Edmund Threele
Date of Birth: unknown.
Place of Birth: unknown.
Date of Death: 6 January 1526/7.
Place of Death: unknown.
The date is recorded in Edmond’s inquisition post mortem.
Father: John Threele.
Mother: uncertain.
Elwes suggests (p. 262) that Edmund may have been the son of a John Threele, and grandson of John Threele (died April 1465), Marshall of the Household to William, Earl of Arundel, and his wife Joan (died 14 September 1459), daughter of John Barttelot of Shopham. This appears to be supported by cases from the National Archives catalogue, where a John Threele of Loxwood appears in the 1470s. Edmund’s son William refers in his will to his uncle William. The latter William is given the father John in the Visitation of Sussex.
Spouse: Margaret Cooke.
Margaret’s mother names her son in law Edmund Threle in her will. Margaret’s name is recorded in Edmund’s inquisition post mortem.
(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)
(probably) Joan Threele married Thomas Byne.
Thomas Threle (born about 1510 - buried 25 March 1564/5 in Wisborough Green) married Elizabeth Covert.
Dorothy Threle.
William Threle (died about 1560).
from the National Archives Catalogue:
Add Mss 3781
[1491 June 15]
Richard Megewyk of Cowenfeld to John Megewyke of C., his son, & the heirs of John Strodewyk of Amyhurst, Richard Myll, John Strodewyk of Whytes & John Jotyn
Lands in Kirdford called Cowenfeldlondes, Middellondes, & Byttelleslondes, for ever
Witnesses:- Edmund Threle, Rich. Andrew, Wm. Myll, Wm. Luttenham
Seal. No livery of seisin
ADD MSS/42,624
[1545 May 16]
Suffered in 1497 between Hugh Oldom, clerk, Edward Threle, gent. versus William Gorge, gent., and Nicholas Adam, citizen and goldsmith of London.
Manors of Broadwater and Lancing, and 40 messuages, 3000a. of land, 100a. of meadow, 1000a. of pasture, 6a. of wood and £10 of rents in Broadwater, Lancing, Durrington, Worthing, [?]"Laybroke", and Little Broadwater [in Nuthurst].
A fine:
One month from Easter,12 Henry VII [23 April 1497]
Hugh Oldom, clerk, and Edmund Threle, gentilman, v. William Radmyld, knight; manors of Bradwater, Launsyng, Beueryngton and Alburn, and 46 messuages, 3,300 acres of land, 160 acres of meadow, 1,200 acres of pasture, 6 acres of wood, £12 rent in Bradwater, Launsyng, Duryngton, Wurthyng, Laybroke, Little Bradwater, Beueryngton and Bourne, and advowsons of churches of Bradwater, Alburn, Eshothle and the chantry of Bradwater in Sussex, manors of Great Mylton and Little Mylton and 30 messuages, 500 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture, 60s. rent in Great Mylton and Little Mylton in Oxon.
Plea of covenant.
William has acknowledged the manors, tenements and advowsons to be the right of Edmund, and has remised and quitclaimed them from himself and his heirs to Hugh and Edmund and the heirs of Edmund for ever.
For this, Hugh and Edmund have given him 1600 pounds sterling.
From the Calendar of Close Rolls:
Hugh Oldom clerk and Edmund Threle ‘gentilman,’ to Sir William Radmyld, his heirs and assigns. Demise of the manors of Brodwater, Launsyng, Beveryngton and Alburn, co. Sussex, and of the advowsons of Brodwater, Alburn and Esthothley, and of all lands and tenements, rents, reversions and services therein and in Wurthyng, Laybroke and Little Brodwater co. Sussex and Great and Little Melton co. Oxford, which lands the said Hugh and Edmund recovered against William Gorge gentleman and Nicholas Adam, goldsmith of London, to the said Sir William for a term of ninety-nine years…
[The 1497 land transaction appears to have been a complicated way of transfering the property from Sir William Radmyld to Sir Reynold Bray.]
Edmund’s inquisition post mortem:
Edmund Threle, esq. v. 80, No. 146.
Petworth, 16 July 19 Henry VIII [1527]. Died 6 January 18 Henry VIII [1526/7].
