Adelaide Winstanley


Date of Birth: 10 May 1836.

Place of Birth: Runcorn, Cheshire, England.

The date appears in the birthday book of Adelaide’s granddaughter Marjorie Molineux. The place is recorded in censuses. 

Date of Baptism: 1 June 1836.

Place of Baptism: Runcorn (All Saints).

The baptism is given in the bishop’s transcripts to the parish register.

Date of Death: 10 February 1923.

The date of death is given in the National Probate calendar and in the London Gazette of 12 October 1923, page 6932.


Father: William Winstanley (1800 - 1878).

Adelaide’s father’s name is given in her baptism record, and the 1841 and 1851 censuses.

Mother: Jane Rose Catterall (1803 - 1891).

Adelaide’s mother is named Jane in her baptism record and the 1841 census, and Jane Rose in the 1851 census.  Jane’s surname is given in her marriage record.

Spouse: Samuel Hinde (1829 - 1872). Married 1 March 1859 in Liverpool (St Mark’s).

The date and place are given on the marriage certificate.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

Samuel Winstanley Hinde (born 8 November 1860 in Liverpool).

Mary Adelaide Hinde (born 5 October 1862 in Liverpool) married John Barr in 1887. Emigrated to Canada.

John Natal Hinde (born 21 August 1865 at sea, aboard the “Acapulco” off the coast of South Africa - died 10 October 1944 in Fremantle, Western Australia) married Betsy Johnson in 1897 in Fremantle, Australia.

Harriet Hinde (born 15 December 1868 in Everton, Lancashire - died about 1917) married Alfred Edwin Molineux 12 September 1896 in Southport, Lancashire. Her children emigrated to Canada.

William Albert Hinde (born 21 January 1872 - died 12 September 1945 in Beaconsfield, Western Australia) married Florence Cassell Robinson in 1896.


Adelaide Winstanley baptism (from the bishop’s transcripts for Runcorn, 1836)

When Baptized: June 1

Child’s Christian Name: Adelaide

Parent’s Name: William & Jane Winstanley

Abode: Runcorn

Quality, Trade, or Profession: Collector of Customs

By whom the Ceremony was performed: J. Master

1841 census of England (Runcorn, Church Street)

[“N” means not born in Cheshire; “Y” means born in Cheshire.]

William Winstanley, 40, Of H. M. Customs, N

Jane [Winstanley], 35, N

Alice [Winstanley], 13, N

William [Winstanley], 10, N

Elizabeth [Winstanley], 7, N

Adelaide [Winstanley], 5, Y

Ellen [Winstanley], 2, Y

Alice Rose, 60, Ind., N

1851 census of England (Liverpool, 100 South Chester St)

William Winstanley, Head, Mar, 51, Landing Waiter H M Customs, [born] Lancaster Lpool

Jane Rose [Winstanley], Wife, 48, [born Lancaster, Lpool]

Alice Anne Winstanley, daur, U, 22, Milliner, [born] Lancaster Lpool

William [Winstanley], Son, U 19, Clerk at Albert Docks, [born Lancaster Lpool]

Elizabeth [Winstanley], daur, U, 16, [born Lancaster Lpool]

Adelaide [Winstanley], [daur], U 14, Scholar, [born] Chester Runcorn

Ellen Jane [Winstanley], [daur], U, 11, [Scholar], [born Chester Runcorn]

Rich. Timmins [Winstanley], Son, U, 8, [Scholar]. [born Chester Runcorn]

James Albert [Winstanley], Son, U, 2, [born] Lancaster Lpool

1861 census of England (Holy Trinity, South Shields, Westoe, Durham):

Dock Street, Dock Hotel

Saml Hinde, Lodg, Mar, 31, Master Mariner, Cumbd Whitehaven

Adelaide do,   do,      do, 25,      , Lancashire Runcorn

Saml W   do,   do,     --,    5,    , do Liverpool

1871 census of England (Everton, 56 St Albans)

Adelaide Hinde, Wife, Mar, 34, Master Mariner’s Wife, [born] Cheshire Runcorn

Sam’l Winstanley Hinde, Son, Unmar, 10, Scholar, [born] Lancashire Liverpool

Mary Adelaide Hinde, Daur, 8, [Scholar], [born Lancashire Liverpool]

John Natal Hinde, Son, 5, [Scholar], [born] At Sea off Port Natal

Harriet Hinde, Daur, 3, [born] Lancashire Liverpool

1881 census of England (Southport, 8 Victoria Street)

Adelaide Hinde, Head, W, 43, Lodging Ho. Keeper, [born] Ches Runcorn

Mary A [Hinde], Daur, unm, 18, [born] Lanc.  Liverpool

William A [Hinde], Son, 9, Scholar, [born Lanc Liverpool]

Jane R Winstanley, Mother, W, 78, Annuitant, [born Lanc Liverpool]

