Sancho Garcés III “el Mayor”, king of Navarre


Date of Birth: 991 or 992.

Place of Birth: unknown.

The estimated date is given by Ubieto Arteta (p. 34).

Date of Death: 18 October 1035.

The date is given by Martín Duque (p. 340) and by Ubieto Arteta (1991, p. 41).


Father: García Sánchez II, king of Navarre.

This relationship is given by Martínez Díez (p. 38 ff), by Salazar y Acha (p. 96), and by Besga Marroquín

Mother: Jimena Fernández.

This relationship is given by Martínez Díez (p. 38 ff), by Salazar y Acha (p. 96), and by Besga Marroquín.

Spouse: Muniadonna (Mayor) de Castilla.

This relationship is given by Martínez Díez (p. 14), by Salazar y Acha (p. 97), and by Besga Marroquín.

Partner: Sancha de Aibar.

This relationship is given by Ubieto Arteta (1987, p. 57), by Salazar y Acha (p. 97), and by Besga Marroquín (n. 51).

Children (by Munia):

Mayor (about 1014 - after 1037) married Ponce III, count of Toulouse.

García V “él de Nájera” (born about 916 - died 1 September 1054), king of Navarre, married Estefanía.

Ramiro (born about 917 - died young).

Fernando I “el Magno” (died 27 December 1065), king of Castile, married Sancha de León.

Gonzalo (born about 1019 - assassinated 26 June 1045), king of Ribagorza and Sobrarbe.

Jimena (born about 1020 - died 23 November, after 1062) married Vermudo III, king of Léon.

Children (by Sancha):

Ramiro I (died 8 May 1063), king of Aragón, married (1) Gerberge de Foix; married (2) Agnès d’Aquitaine.


Besga Marroquín, Armando. "Sancho III el Mayor. Un rey pamplonés e hispano" in Historia 16 ( año XXVII, no. 327). [online version]

Leroy, B. Navarra genealogical table in volume 9 of Lexikon des Mittelalters. Munich: LexMA-Verlag, 1980-1998.

Martín Duque, Ángel. Sancho III el Mayor de Pamplona. El rey y su reino (1004-1035), (Gobierno de Navarra, 2007).

Martín Duque, Ángel. "Sancho III Garcés" in Diccionario Biográfico electrónico (Real Academia de la Historia).

Martínez Díez, Gonzalo. Sancho III el Mayor: rey de Pamplona, Rex Ibericus. (Madrid: 2007).

Salazar y Acha, Jaime de. Las dinastías reales de España en la Edad Media. (Real Academia de la Historia, 2021).

Ubieto Arteta, Antonio. Historia de Aragón: creación y desarrollo de la corona de Aragón (Zaragoza:1987).

Ubieto Arteta, Antonio. Orígenes de los reinos de Castilla y Aragón, (Zaragoza, 1991).

Online Biographies

Sancho III Garcés (Diccionario Biográfico electrónico; Real Academia de la Historia)