John Ramsey

John Ramsey was of Edenbridge in Kent (Cooke, p. 68).


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Death: about 1524.

Place of Death: unknown.

This is the date of John's will.


Father: unknown.

The will of a William Ramsey of Edenbridge, 1497, is listed in the probate act book, but I haven't tracked it down.

Mother: unknown.

Spouse: unknown. She was alive in 1545.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

William Ramsey (died between 24 June and 13 July 1545) married Anne.

Joan Ramsey married (1) unknown Newman; married (2) Anthony Weaver.

Sir Thomas Ramsey (born about 1511 - died 19 May 1590) married (1) Alice Lee 27 November 1542 in London, St Olave Jewry; married (2) Mary Dale in about 1578. Sir Thomas was a grocer who was elected Lord Mayor of London in 1577. Sir Thomas is depicted in Thomas Heywood's 1605 play If You Know Not Me, You Know Nobody.

Richard Ramsey.

Elizabeth Ramsey married someone with the surname Glascocke. (Sir Thomas Ramsey's will mentions his sister Elizabeth Glascocke and her two children. The 1623 Visitation of Gloucestershire shows that Margaret Ramsey's daughter Elizabeth Taylor married Richard Glascocke.)

Margaret Ramsey married John Taylor of Haselton Grange, Gloucestershire.

Elizabeth Ramsey married someone with the surname Tyrrell.

female Ramsey married someone with the surname Tyrrell.

female Ramsey married someone with the surname Hebbard.


John's will:

Johannes Ra[m]sey de Etonbrege

In dei no[m]i[n]e Amen Anno d[omi]ni Mill[esi]mo Vcmo vicesimo iiijto die mensis Maij I John Ra[m]sey of Etonbrige sike in bodye and hoill in mynde makith this my last will after this maner. Furste I bequeith my Sowlle unto almyghti god and my body to be buried in the churche yard of Etonbrege. Item to the high Awlter for my tithes forgoten viijd It’m to brasted high Awlter xijd. It’m I will my wif shalbe my executrice of all my goods moweable and unmoweable as long as she kepis the Reparaciones of the howses till the childer be at lawfull Age. It’m I bequeith to Will’m my Son the howse that I dwelle In and the barne. It’m to Thomas a howse named Sprygornels. It’m to Richerd my Son a howse called John Robynns with howse called Cooks in the north ende of the towne of all Lands. Foresaid which brother to be others heir if so be they faill issue of ther bodies Lawfully begoten. It’m I will that Thomas my Son shall have a crofte named hilders lying nere hamehill by estimacion vi Acres if it may be sparid painy to his Suster Elizabet xls And also to Margaret xls. for lacke of paiement of iiijli to the forsaid susters thei distreyn in the vi Akers. It’m I bequeith to Johanne my Doughter iijli All my detts paied and my will fulfilled with oversight of Thomas Holmedon of Wintrfeld and he to have for his lawbor iijs iiij d. In witnes herof I Richerd Wode curete of Etonbrige Will’m Comb & Will’m Bowre

The will of John's son William:

In the name of god amen The xxiiijth Day of June The yere of our lorde god a Thousand fyve hundreth Fourtie and fyve I William Ramsey being sicke of body and hole of mynde make and will this my last testament as folowith First I bequeth my soule into the mercifull hands of my savour Jhesu Christ / Item I will that Anne my wife and my speciall frende Olyver Richardson to be my Executours and Edwarde Saunders to be my Overseer. Item I geve to my sonne Holande Ramsey Twentie pounds. Item to my sonne Willm Ramsey Twentie pounds/ and to my daughter Marye Ramsey Twentye pounds. The whiche I will that they shall accepte in the name of their porcion due to them by the custume of London. And if the one of them do faile to Remayn to thother and yf they do all faile it to be distributed amongs the childern of my suster Elizabeth Tyrrell by the discrecon of my forsaid Executours. Item I geve to maister Richardson for his paynes taking xx s. Item to Mr Saunders xs. Item I will that they be good in comforting of my good mother Item all the Rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable I bequeth to Anne my wife. She to Receyve all my detts and to paye all my detts. Oon thinge grevyth me. Whiche is an olde Rekenyng that hath hangid betwixt Thomas Chambers and me the whiche is very yll to be founde owt my my [...] writing yet neverthes. Of my conscience he remaynes dettour to me. somoche as it is, Also I have diverse detts here in this Towne of Bulleyn the whiche I desire my frende maister Saunder to take payne in the Recovering of them. To my wives behove and to save all suche goodes as I have in my house and aboute my howse and for witnes that this is of trewth. I the forsaid Willm Ramsey hathe caused this my will to be made and subscribed my name the day and yere above written. In the presence of Thomas Everton William Chalner and William Maynyng I per me William Ramsey: By me Thomas Everton p[er] me W Chalner

Brother Thomas I desire you of all the loves. that ever betwixt you and me and also [...] my mother. I require as ernestly that ye not put my wife in noe blame for my comyng hither nor for my contynuyng here: for it was ageynst hir will asmoche as may be possible as it may appere by her l[ette]re that she dyd write to me and ever I dryve it of from tyme to tyme thinking to make an end at this paye or that paye so that it hath pleasid god to stryke me in the neck now abiding his mercy to the which bring us all I beseche him withe harte and mynde amen.


Cooke, Robert; George John Armytage; Joseph Jackson Howard; and College of Arms (Great Britain). The visitation of London in the year 1568: taken by Robert Cooke, and since augmented both with descents and arms. (London: [Harleian Society], 1869)

Fairholt, F.W. "On an Inventory of the Household Goods of Sir Thomas Ramsey, Lord Mayor of London 1577" in Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, volume 40, pp. 311 - 342. (1865).

Will of John Ramsey of Etonbridge. 1524. Consistory Court of Rochester. Digital images on FamilySearch, accessed 11 January 2018.

Will of William Ramsey, Prerogative Court of Canterbury, proved 13 July 1545. Piece 30: Pynning.