Heir, son Thomas Threle, aged 16 and more and in custody of William, Earl of Arundel.
Lands. –Manors of Foxhunt and Loxwode, and lands called “Strele” and “Petyrs” in Pulborough, lands in Burgham, Stoke, Eston, Thakeham, Chiltington, and Fittleworth. By deed 4 February 16 Henry VIII conveyed to feoffees for self for life, then to use of Margaret Threle for her life, then to use of his right heirs. Made will and left to Margaret his wife annuity of £4, and to William his son annuity of £4.
The will of Edmund’s son William:
In the name of god amen The xxvth daye of January anno domini a thousande five hundreth fiftie and nyne and in the seconde yere of the raigne of ower soueraigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of Englande Fraunce and Ireland Quene deffendor of the faith &c I Willm Threll of Shikelford in the Countie of Surre gentleman being in good p[er]fect mynde and memorie praise be geuen to allmightie god doe make ordaine and declare this my present last will and testamente in manner and forme followinge/ First and aboue all things I giue and bequeath my Sowle to almighte god my maker and redemer Jesus Christe and my boddie to be buried in the parrish Church of Godalminge in suche place as hit shall please my frends to appointe/ Item I giue and bequeath to the poore people of the parrishes of Goddallminge Peper Harrowe Puttenham and Compton as by the discresion of myne overseer shall seme moste couveniente/ Also I gyve and bequeath to Thomas Threll my brother fortie busshells of wheate to be paied and deliuered by Hobion who oweth me xxix quarters of wheate over and besides that the said Hobion Richarde Cooper and George Shorte whiche oweth me xx quarters to be equally devided and paied by them tree/ Also I giue and bequeathe unto my Uncle Willm Threll in remembraunce of the great kindnes that I haue founde in hym my sarrell geldinge/ Also I giue and bequeathe unto Anne Threll whiche dwelleth with her brother Morle v marks Also I give and bequeath unto Jane Threll her syster five marks/ Item I give and bequeath unto my Cosen George Scott of Hawkehurste a Stagge skyn which ys in the kepings of Henry Peyto Also I give and bequeath unto George Scotts wyef xs/ Also I give and bequeath unto Richarde Lewkenor my blacke geldinge Item I give and bequeath unto my Cosen John Morley of Lewes my littell baye nage Item I give and bequeath unto my Cosen his wyef a yarde and a quarter of blacke velvet, which is in the costodie of Henry Peytow, The residue of all my goodds and Cattalls not before given nor herafter bequeathed I give and bequeath them unto my Cosen Thomas Threll gentleman whome I make one of my executors and Henry Heyese gentleman to be an other of myne executors and the saide Henry Heies to haue for his labor ten pounde and not to take any other parte or profitts of any goods or cattalls that I have / Also I give unto the said Henry Hayes the [...]sion of payings the whiche he gave unto me to use and dispose at his pleasure and will/ Also I make constitute and ordaine my welbeloued frend and kinsman master Richard Bydon Esquire to be myne overseer to see this my last will and testament fulfilled in all things and he to have for his paines therin vj li xiij s iiij d Also I give unto my Cosen mysteres bydon in token of remembraunce xls/ Also I give unto my Cosen Margaret Parker v. marks Also I give and bequeth unto Cyrile Prior my Cosen tenn shyllings. Item I give unto John Baker vs. viij d Item I give unto Richard White xj s xiij d / Item to John Hychborn vj s viij d Item I giue to Henri Peyto ij clocks a cote and a fryse Jerkyn whyche ys in his owne kepinge alether Jerkin furred. by me Willm Threll/ These beringe wytnes, Mr Richarde Vyne Mathew Brawle Clarke Willm Lovelande/ John Hichborne Richard Edwards and other. [Also I give & bequeath unto my Cosen Katherin Vyne xl s and my crimson satten doblet]
[Proved 22 October 1560]
An indenture made by Edmund’s brother William:
