Richard Hanbury


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Death: unknown.

Place of Death: unknown.


Father: Richard Hanbury.

Mother: unknown.

See the Commentary section below. 

Spouse: Catherine Smith.

This relationship is given in the 1569 Visitation of Worcestershire (p. 67).

Spouse: Margery Tynter.

This relationship is given in the 1569 Visitation of Worcestershire (p. 67). Possibly the name should read "Tynker". There was a Tynker family in Hartlebury in the era.

Children (by Catherine):

(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

Richard Hanbury married a daughter of Philip Bassett. Richard lived in Elmley Lovett, Worcestershire.

Children (by Margery):

Henry Hanbury (buried 2 May 1569 in Hartlebury, Worcestershire) married Bridget Webb.

John Hanbury (buried 13 April 1559 in Elmley Lovett) married Diones.

Thomas Hanbury (died November 1565). Thomas was vicar of Catheridge, Worcestershire.


Here is the evidence that Locke associates with the Richard Hanbury of this page:

A 1457 settlement by Thomas Watford, vicar of Feckenham, and Thomas Gilbert, of one messuage, with an adjacent croft, in Blickley, within the manor of Hanbury, on a certain John Coland. Richard Hanbury was a witness.

A 1465 feoffment, in which Thomas son of Henry Wybb of Droitwich settled on trustees, including the aforementioned John Coland, all his lands in Feckenham and Tardebigg. Thomas Wybb appoints Richard Hanbury his attorney to deliver his lands to John Coland etc.

A 1474 feoffment by John Jones etc. to Thomas Ball of a messuage in Feckenham. Richard Hanbury was a witness.

A 1481 feoffment by a certain Denys to Thomas atte Yate of a piece of land in Feckenham. Richard Hanbury was a witness.

The 1565 will of Thomas Hanbury, vicar of Codridge is torn and missing parts. It contains this sentence:

And also I gyve and bequeth to [...] hanburye my brother my fetherbedde and after hys decesse to burge hys wyffe and [...] the decesse of brige’ to Thomas her sonne and after the decesse of Thomas to M[ar]gery h[...] and also I gyve to the said M[ar]gery my pyllowes beare.


On Richard’s father:

Locke (p. 115) notes that most copies of the Visitation give Richard’s father as John, but Harleian MS. 1043, fol. 50b gives him as Richard. Locke prefers the latter for chronological reasons. 

Bortrick gives Richard’s father as  “John Hanbury of Feckenham, where he had a quarter of a knight’s fee, living 1440 - 1505,” but does not cite any evidence.

Two court cases show that Locke is correct. The first is cited by Locke (p.118):

John Hanbury, eldest son of Richard Hanbury (III.), appears on the Court Rolls of the manor of Feckenham on 13 May, 1562, as releasing to Nicholas Homan and his heirs a messuage and tenement called ‘Bewkis’ with all lands, meadows, etc., attached. (citing Court R., Feckenham, Shire Hall, Worc.)

The Richard Hanbury numbered by Locke ‘(III)’ is the son of Richard Hanbury and Catherine Smith.

A prior case not cited by Locke appears in the National Archives catalogue (C 1/1434/6-7):


Short title: Hanbury v Hewman.

Plaintiffs: Richard HANBURY.

Defendants: Michael HEWMAN.

Subject: Tenement in Feckenham, late of Richard Hanbury, grandfather of complainant. Worcestershire.

This case clearly shows that the grandfather of Richard Hanbury “III”, and thus the father of the Richard Hanbury of this page, was named Richard.


Bortrick, William. “Sudeley” in Burke’s Peerage (online, “Featured Families”), accessed 26 January 2021.

Locke, A. Audrey. The Hanbury Family. (London, 1916). 2 vols.

The Visitation of the County of Worcester made in the year 1569  (Harleian Society, 1886).

Will of Thomas Hanbury. Proved 1565 in the Consistory Court of Worcester. Digital images on FamilySearch.