John Rotten


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Burial: 31 January 1575/6.

Place of Burial: King’s Norton, Worcestershire.

The burial is recorded in the parish register.


Father: uncertain.

Mother: uncertain.

The evidence below suggests that John’s parents or grandparents were Humphrey Rotten and Alice Bedill. Alice was the daughter of Richard Bedill and Katherine.

Spouse: Alice Greve.

Alice and John Ratton are named in the will of Alice’s father. John’s will names his wife Alice.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project. The children below are recorded in John’s will.)

Isabel Rotten married William Hawkes 11 July 1558 in King’s Norton.

Elizabeth Rotten married Thomas Coxe 15 June 1569 in King’s Norton.

Dorothy Rotten.

Ambrose Rotten (buried 13 April 1619 in Aston, Warwickshire) married Bridget Smallbrook 20 November 1570 in Birmingham.

Walter Rotten (buried 7 October 1603 in King’s Norton) married Anne.

Thomas Rotten (baptized 12 August 1550 in King’s Norton).

Katherine Rotten (baptized 24 May 1553 in King’s Norton).


from the Court of Chancery (National Archives Catalogue C 1/305/8)

Gorram v Bedill.

Plaintiffs: Richard, brother and heir of William Gorram.

Defendants: Richard Bedill and Katherine, his wife.

Subject: Detention of deeds relating to a messuage and land in Bredon, late of John Gorram, complainant's grandfather.



from the Court of Chancery (National Archives Catalogue C 1/305/8)

Elyot v Rotton.

Plaintiffs: Rafe Elyot, of Coventry, weaver.

Defendants: Humphrey Rotton and Richard Bysell.

Subject: Detention of deeds relating to tenements in Moseley. Worcestershire.


In the register of members of the Guild of Knowle under 1520:

Edward’ Rotton et Cristiana vx ei’ de Norton

John’ A Rotton et Allys de Kyngisnorton

Rich’us Roton de Moseley

In the 1523 will of Mrs Middelmore late wife of John Middelmore late of Haslewell, “Alice Bedell wife of Ric Bedyll wever” is a witness.

from the Court of Chancery (National Archives Catalogue C 1/564/1)

Short title: Rotton v Tailor.

Plaintiffs: Alice Rotton, widow, daughter and heir of Richard Bedill.

Defendants: Thomas Tailor.

Subject: Detention of deeds relating to a messuage and land at Moseley in King’s Norton. Worcestershire.


From the Court of Requests (National Archives Catalogue REQ 2/3/75)

John Whelewright and his wife Elizabeth v John Rotton and others: a croft called 'Whete Ruddynge' in Bordesley, Warwickshire.

22 April 1532-21 April 1533

from the Calendar of Patent Rolls 1549:

from a list of rents “heretofore given to the support of the priests in the late services of Holy Trinity, St. Mary and St. Michael in the church of Kynges Norton and chapel of Moseley within the parish of Kynges Norton”: …Thomas Greve…William Greve, Elizabeth Greve, … John Rotton …,Richard Beddell, Roger Beddell, … Thomas Greve, John a Rotten, …

A similar list contains: … Richard Byddyll, John Rotton, John Greve, …Roger Biddill “in Kynges Norton, Moseley and Yerdley or elsewhere, Worc.”

Rent from premisses in King’s Norton exempted from a sale: “to John Rotton and his heirs, 18d.”

Will of Walter Rotton of Moseley. 1603.

In the name of god amen: The seaven and twentith daie of August in the yeare of the Reigne of oure sovereigne Lorde James by the grace of god kinge of Englande Fraunce and Irelande defendor of the faithe &c the firste and of Scotlande the seaven and thirtieth Annoque dm’ One thowsand sixe hundred and three I Walter Rotton of Moseley in the Countie of Wigorn yeoman beinge in some dishealthe yett in good and perfect memorie (praise be to god) consideringe the incertaintie of this mortall lief and of my dissolution doe make and conclude this my last will & testament in fourme followinge, First I bequeathe my sowle into the mercyfull handes of my Savior Jhesus Christe hopinge only by his merritts deathe and passion to be saved and my Bodye to be buryed in kingsnorton Churche. Item I give unto the reparacions of Moseley Chappell Sixe shillings eighte pence. Item I give to the poorest People inhabitinge in Moseley Five shillings to be devided be my Executrix. Item I give to Richarde Rotton my Sonne Twentie poundes of lawfull monye of Englande to be paide to him owte of my goodes and Chattells. Item I give to John Marston and Alice his wief my daughter twoe Angells of golde and one silver spoone. And to their first begotten Child one Angell in golde. Item I give to Marie Rotton my daughter the Somme of One hundreth and Fiftie poundes of lawfull monie of Englande to be paide to hir owte of my goodes and Chattells within one yeere next ensuinge after my deceasse or uppon the daie of hir mariadge whither shall firste happen. Item I give to Elizabeth Rotton my daughter the Somme of fiftie poundes of lawfull money of Englande to be paide to hir owte of my goodes and Chattells within fower yeeres next ensuinge after my decease or uppon the daie of hir Marriadge whither shall firste happen. Item for the further assuringe of the Landes and Tenements hereafter menconed to the said Richarde Rotton and his heires I give and devise unto the saide Richard Rotton my Sonne his heires and assignes forever all and everie suche Messuages Landes Tenements and hereditaments with everie of their Appurtenances scituate lienge or beinge in Kinges Norton in the saide Countie of Wigorn and in Bordesley Aston and Birmingham in the Countie of War’k or in any of them which heretofore were of the inheritors of George Pretty and Anne his wief Thomas Coxe gent John Colmore George Chamber and Johane his wief or of anie of them or which heretofore I have had or purchased of them or anie of them. Item I give to my servante Richard Burge Sixe shillings eighte pence And to Walter Biddle Sixe shillinges eighte pence. And to Mary Piddocke Tenne shillings. And to Anne Myles Sixe shillings eighte pence. And I make and constitute Anne my wief my sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament. To whome (my Funeralls being done) and my said Legacies and debts beinge paide) I give all the residue of my debts goodes and Chattells. And I make and request Richarde Foxe and the said John Marston to be Overseers of this my last will the better to see the same performed And I give to either of them three shillings fower pence. And I revoke all former wills by me heretofore made and I acknowledge theis p[resen]ts onlie to be my last will and testament In wittnes whereof I have hereto subscribed my name and putto my sealle yeoven the daye & yeere firste abovewritten. The abovenamed Walter Rotton subscribed his name and putt his sealle to theis p[resen]ts and revoked all former wills by him made and acknowledged theis p[resen]ts only to be his last will and testament in the p[resen]ce of Richard Fox & Richard Browne..

[Proved 31 October 1603]


The Register of the Guild of Knowle in the County of Warwick (W.B. Bickley ed.), Birmingham and Midland Institute, 1894.

Will of John Rotton of Moseley. Proved 1575 in the Consistory Court of Worcester.

Will of Walter Rotton of Moseley. Proved 1603 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.