This Indenture made The nynetenthe day of December in the Fyfte yere of the reigne of our moste drede soueraigne lady Elyzabethe by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Ierland Quene Defender of the Faythe etc Betwene John Fenys of Claverhin in the paryshe of Arlington withein the county of Sussex gentleman and Edward Fenys of his brother of the same place gent of the one party, And John Morley of Lewys in the county aforesayd, and Dyones his wyef, George Scott of Hawkeherste in the county of Kente and Dorathey his wyef, Thomas Peke of Bexhill and Mary his wyef, Willyam Roberts of Battell and Jane his wyef, Anne Harvey of Lewys in the sayd county of Sussex wydowe, and Robert Threle of Hawkeherste aforesayd of the other p[ar]ty/ Wytnessith that for the appealinge and myetinge of all contravers, Sowtes, Debates, and unrest that may at any tyme aryse or growe hereafter betwene any of the seyd partyes there heires Executors or Assignes, or betwyxte any of the seyd partyes, and John Threle Elyzabethe and Mary Threle children of Willyam Threle of Buckeholte Esquire and Anne his wyef deceased, of for and concerninge all the righte tytle interest and porcyon whiche they or any of them haue or hereafter may or shall haue as well of in or to any plate money Jewells corne cattell howsoold Stuffe or ymplements of howseold leases for yeres Debtes duetyes or any other goods moveable or unmoveable whatsoeuer, as allso of in or to the mannors Landes Tenements and heredytaments withe there appurtenances beinge the goods cattells leases for yeares plate money Jewells howsoold stuffe Debtes duetyes or other thinges whatsoeuer the sey Willyam Threle of Buckeholte in the paryshe of Bexhill in the seyd county of Sussex Esquire Father unto the seyd Dyones, Dorathey, Mary, Jane, Anne, & Robert, John, Elyzabeth, and Mary the yonger at the tyme of the decease of the seyd Willyam Threle, or whiche oughte to be, remayne, or come unto his heires Executors or administrators hereafter, that ys covenaunted graunted and agreed in manner and forme followinge/ And First the seyd Johnn Fenys and Edward Fenys for them there heires Executours or assignes covenaunteth and grauntethe for and in the behalf of the seyd John Threle Elyzabethe Threle and Mary Threle the yonger to and wythe the seyd John Morley and Dyones his wyef, George Scott and Dorathey his wyef, Thomas Peke and Mary his wyef, Willyam Roberts and Jane his wyef Anne Harvey and Roberte Threle there Executors administrators and assignes, and to and withe thexcutors administrators and assignes of every of them, that they the seyd John and Edward Fenys shall delyuer or cause to be delyuered before the Twenty and Fowerthe day of December nexte commynge, in full contentacyon and payment of all the parte and porcyon of any the premysses, unto the seyd John Morley and Dyones his wyef to the use of the children of the seyd John and Dyones noew lyvinge the full Some of thre Scoore poundes of lawfull money of England, and to George Scott and Dorathey his wyef Fowre Scoore poundes of lawfull money of England to the use of there children nowe lyvinge to and wythe one marshe called chese howse marshe contayninge by estymacon thirty acres more or lesse, payinge therefore yerely the Rent reservyd to the quenes maiesty that ys to say xxvjs viijd and all other chardges goinge out of the seyd marshe duringe all the yeres yet to come whiche was late the seyd Wyllyam Threles/ And to Thomas Peke and Mary his wyef Fowre Scoore poundes of lawfull money of England to the use of there children nowe lyvinge And to the seyd Willyam Roberts and Jane his wyef thre scoore poundes of lawfull money of England, And to the sayd Anne Harvey Forty pounds of lawfull money And to the seyd Roberte Threle two hundred pounds of lawfull money of England/ And allso that the seyd John Threle shall permytt and suffer the seyd Roberte Threle to haue hold and quyetly enioy all those Landes Tenements Rentes and heredytaments called or knowen by the name of the chauntry of Bexhill/ And all the Landes Tenements and heredytaments lyinge and beinge in the paryshe of Hams in the seyd county of Sussex late the inherytance of the seyd Willyam Threle/ And allso that the seyd John Threle shall withein one quarter on a yere nexte afeter the sayd John shall accomplyshe his full adge of Twenty and one yere make unto the sayd Robert Threle his heires or assignes one suffycyent release or other suffycyent assurance as shalbe deuysed by the councell lernyd in the lawe of the sayd Robert Threle his heires or assignes of all his righte tytle interest or Demaund whiche he hathe of in or to the sayd Landes Tenements and heredytaments aforesayd To haue and to hold to the sayd Roberte Threle and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten/ And for faulte of suche yssue to the righte heires of the seyd Willyam Threle deceased Father to the seyd Roberte and John/ And