Thomas Taylor


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Burial: 30 August 1572.

Place of Burial: Chaddesley Corbett, Worcestershire.

The burial is recorded in the parish register.


Father: Thomas Taylor.

Mother: Christian.

These parents are recorded in a court case from about 1532. Christian later married William Smyth.

Uncle: Roger Taylor.

Thomas mentions in his will that one Roger Taylor of London left him 6s 8d. This is the bequest that Roger Taylor, goldsmith of London, left to his brothers' and sisters' children (unnamed) in his 1556 (and 1559) PCC will. His will mentions Chaddesley Corbett. It also mentions his kinsman Richard More (now present with the Bishop of York), his kinsman Henry Burneford (who seems to have been a London goldsmith), his cousin Elizabeth Woodward, and his cousin Austin Askew. (See the Commentary section.)

Uncle: Sylvester Taylor.

Sylvester Taylor is named as a brother in the will of Roger Taylor.

Uncle: Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor is named as a brother in the will of Roger Taylor.

Brother: John Taylor.

Thomas mentions John in his will.

Spouse: Annes Cowper. Married 14 October 1550 in Chaddesley Corbett. 

The marriage is recorded in the parish register. Thomas names his wife in his will.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

Joan Taylor (baptized 24 March 1550/1 in Chaddesley Corbett - buried 16 April 1554 in Chaddesley Corbett)

John Taylor (buried 18 November 1603 in Chaddesley Corbett) married (1) Joan Hill married 9 November 1578 in Hartlebury, Worcestershire; married (2) Elizabeth Scott 3 November 1588 in Chaddesley Corbett.

Margaret Taylor

Sylvester Taylor (baptized 19 May 1560 in Chaddesley Corbett - buried 14 July 1605 in Chaddesley Corbett)

Thomas Taylor (buried 10 October 1561 in Chaddesley Corbett)

Thomas Taylor

Christian Taylor

Margery Taylor (baptized 25 November 1568 in Chaddesley Corbett)


from the National Archives catalogue:

Reference: C 1/680/48

Description: Short title: Taylor v Hunte.

Plaintiffs: Agnes, late the wife of John Taylor.

Defendants: William Hunte, `sythesmyth,' William Smyth and Christian, his wife, late the wife of Thomas Taylor.

Subject: Detention of deeds relating to copyhold and freehold messuages and land in Chaddesley Corbett, claimed on behalf of Thomas Taylor, son of the said Thomas and Christian.



2 documents


from the Chaddesley Corbett parish register:

1550 Weddynges

Thomis taylor & annis Cowper october xiiijth

1550 Cristenings

Joane Taylor da: of Thom:s  march xxiiijth

1554 Buryings

Joane Taylor da: of Thom:s  aprill xvith

1560 Cristenings

Seluester Taylor son of Thomas may xixth

1561 Buryings

Thom:s Taylor son of Thom:s october xth

1568 Cristenings

Margerie Taylor da: of Thomas nove[m]ber xxvth

1572 Buryings

Thomas Taylor of Winterfold august xxxth

from the Calendar of Patent Rolls (2 Elizabeth, 1560):

12 April.

Grant in fee simple, for 595l. 11s. 4d. paid at the Exchequer to Roger Alford, a teller there, to Giles Perker and Brian Perker of London of the reversions and rents of lands etc. (tenants named) comprised in leases for 21 years by patents of the Court of Augmentations, with reservations, as follows, --

(i) 3 April, 7 Edw. VI to Thomas Taylour inter alia of lands (named), some parcel of Cliderowe Howse Place, in Cliderowe, co. Lancaster, later of the monastery of Whalley, co. Lancaster, from Michaelmas then next at a yearly rent of 6l. 2s. 6d. (detailed).

(ii) 3 April, 7 Edw. VI, to Henry Burneford of lands in Cliderowe, late of the monastery of Whalley, co. Lancaster, from Michaelmas then next at a yearly rent of 6l. 2s. 8d. (detailed).

