John Foley (died 1630)
Date of Baptism: 8 February 1551/2.
Place of Baptism: Rowley Regis, Staffordshire.
The baptism is recorded in the parish register.
Date of Death: 1630.
Place of Death: unknown (probably Rowley Regis).
John made his will 28 March 1630 and it was proved in 1630.
Father: John Foley.
Mother: Catherine Hipkiss.
John Foley’s baptism record names his father. Catherine’s name is recorded in her marriage record.
Kinsman: John Hawkes.
John Foley mentions his kinsman John Hawkes in his will. John Foley's widow Christian and son John were appraisers of Hawkes's probate inventory in 1643.
Spouse: unknown.
Spouse: Christian Russell. (Buried 14 March 1650/1 in Rowley Regis).
John mentions Christian in his will. Christian was an appraiser of the probate inventory of John Hawkes of Rowley Regis in 1643. She is not mentioned in his will, nor in the 1602 will of John Hawkes of Frankley, who was probably the father of the John Hawkes of Rowley Regis.
(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)
Margaret Foley married William Forrest 26 April 1608 in Rowley Regis.
Catherine Foley married (1) ? Wall; married (2) Adam Melley 6 October 1629 in Rowley Regis.
John Foley
Thomas Foley (buried 8 February 1653/4 in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire) married Margery Stubbs.
John's will:
In the name of god amen the Eight and Twentieth day of march in An’o D’ni 1630 I John Foley of Rowley Regis in the County of Stafford yeoman being sicke in body but whole in mind and of good and p[er]fect remembrance thanks be given to Allmighty god doe ordeine and make this my last will and testament in manner and Forme Followinge (that is to say) First and principally I com[m]end my soule into the handes of Allmighty god the Father trusting by the merritts and passion of his only Sonn Jesus Christ to obtaine p[ar]don and remission And as touching the disposition of my body I com[m]end to the earth from whence yt came And as for my wordly goodes I give and bequeath as Followethe Imprimis I give and bequeath Itm [sic] I give and bequeath unto John Foley my eldest Sonn and heire one leasse of the house and one crofte[?] within[?] which he [...] in Rowley Regis wherin one Johane Derlove[?] widdow nowe dwelleth Itm I give and bequeath unto John and Thomas Foley my sonnes all my ready money nailes and Iron to be equally devided betwixt them two And my will is that all my moveable goodes and Cattell shalbe equally devided into three p[ar]ts wherof I will that Christian my nowe wief shall have one parte And my will is that my sonns John Foley and Thomas Foley shall have the two other parts equally betwixt them paying my giftures[?] herafter bequeathed Itm I give and bequeath unto William Forrest my Sonn in lawe Twenty poundes of currant englishe money to be payed him within one monethe next after my deceasse Itm I give and bequeath unto Humfrey Forrest my grandchild Forty shillinges of like money Itm I give and bequeath unto John Forrest my grandchild the some of Tenn poundes of like money Itm I give and bequeath unto WIlliam Forrest my grandchild Forty shillinges of like money Itm I give and bequeath unto Richard Forrest my grandchild Forty shillinges of like money Itm I give and bequeath unto Christian and Margery Forrest my grandchildren Forty shillinges apeece Itm I give and bequeath unto Thomas Forrest my grandchild Forty shillinges Itm I give and bequeath unto Adam Melley my Sonn in Lawe Tenn poundes of currant englishe money Itm I give unto John Hawkes my kinsman Twenty shillinges Itm I give unto John Wall my grandchild Sixe pounds Thirteene shillings and Fower pence of currant englishe money Itm I tive and bequeath unto Mary Foley my grandchild Forty shillinges of curant englishe money Itm I give and bequeath unto Christian Foley my grandchild Forty shillings of like money Itm I give and bequeath unto Margery Foley my grandchild Forty shillings of like money Itm I give and bequeath unto Francis Foley my grandchild Forty shillings of like money And I doe nominate and appoint Richard Foley and William Forrest my overseers And I doe make John Foley and Thomas my Sonns Executors of this my last will and Teastament In witnes wherof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the day and yeare First above written /
The marke of John Foley Senior
Debts owing unto me are these
Thomas Carew gent oweth me /xxiij li
John Baxster ---xvij li ii d
Willm Gosling -- i li ij s
Witnesses herunto are these
Thomas Foley
Georg Shaden
Richard Rennolls
Adam Melley
John Forrest
[Proved 1630]
Parish Registers of Rowley Regis. Digital images on
Rowley Regis parish register transcription on
Will of John Foley of Rowley Regis. Proved February 1630 in the Worcester Consistory Court (It is filed under 1629). Digital images on accessed 29 July 2018.
Will of John Hawkes of Rowley. Proved 8 April 1643 in the Worcester Consistory Court. Digital images on accessed 30 July 2018.