allso tot he seyd John Morley and Dyones his wyef, George Scott and Dorathey his wyef, Thomas Peke & Mary hys wyffe/ Williyam Roberts and Jane his wyef, Anne Harvey and Robert Threle euery one of them seuerally for him self his wyef children and for his executors administrators and assignes dothe covenaunte and graunte to and wythe the sayd John Fynis and Edward Fynis there executors adminstrators and assignes, and to and wythe the executors administrator or assignes of the longest lyvid of them, That they the seyd John Mornely, Dyones, George Scott, Dorathey, Thomas, Mary, Willyam, Jane, Alice and Roberte Threle, and the children of eyther of them shall permytt and suffer the sayd John Fynis and Edward Fynis to receave take and retayne of the sayd plate money goods cattells leases and Debts of the sayd Willyam Threle two hundred pounds of lawfull money of England, and all suche leases and termes of yeres and interest therein as the seyd William Threle had at the tyme of his Deathe of any lands Tenements and heredytaments parcell of the Duchy of Lankester to the use of the seyd John Threle and his assignes / and allso the seyd John & Edward Fynes shall receyve take and retayne of the seyd goods of the sayd Willyam Threles Fowre hundred poundes more, two hundred pounds thereof to the use of the seyd Elyzabeth, And the other two hundred oundes to the use of the sayd Mary Threle the yonger/ And the seyd Roberte Threle for him his heires executors and assignes and the executors and assignes of the longeste lyvid of them that he the sayd Roberte sahll at any tyme and from tyme to tyme before the Twenty and eighte day of Marche nexte comynge after the Date hereof by his suffyryer it dede or other acte or acts Devyse of Deuyses as shalbe deuysed or aduvysed by the councell lernyd in the lawes of the Realme of the seyd John Fynes and Edward Fynis or any of them there Executors or assignes geve graunte and assure all those landes Tenements and heredytaments lyinge and beinge wythein the paryshes of Herstmounceux Rype and Laughton or any of them late thinherytaunce of the sayd Willyam Threle unto the sayd John Fynes and Edward Fynes there heyres assignes to the use and behoulf of suche yssue tot he sayd Roberte Threle and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten/ And for faulte of suche yssue to the use of the heires of the body of the sayd John Threle/ And for faulte of such yssue to the use of the righte heires of the sayd Willyam Threle the Father foreuver wyche warranty againste the sayd Roberte and his heires for euer/ And allso yt ys covenaunted concluded condyscendyd and agreed betwene the sayd partyes That yf the goods cattells Jewells plate and howseold Stuffe Debtes or duetyes of the sayd Willyam Threle do amownte growe or ryse in value aboue the sayd seuerall Somes of money and leases apporcyoned and appoynted as aforesayd, Then the sayd Ouerplus in value, the Funeralls Debtes and other necessaryes of the sayd Willyam Threle beinge fyrste dyschardged and allowed shalbe dystrybuted in maner and forme followinge that ys to say the sayd John Threle to haue and enioy the one moyety of the sayd Ouerplus of the sayd goods Debtes and deutyes to his owne proper use and beholf, and the sayd John Morley, Dyones, George Scott, Dorathey, Thomas Peke, Mary, Willyam Roberts, Jane, Anne Harvey, Roberte Threle, Elyzabethe Threle and Mary Threle the yonger to haue and enioy the other moytye of the sayd goods equally to be deuyded amonges them parte and porcyon lyke/ And allso the sayd John Morley and Deones hys wyef, George Scott and Dorathey his wyef, Thomas Peke and Mary his wyef, Willyam Roberthe and Jane his wyef, Anne Harvey and Roberte Threle eueryone of them seuerally for him self his wyef children his executors administrators and assignes covenauntethe and grauntethe to and wythe the sayd John Fynes and Edward Fynes there executors and assignes, and the executors administrators and assignes of euery of them that they the sayd John Morley Dyones, George Scott Dorathey, Thomas Peke, Mary, Willyam Roberthe Jane, Anne Harvey and Roberte Threle shall at all tymes and from tyme to tyme duringe the space of Fyve yeres nexte after the Date hereof shall doe and suffer or cause to be don and suffered all and euery suche further acte and actes thinge and thinges Deuyse and Deuysed as shalbe deuysed or aduysed by the councell lernyd in the lawes of this realme of the sayd John