Thomas’s will:

In the name of god amen ao d’ni 1572 I Thomas Taylor of the pareshe of Chadsley within the Dioces of Worcestr sicke in my bodye, but god be praysed, of perfect remembrance do make my testament and laste wyll in man[ner] & forme folowyng First I bequethe my soule into the handes of almyghte god & my bodye to the earthe Itm I geve & bequethe unto my eldest sonne John my greatest brasse potte my best brasse chafyng dyshe my Iron bounde wayne my tumbrell with yokes, towes, chaynes, plowes, harroews & all & any suche tooles & instruments as I have belonging to husbandrye, And also my will is that Annes my daughter wife shall have the use occupacon & profyte of all my landes as well free landes as copie landes from & after my decesse unto thend & terme of sixe yeares next ensuying after my decse Further I will that my sonne John shall contynewe & remayne with hys mother sixe yeares after my death And also my will is that Annes my wife shall have the profyte & comodytye of my sayd sonne John hys worke together with the profits of my landes as is aforesayd in consideracon of the well bryngyng up & mayntenance of the rest of my children And in the ende of the aforesaid sixe yeares I geve & will that my sayd sonne John shall have aswell all suche landes as of right he ought to have by discent & by the lawes of this realme as also one copie I lent to Sylvester Taylor late decessed, And where one Roger Taylor of London now decessed gave unto me by his laste will vi s viij d which is yet unpayd my will ys that Margerye my yongest daughter shall have the say vj s viij d The rest of all my goodes & cattels unbequeathed I geve & bequethe to my childerne Margarert, Silvester Thomas Crystyan & Margerye to be equally devided amongest them at the discrecon of Thoms Hunt John Taylor my brother & Robert Cowper And if Annes my wife shall happen to marye then my will ys that she shall put suretye or bondes into the handes of Thomas Hunt or John Taylor my brother for the deyverye & payment of the aforesayd goodes unto my sayd childerne when they shall come to the age of xxi yeares Furthermore I will that Annes my wife shall dyscharge & paye all my dettes that I owe in consyderacon of my giftes and bequestes to her above geven And finally I make ordeyne & constitute Annes my wife & John my eldest sonne my lawfull executors And Thomas Hunt John Taylor Robert Cowper oversears to see this my laste will & testament fulfilled These beyng witnesses Willm Norres John Taylor Richard Wakeman Walter Broke John Hunt with others

[Proved 15 January 1572]

