John Hargreaves (died 1652)
Date of Birth: unknown.
Place of Birth: unknown.
Date of Burial: 24 April 1652.
Place of Burial: Padiham Lancashire (St Leonard).
The burial is recorded in the parish register.
Father: unknown.
Mother: unknown.
Spouse: Isabel.
Isabel is named in John’s will.
(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)
John Hargreaves (baptized 24 April 1625 in Padiham, Lancashire) married Elizabeth Hargreaves of Barnside 5 June 1650 in Colne, Lancashire.
James Hargreaves (baptized 5 September 1630 in Padiham)
Jane Hargreaves (baptized 25 August 1633 in Padiham)
Mary Hargreaves (baptized 16 March 1635/6 in Padiham - buried 5 November 1649 in Padiham)
Robert Hargreaves (baptized 14 February 1638/9 in Padiham). Robert went to Cambridge and became a priest at Peterborough and probably later at Walgrave, Northamptonshire.
Isabel Hargreaves (baptized 5 December 1641 in Padiham) married Thomas Grimshaw.
Anne Hargreaves
William Hargreaves (baptized 15 August 1647 in Padiham)
from the Padiham parish register:
Johannes filius Johannis Hargraves de Pendle bapt. vigesimo qu… die Aprillis
Jacobus filius Joh’is Hargreaues de Pendle baptizatus fuit idm [5o die Septembris]
[1633 August, Bishop’s transcripts]
Jana Hargreaves Baptizata fuit vicessimo 5to die
Maria filia Johannis Hargreaves de Higham Baptizata fuit decimo sexto die Martij Anno dicto
Robertus filius Johannes Hargreves de Higham baptizatus fuit decimo quarto die mensis februarij 1638
Isabelle filia Johannis Hargreves de Higham baptizata fuit quinto die Decembris. 1641.
William sonne of John Hargreaues of Higham bap the xv of Aguste
John’s will
In the name of god Amen the xxvij daie of Febarey in the yeare of our lord god one thousand sixhundreth fiftie and One I John Hargreaves of Higham in the Forest of Pendle in the Countie of Lanc yeoman siecke in bodie but whole in mynd I giue thanks to god therefore doe constitute ordene and make this my last will and testament in writing renouncing all former and other wills ether in word or writing First and principally I comend my soule into the hands of almightie god my maker trusting therein the meritts of Jesus Christ my redeemer to be saued and my bodie to xxian buriall at the discretion of my frends And whereas I haue Surrendred certaine messuages other buldings lands ten’ts medowes feedings pasture and pasturs moors and mosses with all and singuler the apurtancs lying and being in Heigham booth with in the Forest and chace of Pendle of the yeerly rent to the lord of the manor of xjs unto the use and behoufe of Robert Towne son of Richard Towne of Burnley and Hugh Moore late of whitley and theire heires feoffies in trust and alsoe certaine buldings and p[ar]cells of land medow feedings pastur and pasturs moors and mosses with apurtaincs of the yeerly rent to the lord of the manor of xijd all which are lying and being in heigham booth afforesaid unto the use and behoufe of the said Robert Towne and his heirs as feoffies in trust both which surrenders are to p[er]forme and fulfill all such uses intents limitations purposses and p[ro]visors as in and by the last will and testament of me the testator hereof shalbe specifyed and declared in writing as in and by severall copies of Court Bull doth apeare now my will mynd and intent is and I doe hereby specifie and declare that the said Robert Towne surviving feofie of the said hugh moore and his heires shall stand and be fined and sceised of and in one house and one Garden called Raph house and garden and all that p[ar]te of meane land betweene the said garden and the heighwaie to the same belonging what soever and allsoe one dwellinghouse and acertaine p[ar]te of one barne and one garden inthe possession of Robert Brennan with all and singuler the apurtanancs to the same belonging and alsoe a certaine closse or p[ar]cell of land called the greate Entacke the little Intacke or Birtwisle croft and the kerchiffe with all and singuler the apuranancs and allsoe one Closse or p[ar]cell of land caled the hole or Blaze Croft and allsoe one garden and all those p[ar]celes of land called to two crofts and one p[ar]cell of land lying upon the south syde of the said Garden containing one acre of land be it more or lesse with apurtanincs and also three closses of land called Overholling hirst lower hollinghirst and hollinghirst medow containing by estimation fyue acrs of land be it more or lesse all which are lying and being in heigham booth afforesaid of the yeerly rent tot he Lord of the manor of iijs iijd To the use and behoufe of Issabell my wyfe and hir ass’s for and during the terme and space of hir naturall life fully to be ended And also the said Issabell my wiffe shall haue afourt parte acourding to the custume of the manor of all the reste of my Landes and houseing lying and being in Heigham booth aforesaid being of the yearely Rent tot he Lord of