henry’s will was made and when it was proved.


Father: John Wilcox alias Taylor.

See the Commentary section. 

Mother: unknown.

Spouse: Angel.

Henry names his wife Angel in his will. She names him in hers.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

John Wilcox alias Taylor married Elizabeth Coxe.

Joyce Wilcox (died between 24 August and 24 September 1622).

Elizabeth Wilcox 

Thomas Wilcox.

Henry Wilcox.

William Wilcox.


from the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions Rolls.

 (v. 1, p. 61):


Henry Wylcockes of ‘iiijor’ yeom.

(v. 1, p. 150):

[1586] Juror:

Henry Wylcockes of Quatuor Asshes yeom.

(v. 1, p. 218):

[1587] Juror:

Henry Wilcoxe of Fowre Ashres

Staffordshire Record Office   D(W)1735/2

Grant of a cottage, leasow or pasture and a meadow at Luttley, parish of Enfield (Enville) known as Luttley Wood


The ground of John Craven with Luttley Wood on the north, the land of Richard Whorwood, gent., on the south, the meadow of the said Henry called Poole Meadow on the east, and the land leading from Enville to Bridgnorth on the west.

Consideration: £1130


Florence Byllyngsley of Polesworth in co. Warwicks., widow, the late wife of William Byllyngsley, decd., and Edmund Byllyngsley of the Meyre, co. Staffs, gent., son of the said Florence and William;

Henry Wylcoxe of Lutley, yeoman

Dated 15 April 33 Eliz.

from the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions Rolls. (v. 3 p. 130):

No. 22. Presentment endorsed true bill.

Whereas in virtue of a warrant from Henry Griffith esq., late sheriff, John Berwicke bailiffe of Seisdon hundred distrained the lands of the inhabitants of the said hundred for fines levied upon them in the Bench, Henry Wilcockes otherwise Tayler late Envild yeom. and John Wilcockes late of the same yeom., made assault, affray and battery upon John Berwicke at Lutley, 15 Nov. 37 Eliz. [1595] and rescued the said distraint.

Addition: – Lynacre.

Staffordshire Record Office Q/SR/49/22

Indictment of Henry Willcockes alias Taylor, yeoman; John Wilcockes, yeoman; both lately of Envild (Enville)

January 1596

Charged with assaulting John Berwicke, sheriff's bailiff of Seisdon hundred who by virtue of a warrant distained on the lands of those inhabitants of the hundred for fines levied upon them by the bench.

True Bill

from “Enville” in the Victoria County History of Staffordshire v. 20:

The mill which belonged to Henry Wilcox of Lutley at his death in 1603 may have been the mill on Philley brook at Hay House (later Toys Farm); Wilcox’s property, which included land called Walkmill pool, lay in the area [citing Henry’s will and Salop R.O. 2089/ ADD, Lutley ct. of 30 Oct. 1610]. In 1638 John Toy of Lutley assigned a moiety of a mill at Hay House to his son Edward; it was then worked as a corn mill [citing H.W.R.O. (H.), E 12/F/P/3, deed of 30 June 1638.] By 1704 the other moiety was held by Henry Wollaston of Four Ashes Hall [citing S.R.O., D. 740/9/1].

Henry’s will:

In the name of god Amen the tenth Day of September in the yeare of our lorde god 1603 I Henrye Wilcox alis Taylor of Lutley in the parishe of Enfield in the Countie of Stafford/ Beinge sycke in body/ but whole & perfect in Remembrance prayse be geven to god therefore/ doe make & Declare this my last will & testament in maner & Forme folowing And First & Principally [...] & bequeth my soule unto into the mercifull handes of almightie god my maker Trustinge to be saved by the death & passion of Jesus Christ his sone my only saviour & Redemer & my body to be Buryed in Christian Buriall where it shall please almightie god I appoynt the same with such decent Funerall as shall seme good and Convenient to my executor & other of my good Frindes/ As consrnynge the Dysposeinge bequesting lymitinge & gevinge of all my worldly goodes and Cattelles which Almighty god hath geven & lent unto me / I geve & bequeth them in such maner & forme as hereafter shalbe lymeted And Apoynted/ I gyve & bequeth to Thomas Wilcox my Sonne Fortie shillings in money/ And to be payd unto him with in Fyve yeares next after my decesse/ Item I geve & bequeth to my Two Sonnes Henrye Wilcox & Wm Wilcox the some of Twentye poundes Equally to be devyded betwene them; to be payed unto them within Fyve yeares next after my dcesse/ Provided that yf it do Fortune Any of my Sonnes aforeseid to decesse before he be payed his legacie aforeseid Then my will & entent is that that parte or porcion of him so decessinge Shall Remayne Equally to be devyded Amongest the rest then lyvinge/ And yf all my seid Sonnes Dye before the payment/ Then Equally to be be devyded Betwene my Two Daughters Joyce Wilcox & Elizabeth Wilcox then lyvinge/ Item I geve & bequeth to my seid Two Daughters Joyce & Elizabeth Wilcox The Some of Three score powndes Equally to be devyded betwene them / And to be payed unto them/ within Fyve yeares next after my decesse/ And yf eyther of my seid Daughters doe dahppne to decesse before the payment aforeseyd Then her parte or porcion to her bequested / Shall Remayne to her other Syster then lyvinge/ and yf both aforeseyd daughters doe decesse before the payment aforeseyd then theire whole legacies unto them bequested by this my last will & Testament Shalbe Equally devyded Amongest my fore sones which shalbe then lyvinge/ Item I geve & bequeth to my daughter Joyce Wilcoxe afordseyd/ my Second Brasse pott beinge the second best  Item I geve & bequeth to Elizabeth Wilcox my aforesd daughter my second best Brasse panne/ Item I geve and bequeth unto John Wilcox my sonne & heyre/ my best Brassse pott & my best Brasse pane [...]to him/ Item I geve and bequeth unto  Angell my wyfe on Brasse pott which her mother gave unto her/ nowe as Consernyng all the rest of my moveable goods and Cattells unebequested I honestly brought whom/ my will And entent is/ And l[...] my last will & Testament I doe appoynt the same that Angell my wyfe Shall haue the use occupcon & profitts of the thirde parte [....] l & synguler my sd moveable goodes & Cattells whatsvers And unbequested as aforeseid And to haue & to hold the seid third p[...] [...]ing her naturall lyfe And keping her selfe sole & une maried And beinge [...]yde with my Sone & heyre [...several words unclear] my other Children aforesed at my nowe Dwellynge house/ In mane[...]ly so[...][several words unclear] hir by[...] And appoynte for the same/ or else otherwyse of laste to [several words unclear]wayes that my seid wyfe shal[...t] her decesse as before her mariage & yf she Fortune to marie [...] I Geve and bestowe all [...] seid third parte of [...oods] and Cattells before mencioned to such of her Children aforeseid as she shall thincke best of And as Consnynge all the rest of my moveable goods & Cattells unbequested and not lymeted before by this my last wyll & testament/ my will & entent and by this my last will & testament I doe apoynt the same that my Sonne & heyre John Wilcox aforeseid Shall have them to his owne proper use & behoffe as well towardes the dyschardginge & payinge of all such legaces aboue bequested/ As also to the dyschargdge & payment of all such debtts / which I shall Fortune to owe at the tyme of my decesse Furthermore beinge an Ayde And helpe with my sd wyfe his mother/ Towardes the kepinge of his Breatherne & Systers aforeseid And Fynnally my will And entent is and by this my last will & Testament I doe apoynt the same that my landes which I bought of Edmund Byllyngsley of the Mere/ Called Lutley Woodde Scytuat in Lutley aofreseyd/ Shall Reymayne [...] my seyd Sone & heyre John Wilcox & he dyschardgeinge & payinge as well all such legacies And bequests as I hue by this my last will & Testament geven & bequested/ as also to dyschardge & paye all such debtes as I shall Fortune two at the tyme of my decesse And that my seyd Sonne John Wilcox Shalbe Aydinge & helping with his seyd mother Towards the kepe & mayntaynynge of his seyd Brethren & Systers in such maner & Forme as is discrete And I doe Constitue apoynte & declare John Wilcox my seid Sonne & heyre my Sole exeutor of this my last will & testament And to performe the same accordinge to the pourport entent & true meanynge of the same/ In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hande & seale Even the day & yeare here in First aboue written/

These being witnes to this my last will & Testament

Humfrey Marten Curat of Bobyngton

Willm Beech

Thomas Kinges

with others

[Proved:...] Johanni Willcox Executori pro [...] Elizabeth Willcox Thomae Willcox. Henrici W[...] et Willimi Willcox liberorum natii dict defunct’ in minorem aetate existentim./

ob: Johes Willcox de Handsworth in Com’ Stafford ten’/.

