Anthony Cole


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Death: shortly before 1 February 1654

Place of Death: unknown, probably Chadwich, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire.

Anthony made his will 1 July 1650 and it was proved 1 February 1654/5.


Father: John Cole.

Mother: Joan Waldern.

See the Commentary section. 

Spouse: Alice Milward. Married 17 November 1593 in Alvechurch.

The marriage is recorded in the parish register. There is a marriage bond. Alice was of Alvechurch, Worcestershire.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

Anthony Cole alias Milward (baptized as "Anthony Myllward" 29 September 1593 in Alvechurch - buried 6 September 1661 in Bromsgrove as a Quaker) married Susan Sparry in 17 July 1619 in Broome, Worcestershire.

Joan Cole (baptized 23 December 1595 in Bromsgrove)

John Cole (baptized 22 March 1596/7 in Bromsgrove) probably married Elizabeth.

Rosamund Cole (died 1661)  married John Badger.

Gilbert Cole (baptized 25 March 1600 in Bromsgrove - buried 12 June 1690 in Clent) married Ann Taylor 25 June 1633 at Clent, Worcestershire.

Jane Cole (baptized 26 July 1601 in Bromsgrove) married Edward Cole.

Margaret Cole (baptized 1 February 1602/3 in Bromsgrove) married William Caldwell.

Agnes Cole (baptized 17 April 1604 in Bromgrove) married John Wareing.

Alice Cole (baptized 29 June 1606 in Bromsgrove - died 1684) married William Dowbridge 30 January 1633/4 in Lea Marston, Warwickshire.

William Cole (baptized 28 March 1608 in Bromsgrove)


from the parish register of Alvechurch:


The .29. of September was christned Anthonye the sonn of Ales Myllard, borne out of wedlocke./

The . 17. of November were maried Anthonye Cowles and Ales Myllward

In the marriage bond for Anthony and Alice, bound are John Milward of Alvechurch, cooper, and Thomas Sanfard of Worcester, clothier.

from the Bromsgrove parish register:


The xxviijth daie of December was baptized Jhoane the daughter of Anthonie Coole


The xxijth daie of March was baptized Jhon the son[n]e of Anthonie Coole


The xxvth daie of March was baptized Gilbart the son[n]e of Anthonie Coole 


The xxvjth daie of Julie was baptized Jane the daughter of Anthonie Coole


The firste daie of Februarie was baptyzed Margaret the daughter of Anthonie Coole


The xvijth daie of Aprill was baptyzed Agnes the daughter of Anthonie Coole


The xxixth daie of June was baptyzed Alice the daughter of Anthonie Coole


The xxviijth day of March was baptized Will’m the sonne of Anthony Cole.

from the Diary of Henry Townshend:

Anthony was appointed High Collector of the Hundred of Halfshire in 1642. (II, pp. 56 ff.)

This appointment is also recorded in the Calendar of State Papers of Charles I, domestic series.

A 1653 fine:

Between Anthony Cole plaintiff and William Becke &c. defendants in Chadwich &c.

The will of Gilbert Kimberley of Whitford, Bromsgrove, dated 16 November 1654, makes overseers his "friends and kinsmen" John Cole of Belbroughton and Anthony Cole of Chaddeswhich. Gilbert's mother was probably a half-sister of John and Anthony.

Anthony’s will (1650/1654):

In the name of God Amen the first day of July In the yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred and fifty I Anthony Cole the elder of Chaddesworth in the p[ar]ish of Bromesorend & County of Worcest yeoman the unprofitable servant of God weake in body but stronge in minde doe willingly and with a free heart render and give againe into the hands of my Lord God and Creator my Spiritt which he of his Fatherly goodnes gave unto mee when hee first fashioned mee in my mothers wombe makinge mee a lyvinge Creature nothinge doubtinge but that for his Infinite mercyes sett forth in the precious bloud of his dearly beloved sonne Jesus Christ our Saviour and Redeemer hee will receive my Soule into his glory and place itt in the Company of the heavenly Angells and blessed Saints And as Concerninge my body even with a good will and free hand I give over Commendinge itt to the Earth whereof itt came nothinge doubtinge but accordinge to the Articles of my Faith att the great day of generall resurrection when wee shall all appeare att the Judgment Seate of Christ I shall receive the Same againe by the mighty power of God where with hee is able to Subdue all things to himselfe not a Corruptible mortall weake and vile body as itt is now but an Incorruptible immortall and p[er]fect body like unto the body of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ First as touchinge my worldly goods I Give and dispose of them as followeth In primis my will is that my Executors heerafter named shall within six monethes next after my decease well and truly pay unto my daughter Margaret the wife of William Cauldwell the sum of Twenty poundes of Currant English money in liew and satisfaccon of all the marriage porcon by mee att anytyme formerly promised to her or her said Husband they givinge myne Executors a Sufficient discharge for the same Item my Will is that my Said Executors within the space alsoe of six monethes next after my decease well and truly pay unto my daughter Alice Dowbridge wife of William Dowbridge the like sum of Twenty poundes of Currant English money in Liew and full satisfaccon of all the marriage porcon by mee att any tyme formerly promised either to her or her said Husband they givinge myne Executor a sufficient discharge for the same Item my will is that my said Executor shall within the space of six monethes next after my decease well and truly pay unto my daughter Jane Cole the wife of Edward Cole the full sum of Fourty pounds of Currant English money in liew and full satisfaccon of all the marriage porcon by mee att any tyme formerly promised either to her or her said husband they givinge my Executors a Sufficient discharge for the same Item my will is that my said Executors shall pay the sull sum of Twenty poundes to all the Children that my daughter Anne Waringe shall have lyvinge att my decease to bee equally divided betweene them or Soe many of them as shall lyve to accomplish the full age of Twenty and one yeares a peece and then to bee paid unto them Except John Waringe their Father will by himselfe and some other sufficient person to be bound with him in double the valew thereof assume and undertake to pay the Same to the said Children with the Interest therof equally as every one of them shall accomplish the aforesaid age of Twenty and one yeares which if hee give Sufficient security and a discharge to my Executors for all the marriage porcon or any other money due from mee to him or his wife then my will is that my Executor shall pay to him the aforesaid Some of Twenty poundes within Six moneths after my decease Item I Gyve and bequeath unto my said daughter Anne Waringe the sum of Tenne shillings to bee payd to her within one moneth after my decease Item I Gyve and bequeath to Roose Badger one Silver Spoone and my warminge Pann and the summe of Tenne shillings to bee delivered unto her within one moneth after my decease Item I Gyve and bequeath to Gilbert Cole my sonne the sum of Tenne shillings to bee payd to him within a moneth after my decease Item I Gyve and bequeath to Anthony Cole my sonne all the Revercon and tyme of yeares that shalbe to come and unexpired in a Lease which I have and hould from Christchurch in Oxford And as for all other the rest of my goods and p[er]sonal estate (my Legacyes debts and funerall expences discharged) I Gyve unto my said sonne Anthony Cole whom I doe make my full and Sole Executor of this my last will and Testament Item I doe alsoe give and bequeath unto Mary Welley my servant mayde Tenn shillings to bee payd unto her by my Executor within one moneth after my decease Anthony Cole This Will was published before us whose names are subscribed John Cole the marke of Richard Howton