The will of Roger Taylor

In the name of god amen The xxvjth daye of October in the yere of oure lorde god a thousand fyve hundrethe fyftie and sixe and in the thirde and fourthe yeres of the Reignes of oure souereigne lorde and ladye Phillipp and Mary by the grace of god kinge and Quene of Englande Spayne Fraunce bothe Cicills Jherusalem and Ireland defenders of the Faythe archdukes of Austriche duke of myllan Burgundye and Brabante Counties of Haspurge Flannders and Tyroll. I Roger Taylor Citizen and Goldsmythe of London beinge Sicke in bodye and in good and p[er]fitt mynde and memorye laude and prayse be unto almightie god make and ordeyne this my p[rese]nte Testament and laste will in manner and Fourme followinge that is to saye fyrste and principallye I commende my sowle to almightie Jhu my maker and Redemer in whom and by the merites of whose blessed passyon as my truste of clere Remyssyon and forgyuenes of my synnes And my bodye to be buryed in xren Buryall in suche place as it shall please almightie god to provyde and ordeyne for me  Item I will that all suche debts and dueties as I owe of Righte or of conscience to any p[er]son or p[er]sons be well and trulie contented and payed by my executors hereafter named or ells ordayned for so to be payed w’t’oute delaye or contradiction And after my debts payed and my funerall expences p[er]formed I will that all my goodes Cattalls and debts shalbe devyded into three p[ar]tes wherof I will that Jone my wife shall haue one egall p[ar]te to her owne proper use in the name of her purparte and reasonable p[ar]te to her belongynge after the laudable custome of the Citie of london and the seconde egall p[ar]te of all my sayde goodes cattalls and debts I geue and bequeth unto Thomas Tayllor my sonne Mary Taylor Margaret Taylor and Alice Tayllor my doughters equallye amonge theym to be devyded and to be delyuered unto theym when he she or they shall accomplishe and come to his her or their lawfull age of xxj yeres or ells be maryed And if it shall fortune anye of my sayed foure children to decese or dep[ar]te this mortall worlde before they accomplishe and come to their sayde laufull ages and before that tyme be not maried that then I bequeth his p[ar]te or her p[ar]te of theym so deceased to theother of theym then Survivinge and to be delyuered to her hym or them so Survivinge when they shall accomplishe and come to their sayed lawfull ages or ells be maryed and if it shall fortune all my sayde children to decease or dep[ar]te this p[rese]nte worlde before they accomplishe there full ages and before that tyme not maryed and the sayde Johan my wife then lyvinge Then I will gyue and bequethe all my sayde childrens p[ar]tes to my sayde wife to her owne use and the thirde egall p[ar]te of all my goodes cattalls and debts I reserue to my self and to my executrixe therew’t’ to p[er]forme my legacyes and bequests hereafter sp[ec]ified That is to saye First I geue and bequeth to Roberte Wilkinson Tayllor and his wife xls Item I geue and bequethe unto the Mr Wardens Fellowshipp of Goldsmythes of the Citie of London for a dynner to be had for theym the morowe after my Buryall v li Item I forgeue Remytte and relesse to Silvester Tayllor my brother all suche debts and duties as he owethe me And I geue and bequethe tot he same Silvester an honest doblett an honest Jackett and an honeste Sherte and v marks in money Item I geue and bequethe unto Ellizabethe Tayllor my brother doughter xiijs iiij d And I geue to Margery Taylor her Sister xls Item I geue and bequethe to all other my brother and Sisters children vjs viijd a pece of theym and to everye of my god children that maye be knowen xijd Item I geue and bequethe to my brother Silvester wife xs Item I geue and bequethe to the rep[ar]ations of the body of the p[ar]ishe churche of Chadesley in the countye of Worcest’r where I was borne xxs Item I geue and bequethe to Silvester Glassepp’ the Quenes mats porter xs Item I geue and bequethe unto my cosen Elizabethe Woodward vjs viijd Item I geue and bequethe unto the sayed Thomas Tayllor my Sonne my sylu’r pursse my sylu’r dagger my best harnesse my best Pollax and my swerde my Battell axe and my Rynge w’t’ my name graven in it which I use to were Item I geue unto John Longe a black gowne Item I geue unto Mr John Melsham my beste doblett Item I geue unto Cuttberte Hoope my litle Hoope Ringe of golde  Item I geue unto Thomasin Tayllor my Sonnes daughter xxs Item I remytt and relesse unto John Crowcher all suche money as he owethe unto me and I geue unto the same John my wood knyffe with a Sawe  Item I geue unto Thomas Smythe Tayllor xs Item I geue unto Rycharde Everingham Cowp[er] xs Item I geue and bequethe unto the rep[ar]ation and amendynge of the hiegh waye afore my house in Barnett xls Item I geue and bequethe unto Andrian Burton a blacke gowne Item I geue and bequethe unto every one of my tenants enhabitinge in Thalley nexte adioyninge unto my dwellinge house xijd a pece of theym Item I will that my executrixe hereafter named on the daye of my buryall shall cause xls in money to be delte and distributed to and amonge poore people enhabitinge within the p[ar]ishe of St Buttolphes without Aldersgate in London and also dispose as muche bread and ale as shall amounte unto other xxs Item I geue and bequeth unto Henrye Burneford my kynsman vli Item I geue and bequethe unto Frauncs my apprentyce xls to be payed unto hym at suche tyme as his yeres of apprentished shalbe expired Item I geue and bequethe unto Roberte Shymyngs my apprentyce xxs to be payde to hym at suche tyme as his yeres of apprentyshed shalbe expired and I geue to euery one of my mayden servants beinge in service with me at my tyme of dethe vjs viijd Item I geue and bequethe unto Richard More my kynsman nowe present with the Bishopp of Yorke xs Item I geue and bequeth unto Thomas Denton wich some tyme was my apprentyce xx s and a black gowne Item I geue and bequethe to John Burneford and Margery his wife xiij s iiijd That is to say eyther of theym vjs viijd Item I geue and bequethe unto John Yoman late my apprentice xs Item I geue and bequethe unto the sayde Johan my wife and the sayed Thomas my sonne all suche Intereste title possession and terme of yeres as I haue yett to come of and in the p[ar]sonage of St Butholphe without Aldersgate