the manor in the whole of viijs ixd during the naturall life of the said Issabell my wiffe and if it fourtane the said Issabell my wiffe to die before william hargreaves and Ann Hargreaues my youngest children doe acomplish there severall ages of xxj yeares then And Immediatly after hir descease the said houses other buldings lands and ten’ts afforesaid of the yeerly rent to the Lord of the manor of iijs iijd tot he use and behoufe of William Hargreaves and Anne Hargreaves my youngest children and there ass’s for and during and untill they and other of them doe and shall accomplishe the full age of xxj yeares for and towards there educacon and p[re]ferment and as ether of them shall accomplish the said age of xxj yeares and if it fortune that the said william hargreaves of Ann Hargreaves to die before hee or they acomplishe there age of xxj yeares then the p[ro]fitt as aboufe said that did belong to them shall remene unto John Hargreaves my Eldest sonn after the death of hee they and further paying unto James Hargreaves Robert Hargreaves Jane Hargreaves and Issabell Heargreaves my younger children and to everie of them the sume of twentie pounds a peece when as the shall or may or any of them acomplish the full age of xxj yeares and Iffe it fortanne any of them to dye before he or she ataine to the said age of xxj yeares then the legasie to eurie such one shalbe extingushed as if the same had never been given, or else the said John Hargreves my sonn and heire shall give unto thyme the said James Hargreues Robert Hargreues Janne Hargreues and Issabell Hargreues such securitie for the said Issabell my wiffe provided allwaies and iffe my said son John Hargreues doe make defalt of payment of the said severall sumes or any of theym and allsoe to giue such securite for the said severall payments as afforesaid Then I doe limitt and apoint and doe hereby specifie and declare that the said Robert Towne feoffie and his hares shall haue full power and lawfull authoritie to sell let and to farme let One Barne and all those p[ar]sells of land called for closses lying and being in the spence of the yeerly rent to the Lord of the manor of iiijs with all waies waters and watercorrs easments p[ro]fitts and comodities to the same belonging to and for the payment of the said severall soms of xx l a peace unto the said James Robert Jane and Issabell Hargreues or to soe many of them as shall attane or haue attained to the said age of xxj years and be in arrere and not paid and after such payments made to gether with the reasonabele Costes to the said Robert Towne feoffie or his heires deducted the remainder of the yssues and p[ro]fitts of the said Barne and p[ar]cells of land to Lord of iiijs to be and remaine unto him the said John Hargreues my son whatsoeuer And further paying unto william and Anne Hargreues my youngest children and to ether of theym xx l a peece the same to be due as ether of theym doe and shall acomplish the said age of xxj yeeres if the so long doe live And alsoe in defalt of payment of the said severall somes of xx l due and payable unto william Hargreues and Anne Hargreues my youngest Children or such securitie as aforesaid Then the said Robert Towne feoffie and his heires shall stand and be fyned and seised of in and upon the said one house other buldings and all those p[ar]cells of land with apurtnancs formerly assigned to Issabell my wife of the yeerly rent to the Lord of iijs iijd unto the sole and behoufe of theym the said William and Anne Hargreues my said youngest children and there heires and ass’s for ever paying and doeing rents and service acourding to the custom of the manor The remainder all all and singuler the prmiss after such uses p[er]formed and doune as aforesaid of the yeerlie rent in the whole of xijs unto the use and behoufe of the said John Hargreaues my son and his heires for ever paying and doing Rents & service acording to the Custom of the manor And as consaring my wordlie goods cattelles and chatteles After my debtes discharged I devide my goods in to thrre equall p[ar]tes One whereof I giue to Issabell my wife in the virtue[?] of hir right of all my goods acording to the custom of the Cuntrie The second p[ar]te I giue to my younger Children as of Right douth them belonge And the third p[ar]te I take to my selfe to defraie my funerall expentes and such other legasies as shall hereafter bee named that is to said I giue and bequeth unto william and Anne Hargreues my youngest children and to ether of theym Therteen pounds six shillings Eight pence a peece Item I giue and bequeth unto John Hargreues my eldest son the long table standing in the fyre house and the stone trough in the Stable walle and one long chist staning in the Chamber over the house The remainder of all and singuler my goods Catteles & chatles whatsoeuer I giue and bequeth unto James Robert William Jane Issabell and Anne Hargreues my younger children equally to be devided amongest them And lastly I doe noite[?] and apoint Issabell my wife sole Executrix of this my last will hoping she will p[er]forme the same acording to the trust reposed in hir And I require these p[er]sones hereafter named to be wittnesses unto which I haue put my hand and seale the daie and yeere first written
