Elizabeth Oneley

Also known as Isabel.


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Death: May or June 1554.

Place of Death: unknown (probably Chetwynd, Shropshire).

Elizabeth made her will 15 May 1554 and it was proved 15 June 1554.


Father: John Onley.

John’s name is given by Hawkyard. It is corroborated by evidence from the 1538 will of Elizabeth's brother John.

Mother: Jane Pontesbury.

This relationship is given by Hawkyard and by the 1564 Visitation of Northamptonshire (p. 38).

Spouse: Thomas Piggot.

This relationship is given in the 1623 Visitation (p. 401) and the 1564 Visitation of Northamptonshire (p. 38). It is corroborated by information in the wills of Elizabeth and Thomas. Elizabeth's brother John Onley names his "sister Piggot" in his will.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project. Elizabeth comes from the Corbet pedigree in the Visitation.)

Ann Pigott (died after 1554) married (1) Richard Salter; married (2) John Yonge.

Robert Pigott (died about 1584) married Elizabeth Gatacre.

Mary Pigott married ? Wheeler.

Richard Pigott

John Pigott

Katherine Pigott

Dorothy Pigott

Elizabeth Pigott married Peter Corbet. 


Isabel’s will:

Proved 15 June 1554 dated 15 May 1554

In the name of god amen the xvth day of May in the yere of our lorde god 1554 I Isabell Pygott widow the late wif of Thomas Pygott esquier beinge sick in body butt hole of mynde and of good memory thanks be unto god do make my testament & last will in mann[er] & forme folowinge First I bequeth my sole to almighty god and to all the celestiall companye of hevyn and my body to be buried within the chauncell of the p[ar]ishe churche of Chitwyn Itm I bequethe to my Cosyn William Coton my bevy of Swannes and my yongar colte Itm to my son Robte a golde ringe conteininge the armes of the howse Itm to my ij sonnes Ric and John the elder of my crofte[?] lieinge nighe my barne to be sone with bary uppon my costs and then to haue the corne therof att harvyst equally to be devided betwixte them Itm to my ij doghters Mary Weler and Anne Yonge my barly growing and being in the new folde equally to be devided betwixte them att harvest Itm to my doghter Dorothye all my Rye growinge in hasallow fylde and the p[ar]sons close my tythe corne of the towneships of hoyll and pylson and all my whyt growinge in the brode fylde. Itm I bequethe to Katherin my doghter all and singler suche goods of the myne the which I haue alredy delivered and now be in the custodye and possession of my cosyn William Humfreston Itm to the same Katheryn a bedde with thappurtenances vj score of my best shepe with the wooll as thei nowe be & xxiiij yonge bests nowe in the custody of my frende Reynold Rydley Itm to my brother adam xls Itm to margery onley my goddaughter xls Itm to Edward only xxs Itm to & Ric Tarle my chaplen my elder colte Itm to William Whythord a cowe x shepe & ij pere of canvas shets Itm to Jane Cowp[er] ij Kye x shepe the bedd in her chamber with thappurtenances ij pere of flaxen shets ij pair of canvas shets my mantyll & my ij furryd gownes Itm to elyn maunsell vj shepe Itm to Thomas Pyggyn a yerlinge calf x shepe xj strike of Rie vj strake of mawlte Itm to Thomas moltwrysherd my servand to wolde Arun[?] to ether of them a cowe Itm to my servants to every of them a quarter wage over and beside their dewe Itm to my yongar son John now beinge with me in howse my xij kye and a bull nowe beinge att conberm’[?] with the hure[?] of the same in recompense of xx li the which I have of his in my hands Itm to my said son John my grey bounden waine and vij my best oxan’[?] gowns and chaines next for the same with thappurtenance Itm to the same John vj scores of my seconde best shepe in theire wooll as thei nowe be my ij geldings the blacke and the bay all my kye before not bequethed my best mowe of rie now in my barne and the rest of my yonge bests not before bequethed the rest and the Residue of all and singler my wordly goods my detts paid & my ordinary chargs and funerall exspe & deducted I gyve and bequeth to my youngar son John aforsaid and to Katherin my Doghter Itm to the poore folks of newport xx strike of Rie xij strike of malte & xij flythcis of barey Itm I mak and ordeine my trewe & lawfull executors my cosyn William Coton my cosen William Humfreston my yongar son John & my cosyn John Salter to execute and fulfuill this my last will Itm I make constitute and ordeine Sir Ric Coton knight & my brother in law Sir Ric manwarynge knight overseers of this my last will these being witnes Rog Maxsold gent Thomas Bendbowe Edward newton and Thomas Cowp[er] with other/ Itm I bequeth to my cosyn John Saltar xx shepe in the wooll as thei now be Itm to Elizabh the wiff of thomas Land’ & to her Doghter vj shepe vj strik of Rie and vj strak of malte


Miller, Helen. “Cotton, Sir Richard (by 1497-1556), of Bedhampton and Warblington, Hants.” in The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1509-1558, ed. S.T. Bindoff, 1982.

Mimardière, A.M. “Onley, Edward (1522-82), of Catesby, Northants.” in The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1509-1558, ed. S.T. Bindoff, 1982.

Hawkyard, A.D.K. “Onley, John (by 1498 - 1537), of London and Catesby, Northants.” in The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1509-1558, ed. S.T. Bindoff, 1982.

Thorpe, S.M. “Onley, Thomas (1523-89), of London.” in The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1509-1558, ed. S.T. Bindoff, 1982.

The Journal of the British Archaeological Association Vol. XXIV (1867).

The Visitation of Shropshire, 1623. Paul Grazebrook and John Paul Rylands, eds. (London, 1889).

Will of John Onley. Proved 1538 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.

Will of Isabella Pygot of Chetwynd. Proved 1554 in the Consistory Court of Lichfield and Coventry.

Will of Thomas Pygot of Chetwynd. Proved 1549 in the Consistory Court of Lichfield and Coventry.