of london To haue and to holde to the sayde Johan and Thomas their executours and assignes equallye betwene theym from the daie and tyme of the decease of me the sayed Roger duringe all suche and as many yeres as shalbe then to come So alwayes the sayed Thomas or his assignes shall take the paynes to collecte and gather the proffitts therof Item I geue and bequethe to the ij hospitalls of Christe churche and St Thomas Spitell in Sowthwarke xls That is to saye to ether of theym xxs Item I geue and bequethe unto the sayed Johan my wife my best Cupp with the cover all gylte my best Salte my beste neste of Gobletts and Sixe of my best Spones and I geue and bequethe unto the sayde Johan my wif all that my lease Righte Intereste title possession and terme of yeres that I the sayde Roger haue shuld or ought to haue yet to come of in and to all that messuage or tenemente with thappurt’nces wherin I nowe dwell in the p[ar]ishe of St Butholphes aforesaid To haue and to holde the sayed Lease and ten’te withall and sing’ler thapp’rt’nces to the sayed Johan her executours and assignes duringe all suche and so manye yeres as shalbe to come in my sayde lease at the tyme of my decease  Item I geue to the sayed Roberte Wilkynson the mazer and sixe spones wich he layed to gage to me And as Touchinge the disposic’on of all suche landes and ten’tes as I haue within the Citie of london and the Subberbes of the same and ells where my mynde and will is that the same shalbe devyded in manner and forme followinge that is to saye Furste I geue and bequeth unto the sayed Johan my wif all that tenement with thapp’r’tences wherin                    Dawderne nowe inhabitethe sett and beinge in the p[ar]ishe of Southmymes in the Countye of Midd’ To haue and to holde the sayde Tenemente with thapp’r’tences to teh sayde Johan her heyres and assignes to her proper use and behofe of the same Johan her heyres and assignes for ever  Item I geue and bequethe unto the sayde Johan my wif all that my ten’te with thapp’r’tences in the tenure or holdinge of            Kellett sett and beinge in the sayed p[ar]ishe of Southmymes To haue and to holde the sayde ten’te withall and sing’ler thapp’r’tences to the sayde Johan and her assignes duringe the naturall lyfe of the same Johan  The remaynder therof after the deathe of my sayde wife to the sayde Alice Tayllor my doughter and to the heyres and assignes of the same Alice for euer. Item I geue and bequeth unto the sayde Thomas Tayllor my Sonne all those my two messuages or ten’tes with thapp’r’tences wich I lately p[ur]chased and boughte of my brother Roberte Tayllor and Margery his wife sett lyeing and beinge in the sayed p[ar]ishe of St Buttholphe and nowe in the seuerall tenures of Mr Marwoode and Mr Dodds and all that my ten’te with thapp’r’tences wherin he the sayded Thomas nowe dwellethe To haue and to holde the sayed thre messuages or ten’ts with all and sing’ler there app’r’tences to the sayed Thomas Tayllor his heyres and assignes for ever  Item my mynde and will is that if one John Greffithe do mary and take to wif my sayed daughter Margarett Tayllor after the lawes of holy churche and also accordinge to his faithfull promes made unto me do make or cause to be made unto the same Margaret a Joynter or dowrye of tenne poundes of lawfull money of Englande by the yere duringe her naturall lyfe as by her lerned Counsell in the lawe shalbe advised or devised That then the sayde Margarett ymmediatlye after the makinge of the sayde Joynter or dower shall haue holde possesse and enjoye to her her [sic] heires and assignes for euer all that my mesuage or ten’te with thapp’r’tences called the Tabberd sett and beinge in the p[ar]ishe of Barnett in the Countie of Hertf’ and in case the sayed John Griffithe dothe do defaulte in makinge of the sayed Joynture that then I will and bequethe and geue the saye Tenemente called the Tabberd withe all and sing’ler the app’r’tences to the sayed Johan and her assignes duringe the naturall life of the sayed Johan The Remaynder therof after the deathe of the sayed Johan my wif to the sayed Margaret my daughter her heyres and assignes for ever Item I geue and bequeth unto the sayed Johan my wife all other my messuags landes ten’ts and hereditaments with all and sing’ler thapp’r’tences sett lyeinge and beinge in the p[ar]ishe of St Buttholphe withoute Aldersgate of london and in the p[ar]ishe Towne and feldes of Barnett in the Countie of Hertforde and Midd’ and ells where To haue and to holde all my sayde other messuages landes ten’ts and hereditaments with their app’r’tences to the sayed Johan my wiffe and her assignes duringe the naturall life of the same. Johan. The Remaynder therof after the decesse of the sayed Johan to the sayed Thomas Taylor my Sonne his heires and assignes for ever Item I geue and bequeth to Ellizabeth Tayllor my Sonnes wif xxs And I geue to Mary Wilkynson and Johan Wilkenson xiijs iiid to eyther of theym vjs viijd The residue of my p[ar]te and porc’on of all my sayde goodes Cattalls and debts after that this my p’nte’ Testamente shalbe p[er]formed and fulfilled I holly geue and bequeth unto the sayde Johan my wife and to my children equally amongeste theym to be devyded the wich Johan I make and ordeyne my sole executrice and of the execuc’on of the same I make and ordeyne the sayde John Melsham and Will’m Denham Citizen and goldsmythe of London my overseers desyringe theym to be helpinge aydinge and assistinge unto my sayde executrixe and I geue unto the sayde John Melsham for his paynes herein to be taken xls and I geue unto the sayde Will’m Denham iij li vj s viij d and I utterlye revoke and ren’ce all and every other former Testaments willes legacyes bequests executours and overseers by me before this tyme in any wise made named willed and bequethed and I will that this my present testamente and laste will togethere withall legacyes bequests executrice and ouerseers by me herein made named willed and bequested and none other nor otherwise In wytnes wherof I the sayde Roger Tayllor to this my p’nte testamente and laste will haue setto my hande and Seale heaven the daies and yeres aboue written Thes beinge witnes of the same Sealed and subscribed in the p’nce of us John Longe Richard Everingham Roberte Crippe’ Edward Hewett Anthony Bonde and Thomas Smyth./