Fynes and Edward Fynes there executors and assignes or the executors or assignes of any of them as well to and for the sufferinge and aydinge of the sayd John Threle to take a letter of administracon of all the sayd goods cattells leases plate money Jewells corne cattell howseold Stuffe Debts or Duetyes whatsoeuer late the seyd Wyllyam Threles or which hereafter oughte or may come to the hands of the executors or administrators of the sayd Willyam Threle, As allso to and for the clere dyschardginge and releasinge of all the righte tytle interest and Demaund whiche they or any of them hathe or hereafter shall haue of in or to any of the sayd goods cattells leases for yeres plate money Jewells howseoldstuf and other thinges whatsoever, late the sayd Willyam Threles, other then those goods money and leases before in these presentes seuerally apporcyoned and appointed unto the sayd John Morley Dyones George Scott Dorathey Thomas Peke Mary William Roberth Jane, Anne Harvey and Roberte Threle or any of them/ In Wytnes whereof the partyes abouesaid ether to other there Seales enterchaungeably haue setto the day and yere first aboue wrytten John Morley Dyones Morley George Scott/d/P/t/willyam Roberthe/I/X/by me Roberte Threle/ Sealed and delyuered accordingly in the presence of George Goringe Esquire Richard Tracy gent Richard Bysshopp Roberte Porter, Davy Pylcher of Battell John Pelf John Pryor and other/
Quinto die mensis Februarij anno dni 1562 magr Walterus Haddon legu doctor Comissarius etc emanavit comisso Johanni Fynes et Edwardo Fynes avunculis Johannis Threle filij Willimi Threle dum vixit de Buckeholte nuper Defunct, ad administrand bona Jura et credita dict Defunct iuxta et sidm tenorem prefat Script indentat durand minori etate eiusdm Johis Threle de bene etc ac de pleno Iumentarie etc Necnon de vero computo et ad sta’ Dei Evangelia iurat etc viz dco Edwardo Fynes personatr etc et prefato Johanne Fynes in perona magi Willim Babham procurationis sui etc./ sexto Januarij 1586 emanavit comissio dco Johi Threele ad …
The Will of Edmund’s son Thomas:
In the name of god Amen The Eighten daye of November In the yere of our Lord god a thouand five hundreth thre score and three and in the sixth yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene of England Fraunce and Ireland defender of the faulte &c I Thomas Threll of Loxwoode in the countie of Sussex in the Dioces of Chichester gent being hole of bodie and of parfitte remembrance thanks be unto god doe make this my last will and testament in maner and Forme followinge First I bequeath my soule unto allmightie god my maker desyringe him to accept yt into his hands throughe the merytts of the passion of Jesu Christ my redemer amonge the companye of his electe/ And I will my bodie to be buried amonges other christen bodies there buryed within the churche of Goren yf I fortune to dye within that parrishe or ells yf god will me oute of this transitorie life in enye other place, then I will my bodie to be buried amongest other Christen peoplle in suche place where god shall so call me at the discrecon of myne executors and overseers or of the most parte of them Item I will that there shalbe distributed to some discrete preacher and amongest poore people which at the daye of my buriall shalbe present at the sermon there, to be made by the sayed preacher fower pounds, Item I will to the highe Churche of Chichester xij d/ Item I will to the churche of Grene vjs viijd if that I dye within that parrishe to be buryed within the Chauncell there/ Item I will to the church of Alforde iijs iiij d / Item I will that Elizabeth my wiffe shall haue hir wynter of my lands as yt is alredie made and assigned by deede Item I will that she shall haue the chambers over the buttrie and little parlor in my house at Loxwode during hir widowhoode with free Ingresse, regresse and regresse to and from the same from tyme to tyme Item I will she shall haue goods to the value of Fourtie markes to be prayse by thre honest men off Loxwoode imediatlie after my decease or elles Fourtie marks at hir eleccon to be paied unto hir by myne Executors first and ymediatelie after my decease of the yssues and proffits of all my Lands Manors and tenements Except my mannors lands and tenements which are apointed for the rynter of my sayed wyffe/ Item I will that my cozen Richard Coverte of Slashm esquier and my brother Apesley of Thakehm esqier, whome I make myne Executors