Richard T [Winstanley], Brother, unm, 38, Purser Sec...[unclear], [born] Ches Runcorn

James A [Winstanley], Brother, Mar, 32, Traveller, [born] Lanc. Liverpool

Linda P Kerford, Visitor, unm, 21, [born Lanc. Liverpool]

John Plumpton, Boarder, unm, 27, Comm'n Agt., [born Lanc. Liverpool]

Christian Corlett, Serv, unm, 19, Genl Serv (Dom'tic), [born] Isle of Man Douglas

Eliza Lever, Lodger, Mar, 62, [born] Lanc.  Manchester

Alice [Lever], Lodger, unm, 31, [born Lanc.] Bolton

Harrietta [Lever], Lodger, unm, 25, [born Lanc. Bolton]

Lucy A [Lever], Lodger, unm, 22, [born Lanc. Bolton]

1891 census of England (Southport, 8 Victoria Street)

Adelaide Hinde, Head, Wid., 54, Lodging House Keeper, [born] Cheshire - Runcorn

William A. [Hinde], Son, S, 19, Joiner & Cabinet Maker, [born] Lanc. - Liverpool

Harriet [Hinde], Daur., S, 22, [born Lanc. - Liverpool]

Mary A. Barr, [Daur.], M, 28, [born Lanc. - Liverpool] deaf

John P. [Barr], Grandson, 2, [born Lanc. -] Southport

Adelaide A. [Barr], G.Daur., 1 M, [born Lanc. - Southport]

Henry Walker, Visitor, M, 56, Brewer, [born] Lound

Theresa E. L. [Walker], Wife, M, 54, [born] Midd. London

Mary Beale, Visitor, Wid., 54, [born] Lound

C.G. [Beale], Visitor, S, 22, [occupation unknown], [born] Yorks. Sheffield

Ellen Wright, Serv., S, 25, General Domestic Servant, [born] Lanc. Ormskirk

1901 census of England (61 Cedar St)

Adelaide Hinde, [Head], Wid, 65, Retired Company housekeeper [“Lodge Ho”. written above], [born] Ches Runcorn

1911 census of England (Tarleton, Hesketh Lane)

1. Adelaide Hinde, Head, 75, Widow, [Personal Occupation] Nil, [born] Lancashire, Runcorn

2. Harriet Molineux, Daughter, 42, Married, [completed years of marriage] 14, [total children born alive] 3, [children still living] 3, [children who have died] 0, [Personal Occupation] Housework, [working at home], [born] Lanc, Liverpool

3. Marjorie Molineux, Granddaughter, 13, at School, [born Lanc,] Southport

4. Eric Eccleston Molineux, [Grand]son, 11, [at School], [born Lanc,] Bolton

5. Doris Winstanley Molineux, [Grand]daughter, 9, [at School], [born Lanc,] Tarleton

[the form was signed by Harriet Molineux]

1921 census of England:

[Name and Surname; Relationship to Head of Household; Age; Sex; Marriage or Orphanhood; Birthplace and Nationality (if not born in the UK); Personal Occupation; Employment; Place of Work]

[The schedule was signed “Eric Eccleston Molineux”.]

Person responsible for making the return:

Mrs Hinde

Hesketh Lane

Tarleton nr Preston

A transcription of the will of Adelaide Hinde

This is the last will and testament of me Adelaide Hinde of Hesketh Lane Tarleton near Preston in the county of Lancaster widow

1. I revoke all former testamentary dispositions made by me

2. I appoint William Barr of 25 Dene Road Fairfield in the city of Liverpool gentleman and Henry Armitage of 21 Gosforth Road Southport in the said county of Lancaster Corporation clerk (hereinafter called “my trustees”) to be the executors and trustees of this my will

3. I bequeath my two oil paintings of my late father and mother to my grand daughter Marjorie Molineux absolutely

4. I bequeath my two small photographs of my late father and mother and my two oil paintings of ships to my daughter Mary Adelaide Barr absolutely

5. I bequeath my camphor wood chest to my son John Natal Hinde absolutely

6. I bequeath my bedroom suite to such of my grandchildren Marjorie Molineux Eric Eccleston Molineux and Doris Winstanley Molineux children of my late daughter Harriet Molineux as shall be unmarried at the time of my death

7. I bequeath the remainder of my household furniture and effects to my son William Albert Hinde absolutely

8. I devise and bequeath all my real and personal estate not hereby otherwise disposed of unto my trustees Upon trust to sell call in and convert the same or such part thereof as shall not consist of money into money (with power to postpone such sale calling in and conversion for such period as they shall in their discretion think fit) and out of the proceeds thereof and my ready money to pay my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and to stand possessed of the residuary moneys and the investments for the time being representing the same or any part thereof In trust as to one equal third part thereof for my said daughter Mary Adelaide Barr absolutely as to another equal third part thereof for my said son John Natal Hinde absolutely and as to the remaining equal third part thereof for the children of my said late daughter Harriet Molineux living at my death in equal shares absolutely

