Thomas Pigott


Date of Birth: about 1485.

Place of Birth: unknown.

In his father's 1535 inquisition post mortem, Thomas is stated to be then 50 years of age (Earwaker 2:255). The round number often implies an approximation in these cases.

Date of Death: 20 February 1549.

Place of Death: unknown (probably Chetwynd, Shropshire).

Thomas made his will 15 September 1546 and it was proved 16 May 1549. The date of Thomas's death is given in his inquisition post mortem (Earwaker 2:255).


Father: Robert Pigott.

Mother: Mary Blount.

This relationship is given in The Journal of the British Archaeological Association Vol. XXIV (p. 203 fn). It is corroborated by evidence from wills and inquisitions post mortem, and inscriptions and stained glass formerly in the church at Stoddesdon, Shropshire.

Spouse: Elizabeth (or Isabella) Oneley.

This relationship is given in the 1623 Visitation (p. 401) and the 1564 Visitation of Northamptonshire (p. 38). It is corroborated by information in the wills Elizabeth and Thomas.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project. Elizabeth comes from the Corbet pedigree in the Visitation.)

Ann Pigott (died after 1554) married (1) Richard Salter; married (2) John Yonge.

Robert Pigott (born about 1527 - died about 1584) married Elizabeth Gatacre.

Mary Pigott married ? Wheeler.

Richard Pigott

John Pigott (died 1580). Parson of Norbury, Staffordshire.

Katherine Pigott

Dorothy Pigott

Elizabeth Pigott married Peter Corbet. 


Thomas’s will:

Proved 16 May 1549

Dated 15 September 1546


In the name of god amen the xv Day of September In the yere of oure lorde a thowsand fyve hundryth fortye & syxe & in the yere of the reigne of our souayne lorde henry the eyght by the grace of god England France & Ireland kynge deffender of the faythe & in the erth of the churche of England & also of Scotland the supreme hedd / I Thomas Pygot of Chetwynd in the counte of Salop Esquyer callynge to my Rembrance & knowynge p[er]fytlye that Deathe ys certayne & the howre of daythe uncertayne Therfore wythe a hole & p[er]fect mynde laude & prayse be to Almyghtye god my Creator & maker. do ordayne & make thys my testament & last wyll in man[er] & Forme as hereafter Ensuythe That ys to wytt Fyrste & princypally before all thyngs I frelye geve & bequethe my sole unto almyghtye god to our blessed ladye Sent Marye mother of to our sauyor Jsu Cryste & to all the Saynts & companye in heyven & my bodye to the Earthe from whense yt cam[e] to be buryed in the Chauncell of the p[ar]yshe churche of Chetwynd nyghe unto the place wher the bodye of my mother in lawe Jane Pygot lythe/ And also I geve to the mother Chourche of lychfyld toward the Reparcyons tobe pyde for vjs viijd / & to the Cathedrall Churche of Harforde in lyke man[er] vs/ and also I geve to the hyghe alter in the p[ar]yshe churche of Sent Margetts in Chetwyn ij payre of laten Candelstyks & taper of a pownde a pece to burne before the blessyde Sacrament Also I gyve to the same Church a blue vestment a masse boke and a antyssinar tobe pyed For Also I gyve to the p[ar]yshe Churche of newporte ij tapers of ij ponds wyeght to burne upon the hyghe auter in the honer of the blessyd Sacrament & lykewyse to Egemunde & Forton Churches/ Also I wyll that my thre sonnes Thomas Richard and John shall have yerly durynge ther lyuves every one of them xxvjs viijd of my lands in Chesshyr of the whyche the haue lyncryer[?] & Seafford at these p[re]sent daye And I wyll also that my youngest sone John shall hauve owte of my lands in Chesshyre xxvjs viijd yerlye duryng hys lyfe Also I bequeth out of my hole lands toward the maryage of my thre doughters Marye Katheren & Dorythee vjli xiijs iiijd yerlye for the space of x yers after my decesse / To all wyche the forsede payments I lynde Elsbeth my wyff by this my testament & last wyll and she survyue me/ And haue the state of the hole lands duerynge hyr lyf as my wyll ys she shall haue/ yff she haue not then she tobe deschargyd of the same payments And all other my goods moveable & unmovable in the world I donde them & ther I leve them/ And wyll that the shalbe devyded in ij p[ar]ts that ys to saye the fyrst p[ar]te to brynge me the the Earthe & to paye my detts/ And the Second p[ar]te to Elsabell my wyfe as she shall thynke beste for the helthe of my Sole & all Chrysten souls And I make the same Elsibell my wyfe my Sole Executrixe of thes my testement & last wyll / And Rychard cotton Esquier Comptroler of the princys graces howsholde George varnay Esquyer Mayster Rychard benson Residensarye of the Cathedrall Churche of herford And John yonge Gentleman my ouerseers to see that this my testament and last wyll be p[er]formed In wytness weherof to this my testament and laste wyll I have put to my hande And Seale In the p[re]sence off Wyllm brantwayt Clerke & p[ar]son of forton hughe Renolds p[re]ste Curate of Chetwyn Thomas Vernard Thomas Pygyn wytnesses to the p[rp]messes desyryd and also Requered geven the daye monethe & yere above wrytten/ by me Thomas Pygott