and service with all and singular their appurtenances imediatlie from and after my decease for and duringe the space of Twentie yeres then next followinge fullie to be complete and endyd towards the payment of my debts of p[er]formance of this my last will & testament/ And then I will the same to be and remayne unto Richard Threll sonne and heire of my sonne Thomas Threll deceased and to the heires males of the bodie of the sayed Richard Threll lawfullie begotten and to be begotten and for lacke of suche yssue the Remaynder therof to the heires males of my bodie lawfullie begotten/ And for defaulte of suche yssue to my righte heyres for ever/ Item forasmuche as the Mannor of Walderne with thappurtenance by possibilitie maye come and discend unto my Cozen Mary Threll daughter of my sone Thomas Threll after the deathe of Richard Threll sonne of the sayed Thomas Threll and brother of the saied Marye Threll and to the heires of the bodie of the saied Marye lawfullie begotten, And if the same shall so fortune, and happen Then I Will that myne Executors shall take uppe levie gather & receive Fourtie Markes of the yssues and proffits of all my Mannors Lands and tenements with thappurtenances and paye the sayed Fourtie AMarkes unto Richard Threel and Henry Threll my sonnes equallie to be devyded betwene them and to the longer liver of them assoone as myne Executours maye convenientlie recieve levye and take upe the same/ Provyded allwayes that if the sayed Marye Threll daughter of my saied sonne Thomas Threll doe not enioye the saied Mannor off Walderne with thappurtenances That then the sayed some of Fourtie Markes abouesaied shall remayne to the saied Mary Threll/ Item I will that if Marye Threll daughter of my sonne Thomas Threll do dye before she shall accomplishe the age of sixtene yeres, Then I will that the foresayed some of fortie Marks shalbe gatheryd levyed and receyved by myne Executors of the yssues and proffits of all my mannors lands and tenements with thappurtenances and be paid to my saied sonnes Richard Threll and Henry Threll and to the longer liver of them ymediatlie after hir decease/ Item I will give and bequeathe unto Rychard Threll and Henry Threll my sonnes every of them the yerlie rent of fiftie shillings to be pd utno every of them and to the longer liver of them by my sayed executours of all my sayed mannours Lands and tenements with thappurtenances and the same payment to begine when Richard Threll sonne of Thomas Threll the yonger deceased shall come to the age of xiij yeres, and contynew till he shall acomplishe the age of xxiiij yeres, And if it happen at anye tyme hereafter the foresaied Richard Threll or Henry Threll or enye of them to dye, Then I will that myne Executours shall paye or cause to be paied unto the overliver of them the entier some of fyve pounds to be paied by my saied Executours to the survivours of them in maner and forme as is aboue declared Item I will that my sayed executours shall paye or cause to be paied yerlie unto the saied Richard Threll sonne of Thomas Threll the yonger deceased when he shall accomplishe the age of xiiij yeres fyve Pounds yearlie untill the sayed Richard shall accomplishe the age of xxiiij yeres towards his lerninge and fyndinge to schole and then I will that he shall haue and inheryte my Lands as aboue is sayed (as I praye god he maye longe enioye the same/ Item I will that my sayed sone Richard Threll shall haue yerlie paied unto him my my sayed Executors six Pounds thirtene shillings and fower pence duringe the sayed terme of xx yeres at twoe usuall termes in the yere by even porcons yf my sayed sone Richard happen to live so longe/ Item I will to my sonne John Threll Five marks duringe the saye tearme of xx yerers in maner and forme abouesaid if my saied sonne John Threll happen to lyve so longe Item I will to my sone Henry Threll gyve marks duringe the sayed tearm of twentie yeares if the saied Henry happen to live so longe to be paied in maner & forme abouesaied, Item I will that if enye one off my sayed sonnes be or shalbe dead during the sayed terme, that then his stipend to be equallie devided amongest his brothers duringe the saied terme if they live so longe, Item I will that if one or twoe of my sayed sonnes John Richard or Henry to be deade or shall die at enye tyme duringe the saied tearme of xx yeres, Then I will his or them stipende or annuyties befor willed to him or them for the saied