[Proved 7 February 1654, PCC]

Evidence relating to Antony’s children.

from Christ Church Archive Catalogue:


25 March 1559 (Creation)

Assignment by Thomas Palmer, of Champneys, Hertfordshire, gent., heir and executor of Thomas Palmer, of the same place, gent., deceased, to Joane Lynall, of Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, widow of John Lynall, deceased, of Chadwick Manor; for a term of 92 years, for a consideration of £35.


21 September 1649 (Creation)

Lease to Anthony Cole the elder, of Chadwick, yeoman.


21 October 1653 (Creation)

Lease to Anthony Cole the elder, of Chadwick, yeoman.


17 October 1666 (Creation)

Lease to Anthony Dobridge, of Chadwick, yeoman.


11 January 1683 (Creation)

Lease to William Cole the elder, of Clent, Staffordshire, yeoman.


26 July 1692 (Creation)

Lease to Anthony Dobridge, of Chadwick, yeoman.


16 May 1700 (Creation)

Surrender by Anthony Dobridge, of Chadwick, yeoman.


Anthony’s parentage:

The Christ Church Oxford archives record that in 1559 Joan Lynall widow of Bromsgrove, widow of John Lynall, deceased, acquired the lease of Chadwick manor. 

The 1577 will of John Cole of Belbroughton names his wife Joan and his son Anthony. Anthony was left, with other property, “the Lease of the lordshippe of Chaddewiche with the apprtenances…” [Joan had married John Cole as her second husband.]

The Christ Church Oxford archives record the lease of Chadwick to “Anthony Cole the elder” in 1649 and 1653.

The Anthony Cole of this page, as “Anthony Cole the elder of Chaddesworth”, bequeathed in his 1650/4 will to his son Anthony Cole, with other property, “all the Revercon and tyme of yeares that shalbe to come and unexpired in a Lease which I have and hould from Christchurch in Oxford.”

The younger Anthony Cole in turn, as “Anthony Cole of Chadwich”, bequeathed to his son-in-law Anthony Dowbridge “All that my Manner of Chadwich with theappurtenances and all other the messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments with theappurtenances which I hold by lease of and from the deane and Chapter of Christ church in Oxon of the foundacon of King Henry the eight together with the said Lease and all my estate title interest and terme thereunto come and unexpired”.

The Christ Church Oxford archives record the lease of Chadwick to “Anthony Dobridge” in 1666.

John Cole’s will, and the continued possession of the lease of the manor of Chadwich from Christ Church, Oxford, show that Anthony was John’s son.

Anthony names his wife Joan in his will, and a bequest in this will makes clear that Joan was the mother of John “Lynehole”, Thomas  “Lynehold”, Anne, and Margaret. The 1559 lease mentioned above makes clear that Joan was the widow of John Lynall. John Lynall and Joan Waldron married in 1551 in Belbroughton, and John left a 1558 will. 

The evidence that Anthony’s parents were John Cole and Joan Waldron is sufficient.


Diary of Henry Townshend of Elmley Lovett. 1640-1663. (Worcestershire Historical Society, 1920).

An Index to Worcestershire Fines, 1649-1714 (Worcestershire Historical Society, 1896).

Marriage bond of Anthony Cole and Alice Millward, 1593. Consistory Court of Worcester. Digital images on FamilySearch.

The parish registers of Alvechurch, Worcestershire. Digital images on FamilySearch.

Will of Anthony Cole the elder of Chaddesworth, Bromsgrove. Proved 7 February 1654 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Digital images on accessed 16 May 2020.

Will of Anthony Cole. Proved 1661 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Digital images on accessed 17 May 2020.

Will of Gilbert Kimberley. Proved 1654 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Digital images on accessed 1 August 2021.

Will of John Badger. Proved 1643 in the Consistory Court of Worcester.

Will of John Cole of Belbroughton. Proved 1577 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Digital images on accessed 17 May 2020.

Will of Rosamund Badger. Proved 1660 in the Consistory Court of Worcester.