9. If any of my said daughter and sons shall die in my lifetime leaving issue living at my death who shall attain the age of twenty one years then and in every such case such issue shall take (and if more than one equally between them) the legacy and /or share which his her or their parent would have taken if such parent had survived me

10. If any of them my said daughter and sons shall die in my lifetime without leaving issue who shall survive me and attain the age of twenty and one years as aforesaid the legacy and/or share under this my will of any of them so dying shall go to and be divided equally amongst the survivor and survivors of them and the issue of such of them as shall be then dead (such issue taking only a parents share as aforesaid) and amongst my said grand children or the survivor or survivors of them in equal shares such grand children taking only one share between them

11. My trustees may at their discretion raise the whole or any part or parts of the vested or presumptive share of any minor under this my will and apply the same for his or her advancement or benefit as they shall think fit

12.. My reason for not making my said son William Albert Hinde a participant in my residuary estate is that he has during my lifetime received a fair share of my estate In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand his twenty fifth day of November one thousand nine hundred and twenty two --Adelaide Hinde -- Signed by the said testatrix as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us both being present at the same time who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses -- W Ainsworth Cook - Solicitor Southport -- Jno Preston - Clerk with Messrs Cook & Talbot Solicitors Southport

I leave my wall clock oil paintings of myself my late husband & another oil painting of my two children Samuel & Mary to my grandson Eric Eccleston Molineux Dated this 25th day of November 1923 (sic) shortly after signing my will of the same date -- Adelaide Hinde - Witnesses W. Ainsworth Cook - Jno Preston

Affidavit of due execution of Codicil filed.

On the 24th day of March 1923. Probate of this Will with one codicil thereto was granted to William Bannister Barr and Henry Barker Armitage the Executors.

Adelaide Hinde, entry in the National Probate Calendar

HINDE, Adelaide of Hesketh-lane Tarleton Lancashire widow died 10 February 1923  Probate 24 March to William Banister Barr gentleman and Henry Barker Armitage corporation clerk.  Effects £838 10s. 4d.


Adelaide Winstanley baptism record (1 June 1836), Diocese of Chester Bishop’s Transcripts of Baptisms; digital image on (accessed 9 April 2014).

Marriage Certificate of Samuel Hinde - Adelaide Winstanley  (official copy). General Register Office. England and Wales. Civil Registration Certificates. (London, United Kingdom: General Register Office).

Cheshire marriage licence bonds and allegations, marriage bond for Samuel Hinde - Adelaide Winstanley marriage; digital image on (accessed 9 April 2014).

William Winstanley household, 1841 census of England. Cheshire. Runcorn, Runcorn, Runcorn. Piece 95, book 18,  folio 15, page 24, in Census Returns of England and Wales, 1841. Kew, Surrey, England: The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO), 1841; digital image (accessed 9 April 2014).

William Winstanley household, 1851 census of England. Lancashire, West Derby, Toxteth Park, Toxteth Park, ED 1cc, piece 2186, folio 597, page 8, in Census Returns of England and Wales, 1851. Kew, Surrey, England: The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO), 1851; digital image (accessed 9 April 2014).

Adelaide Hinde household, 1871 census of England. Lancashire, West Derby, Toxteth Park, Everton, ED 89, piece 3823, folio 100, page 14, in Census Returns of England and Wales, 1871. Kew, Surrey, England: The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO), 1871; digital image (accessed 9 April 2014).

Adelaide Hinde household, 1881 census of England. Lancashire, Ormskirk, North Meols, North Meols, ED 19, piece 3750, folio 64, page 57, in Census Returns of England and Wales, 1881. Kew, Surrey, England: The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO), 1881; digital image (accessed 9 April 2014).

Adelaide Hinde household, 1891 census of England. Ormskirk, North Meols, North Meols, ED 19, piece 3036, folio 137, page 45, in Census Returns of England and Wales, 1891. Kew, Surrey, England: The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO), 1891; digital image (accessed 9 April 2014).

Adelaide Hinde household, 1901 census of England.  Lancashire, Ormskirk, North Meols, Southport, ED 26, piece 3538, folio 132, page 10, in Census Returns of England and Wales, 1901. Kew, Surrey, England: The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO), 1901; digital image (accessed 9 April 2014).

Adelaide Hinde household, 1911 census of England. Lancashire, Ormskirk (registration district 457), Tarleton (enumeration district 3); RG14, Piece 22929; digital image at (accessed 31 March 2014) citing Census Returns of England and Wales, 1911. Kew, Surrey. England: The National Archives of the UK (TNA), 1911.

Adelaide Hinde probate entry (24 March 1923), England & Wales, National Probate Calendar; digital image ( : accessed 9 April 2014) citing Principal Probate Registry.  Calendar of the Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration made in the Probate Registries of the High Court of Justice in England. London, England