terme of xx yeares shalbe and remayne to the overlyvers or overliver of them three and to his assigne or assignes duringe the sayed terme of twentie yeres being wiffe child or children to the saied outliver Item I will that if the saied overliver of my saied sonnes Richard John and Henry happen to die without wiffe or childe at the tyme of his deathe Then I will the saied yerelie stipende or annuyties of twentie markes before bequeathed amonges them shalbe and remayne amongest my living daughters by equall division and be paied unto them by my sayed executors duringe the resydue of the sayed terme of twentie yeres next after the deathe of the longest liver of my sayed thre sonnes so dieng withoute wyffe or childe / Item I will that my sayed executors shall paye or cause to be paied to my sayed daughter Katherin which is bownde apprentyce in Petworthe to serve for certaines yeres Fourtye Markes to be paied to hir at the ende of hir apprenticehoode, of the which saied Fourtie Markes my sayed brother Apesley is bounde tp paye to the sayed Katherin Sixe Pounds thirtene shillings and fower pence the which I will shalbe p[ar]cell of the sayed Fourtie Markes Item I will that if the saied Katherin dye before thende of hir sayed apprenticehoode that then the saied Fourtie Markes so to hir willed shalbe and remayne amongest my lyvinge sonnes or sonne and shalbe paied to him or them by my saied Executours with as conveyent speed as my sayed Executours maye leavie the same of the proffits of my lands by force of my sayed will Item I will to Anne Orne, Alice Orne, and Katherine Chert to every of them fyve markes to be paied to everye of them at their sceuerall marriage/ Item I will that if it fortune the sayed Anne Alice and Katherin twoe or one of them to dye before their sceuerall marriags That then I will that hir or their sceverall legacies shalbe and remayne to the overlyver or overlivers of them by equall devision Item I will that Johane Cromley my servaunt shall haue tenne shillings aboue hir wage And if it fortune the sayed Anne Orne, Alyce Orne, and Katherine Chert to dye before enye of them be maryed, then I will the saied sceverall legacies of fyve markes to them bequeathed shalbe and remayne unto Johan Threll late the wiffe of John Threll my daughter in lawe/ Item wheras I haue receaved goods & Cattells of the value of thirtie thre pounds seventene shillings and eighte pence of the saied Dorothey Threll my daughter in lawe/ and promysed to make payment therfore by abatement of my rents goinge oute of my lands called the shrele westland and peters/ I will that my saied daughter in lawe Dorothey Threll shall deteine in her hands to hir use the yerlie Rents of the saied lands called the Shrell Westland and Peters untill suche tyme as in the mean space she maye receive the yerlie rent therof to the value of thirtie thre pounds seventene shillings and eighte pence and I will that the saied Dorothey Threll shall haue the sayed lands called the Shrelle Westland & Peters for and duringe the resydue off the yeres yet to come by reasn of a lease therof made to my brother Willm Threll deceased so that my heires and executours maye haue give pounds sixe shillings and eighe pence owte of the saied lands as the lawe will (the legacies of Peters parcell therof by the last will of my saied sone Thomas Threll deceased made thereof to my wyffe refermed, Provyded allwayes & my very will is that if yt fortune my next heire male apparante to dye at enye tyme duringe the sayed terme of twentie yeres and that some other heire male of my bodie shalbe then lyvinge of thage of xxiiij yeres, or if it fortune all heires males of my bodye to dye before they or anye of them shall enioye the sayed lands by force of my sayed will, Then I will the sayed heire male of my bodie which shalbe of the age of xxiiij yeres at the death of my sayed heire apparaunte or my daughters and heires that shalbe then lyvinge after the deathe of my sayed heire male so dienge shall paye suche legacies as are to be paied by this my last will Escept his or their owne legacies hereby to them willed, and after suche legacies paied I will that my next heire male or generall shall enherite my lands accordinge to the true meaninge of this my will, and that after the deathes of my sayed heires males so dieng within age I will that my sayed heires males of full age shall execute so muche of this my will as shall not then be p[er]formyd