[registered 7 November 1603]

The will of Henry’s daughter Joyce:

Memorandum that upon or aboute the Foure and twenteth day of August Anno dni 1622. Joice Wilcox of the Four ashes within the parish of Enveild in the County of Stafford Spinster beinge of sounde and perfecte memorie made hir last will nuncapative in manner and forme followinge  vizt: First she bequeathed hir soule to God and hir bodie to be buried in the parish Church of Enveild aforesaid ouer againste the seate where she kneeled. Item she did giue unto hir mother Angell Cox xxs. Item she did giue unto hir brother Wm Willcox Nyne pounds which he owst hir. Item she did giue unto hir sister Elizabeth Wilcox Fiue pounds. Item she did giue unto euerie one of hir brother John Wilcox his children One sheepe  Item she did giue unto the said John Wilcox his two sonnes two yards of newe flaxen cloth betwixt them. Item she did giue unto the two eldest daughters of the said John Wilcox all hir woolle.  Item she did giue unto one Magdalen sometimes a seruant unto the said John Wilcox hir best gowne. To Elizabeth Crosse a petticote and wascott which the said deceased then had on.  To hir sister in law Elizabeth Wilcox hir best petticote. To hir owne sister Elizabeth Wilcox hir brand petticote. To Joice daughter of Thomas ap Price hir pest paire of shooes. Item she did giue unto the poore of the parish of Enveild the use of xxs to be yearlie paid unto them for euer  Item she did giue unto the poorest of the parish of Enveild soe much money as hir said brother John Wilcox should in his discretion thnke fitt Item all the rest of hir goods moueable and unmouable whatsoeuer, hir debts and legacies first paid and the honestlie brought honid, she die giue and bequeathe unto the aforesaid John Wilcox her brother, and of this her will made him the said John hir full and sole Executor./

These beinge witnesses

Angell Cox &

Elizabeth Wilcox

An Inventory of all the goods Cattells Chattells moneyes & debtes of Joyce Wilcox late of Lutley in the parishe of Enveild & Countie of Staff: spinster late deceassed taken & prysed xxvth day of November in the Twentieth yeare of his ma’ties raigne of England an’o dni 1622 by Willim Wolrich  Edrde Gravenor & John Spittull as followeth ./

Imprimis 6 sheepe prysed at – xxs

Item woolle pryste at – xs

Item one brasse pott prysed at– xs

Item one Coffer prysed at — ij s

Item Lynen Cloth prysed at – xxs

Item regell prised at – xxxs

Item debtes oweinge by specialtie by Willm Wilcox – ix li

Item some parte of a porcon oweinge by John Wilcox – xxiiij li

Item all other thinges unnamed prysed at xviij d

Sum tot  – xxxvj li  xv s  ij d

Edrde Gravenor

Willm Wolrich

John Spittall

[registered 24 September 1622]


Henry’s parentage:

In his 1603 will, Henry gave his abode as Lutley in the parish of Enville. In the inventory of his 1558 will, John Wylcockis als Taylor’s residence was recorded as Lutley in the parish of Enville. In his will, John named his son Henry. It appears from the will that Henry was a son of John’s first wife, who is not named. Henry seems to have been underage, although he had several younger siblings.


Johnson, D.A. and N.J. Tringham. “Enville” in The Victoria County History of Staffordshire v. 20 (1984).

“The Staffordshire Quarter Session Rolls” v. 1-5 (S.A.H. Burne ed.) in Collections for a History of Staffordshire (Staffordshire Record Society (William Salt Archaeological Society), 3rd series, 1929-1940.

Will of Henry Wilcox alias Taylor of Enville. Proved 1606 in the Consistory Court of Lichfield and Coventry. Digital images in Findmypast.co.uk.

Will of John Wylcockys alias Taylor of Enville. Proved 1558 in the Consistory Court of Lichfield and Coventry. Digital images on Findmypast.co.uk.