The Iventorye of all & syngler the goodes Cattelis of Thomas Pygott Esquyer late of Chetwynd in the conte of Sallope dessecyd preysed the fyfften daye of Marche in the thryd yere of the Reygne of our Souerayne lorde Edwarde the Syxte by the grace of god kynge of Englande France and Irelande defender of the faythe & of the Churche of Englande & also of Irelande in eyrthe the supreame hedde by Thomas Salter Renolde Horner Roger Perkyns John Yong

Fyrst in Redy money & plate - vj li

Itm in bydding - v li

Itm in Lynnens - xl s

Itm pewter brasse & maslyn - iij li

Itm all other Implements of hossehold - xl s

Itm his a p[ar]yll - iij li

Itm xij oxen pryce - xiij li vj s viij d

Itm xij kyne & a bull - xj li

Itm xij yong bests of all sorts - vj li

Itm iij geldengs & iij mares - vj li

Itm xxxij shepe pryce - xx li

Itm Corne in the barne of all maner [...] estamacyon [...][...][...] vij li

Itm Corne in the fylde by Estamacyon -- v li

Itm waynes plowes & harros & all that belongs ther to -- xxvj s viij s

Itm swyne of all sorts xx li xxxs

Itm one bevye of swans xs

Itm capons hens gesse and pecoks - vjs viijd

Sum tolis xxiiij xiij li /

from Blakeway (p. 123, fn):

In the neighbouring [to Chetwynd] Church of Stoddesdon were formerly painted on glass the arms of Pigott single, with the inscription "Orate pro bono statu Thome Pigott & Isabel uxoris:" and another shield quarterly, 1, Pigott, 2, Chetwynd, 3, Peshall, 4, 2 lions rampant in pale, impaling Blount and Cornwall quarterly.


Blakeway, Rev. J.B. “Notes on Kinlet” (Mrs Baldwin-Childe, ed.) in Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (3rd series, Vol. VIII, 1908), pp. 83 - 150.

Earwaker, J.P. East Cheshire Past and Present. (1880).

The Journal of the British Archaeological Association Vol. XXIV (1867).

The Visitation of Shropshire, 1623. Paul Grazebrook and John Paul Rylands, eds. (London, 1889).

Will of John Piggott, clerk, parson of Norbury. Proved 1580 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.

Will of Isabella Pygot of Chetwynd. Proved 1554 in the Consistory Court of Lichfield and Coventry.

Will of Thomas Pygot of Chetwynd. Proved 1549 in the Consistory Court of Lichfield and Coventry.