Bequestes made synce the makynge of the sayde will viz the xxviijth daye of December ao 1556./

I Bequethe unto my Brother Roberte Wilkynson my gowne welted with Tany vellvett I do forgeue my cozyn Austen Askue of the money that he oweth me wich is vij li   iij li  Item I do forgeue Calderne my tenante of the money that he oweth me vjs viijd Item I bequethe unto my sonne Thomas Taylor my best nighte gowne my best cloke a doblett my capp’ and my broche on it and a goblett with sixe spones I bequethe unto my Sister Wilkinson my workdaye Cloke I bequeth unto Henry Burneforde my servaunte a gowne I bequethe unto John Crocher my furred Jackett I do forgeue Henry Powell of the money he oweth me xs I do forgeue Mounford xs of that he oweth me I do bequethe unto Francs my servante a doblett and a payre of hose to be geuen unto hym when his yeres of Apprentishoode shalbe expired Item I do forgeue Middleton vs I do forgeue Olyver Somtyme my Servante iiijs that he oweth me./.

[proved 5 December 1559 by Thomas, Joan having died]


I haven’t yet tracked down how Roger Taylor’s kinsmen Henry Burnford and Richard More relate to the Taylor family. However, the 1557 will of Simon More of Chaddesley Corbett provides more evidence. It mentions his brother Richard More and his executors Sylvester Taylor and Sylvester Burnford.


Parish register of Chaddesley Corbett. Digital images on accessed 28 July 2018.

Will of Ann Taylor of Winterfold in Chaddesley Corbett. Proved in the Worcester Consistory Court 5 October 1602. Digital images on accessed 27 July 2018.

Will of Roger Taylor, goldsmith of London. Proved 1556 (and 1559) in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Digital images on accessed 30 July 2018.

Will of Simon More of Chaddesley Corbett. Proved 1557 in the Worcester Consistory Court. Digital images on accessed 30 July 2018.

Will of Sylvester Taylor of Belinton, Chaddesley Corbett. Proved 1572 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.

Will of Thomas Taylor. Proved 1572 in the Worcester Consistory Court. Digital images on, accessed 29 July 2018.