John Hargres [seal]
Witnesse hereof
Ellis Rutter
John Moore
Edward Rausthorne ER his marke
Lawrence Parker
A true and perfect Inventorie of all and singuler the severall goods, Catles, Chatles substancs and debts, Moveable and unmoveable of John Hargreaves late of Higham decease apprized by Ellis Rutter Edward Rawsthorne John Moore, and John Aspden of the Fence the sixt day of May Anno Dom’ 1652 as followeth
In prims sixe oxen, sixe kyne, one Calfe two oxe twinters, one whye Twinter fower heffer stirks, & one Mare } lxxxiij li
Itm in the p[ar]lor 2 stande Bedds with their Beddinge –} xj li xv s
Itm one Cubborde one table two Chists and one litle deske –} xliiij s
Itm in the Chamber over the p[ar]lor one stand bedd with is Beddinge and hangins } vij li xvj s
Itm one Trunle bedd under the same with its Beddings —} xxx s
Itm one Chist – } iiij s
Itm in Pillowes, Canvas yarne & Cushions xx s
Itm in the Chamber over the howse one Bedd with Beddinge to it and other beddinge lyinge uppon the bedd –} iiij li xviij s
Itm one Chist with Lynnen and Canvas in it iij li vs
Item Eleaven packclothes, Fifteen sacks and one window Cloth – } xxj li xv s
Itm one meale Arke with meale in it – xij li
Itm one Malte Arke with Mallt in it – xxviij s
Itm one Arke with Dust and seeds in it – xxx s
Itm in Beefe and Bacon – xl s
Itm fower Kersie peeces with woolle yarne xiiij li
Itm one saltinge Tubbe, one grease tubbe and two other Tubbs with salt in them} xiij s iiij d
Itm in Leather — xxx iij s iiij d
Itm in the shopp one payre of Loomes with a warpinge wough and Rings and all other things to them belonginge – } xx s
Itm in the Chamber over the shopp two payre of Bedstocks with their Bedding} xxj li xj s
Itm all the wooden vessell in the milkhouse xxiij s
Itm in Earthen potts and Bu… — xiij s vj d
Itm one litle table in the Bu… — iij s iiij d
Itm in … vli iij s iiij d
Itm in … — xliiij s
Itm two litle boards in the K… . ayrder stooles and Cushions – }xxvij s
Itm one Iren Range in the howse, and in the p[ar]lor, and n the Chamber, with Baxtond & all other necessaries to them belonginge} xxv li
Itm one payre of wheeles, one Hay:wayne one Coape Fower Yoakes one Harrow, one Gavelocke, one spade one syth with other Iron husbandrie tooles to them belonginge, one plough with its Irons and two shovells –} iij li vj s viij d
Itm one Arke inthe stable – xv s
Itm p[ar]te of one hayre cloth – xj s
Itm seed corne, plowinge and soweinge – v li
Itm the deceased his app[ar]ell with money in his purse – iij li vj s viij d
Itm in Loose boards and other impblemts – xs
Itm one stone Trough calld spout trough in Higham – xviij d
Itm in money in the howse – lxvj li xv s
Debts oweinge to the Testator with and without specialltie – cc[xx above iiij]xvj li vij s [i.e. 296 li 7 s]
Itm more debts oweinge to the Testator - xxvij li v s
Summ’ tot’ dlvviij li xviij s v d
There are a few candidates for John’s father.
Richard Hargreaves of Higham in his 1602 will and Richard’s widow Jane Hargreaves, daughter of James Hargreaves of Fence, in her 1604 will mention their son John Hargreaves. He was probably baptized in 1591.
Hugh Hargreaves senior of Higham in his 1597 will mentions his nephew John (“nephew” probably means “grandson”).
In 1604 in Padiham a John Hargreaves son of Ralph Hargreaves of Higham was baptized.
A 1611 surrender (Lancshire Archives DDKE/5/103) mentions one mansion house and land in Higham Booth to the use of John son of James Hargreaves.
Lancashire Anglican Parish Registers. Preston, England: Lancashire Archives. [Digital images at]
Whitaker, Thomas Dunham. An History of the Original Parish of Whalley, and Honor of Clitheroe. [4th ed., revised and enlarged by John Gough Nichols and Ponsonby A. Lyons] Volume 2. 1876.
Will of Hugh Hargreaves senior of Higham in Pendle. Proved 1597 in the Consistory Court of Chester. Digital images on Film# 004423952, images 481 and following, of 587.
Will of Jane Hargreaves of Higham. Proved 1604 in the Consistory Court of Chester. Digital images on Film# 004426562, images 323 and following, of 654.
Will of John Hargreaves of Heigham. Made 1651 and proved 1663 in the Consistory Court of Chester. FHL Film #004424006 image 57 and following, of 638.
Will of John Hargreaves of Height, Higham Booth, yeoman. Proved 1739 in the Consistory Court of Chester. FHL Film # 004426548 image 392 of 509.
Will of Richard Hargreaves of Higham. Proved 1602 in the Consistory Court of Chester. Digital images on Film# 004426561, images 184 and following, of 587.