in maner and forme abouesaid, and for lacke of heires males off my bodie at enye tyme duringe the sayed terme of twentie yeres, Item I will that my sayed heires generalles shall execute the resydue of this my will after the deathes of my sayed heire apparante yf then I shall haue anye heire male of my bodie of the age of xx yeres, and from the deathe of the heires males, if they fortune to dye before the ende of the saied terme of xx yeres,/ thamteritye of my saied Executors and either of them to be voyed and cease from thence forthe to be of none effecte/ Item I will to every of my executors that shall take upn them to execute this my will Sixe pounds thirtene shillings and fower pence over and above their reasonable chargs to be taken in and aboute thexecucon of this my last will and testament Item I will my Cozen Bydun to be my overseer of the same and he to haue for his paynes thre pounds sixe shillings and eighte pence/ The Residue of the proffits of my lands to be preceived and taken duringe the sayed terme, of twentie yeres and all my goods and cattells not bequeathed upon the rep[ar]acon of my Mansion house of Loxwoode/ In wytnes whereof to this my present will and testament I haue putto my hand & seale the daye and yere aboue wrytten By me Thomas Threll of Loxwoode, Signed and sealyd in the presence of Phillip Somer vicar John Westrobe p[ar]son of alffold, Joh Willet, John Kinge, Mathew Hawthorne & John Butcher with others
[proved 29 May 1571]
Letters from Edmund’s nephew(?) Richard Bydon (National Archives summary):
Letter from Richard Bydon, to William More. He writes to defend his son [in law] Parker who has been falsely accused by Chitty of saying 'that he should touch Mr Weston, Mr Browne and you in the hearing of Chitty's cause' ands asks More to be 'good master' to his son. He also defends Parker who has offended More by 'speaking against the loud demands of Harry Peto' relating to an assault. Bydon hopes that More 'will be a friend to my children when I am gone out of this world'. He has conveyed his estates in Shackleford, Peper Harow, Puttenham, Compton and Chiddingfold to Viscount Montague, John Skinner of Reigate, More and Harry Hooke as feoffees, in trust to provide for his wife Katherine and his daughters Mary, Katherine the wife of Richard Vyne and Margaret the wife of Gregory Parker; also to Richard Mash. He has also made financial provision for Skinner, More and Hooke 'to buy each of you a gelding for your labour and travail herein'. His 'good lord and master [Montague] ... saith that he will have nothing'. Postscript: [Montague] hunted in Guildford Park, when More was in London, and Bydon showed him his feoffment and will. [HMC p.615b; see 6727/11/7/1 for Chitty's complaints against the Bydons]
Letter from Richard Bydon to William More. ... He requests amendments to be made to the draft indentures sent to him by More concerning their responsibility for the plate and rents of his cousin the late John Hull. ... His delay in replying is due to illness following his eating cold fish, for which he had to take 'acqua composita' as a purge. ... Dated Monday morning. [see LM/COR/3/31 above]
Richard Bydon died in 1572.
Attree, F.W.T. Notes of Post Mortem Inquisitions Taken in Sussex 1 Henry VII to 1649 and After. (Sussex Record Society v. 14, 1912).
Calendar of the Close Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office. Henry VII A.D. 1485-1500. (1955).
Comber, John. Sussex Genealogies (1931). Online “Community Tree” at FamilySearch extracted from this work.
Elwes, Dudley George Cary (assisted by Charles J. Robinson) A History of the Castles, Mansions, and Manors of Western Sussex. (1876).
Feet of Fines on Some Notes on Medieval Genealogy.
Salzmann, L.F. (ed.) An Abstract of Feet of Fines for the County of Sussex v. 3 1308-1509 (Sussex Record Society, 1916).
The Visitations of the County of Sussex Made and Taken in the Years 1530 and 1633-4 (W. Bruce Bannerman ed.) (Harleian Society v. 53, 1905).
Will of Joane Cooke of Rustyngton. Proved 1525 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
Will of Thomas Threll of Loxwood, Sussex. Proved 1571 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
Will of William Threll of Shackleford, Surrey. Proved 1560 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
Administration of William Threle of Buckholt in Bexhill, Sussex. Proved 1563 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.