Philip Coxe


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Death: 1561.

Place of Death: unknown.

Philip made his will 25 January 1560/1 and it was proved in December 1561.


Father: unknown.

Mother: unknown.

Spouse: Joan.

An entry in the St Leonard, Clent parish registers records the burial of “Johane Coxe the mother of Ric’d Coxe William Coxe and Johane Coxe” on 22 December 1579. In his will, Philip states that his brother in law is “John Colvlye”. 


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

Richard Coxe (buried 22 December 1599 in Clent) married Elizabeth.

John Coxe married Elinor.

Thomas Coxe married Elizabeth Rotten 15 June 1569 in King’s Norton, Worcestershire.

William Coxe married Margaret.

Joan Coxe


Philip’s will:

In the name of god amen yn the yeare of oure lorde god m ccccc lx  xxv daye January I phylypp cox of clent of a good and parfyt mynde and memorye but syke yn bodye make my testyment and laste wyll yn maner & forme folowynge fyrste I bequeathe my sowle to Jesus Cryst oure onlye redemer & sauyour & I wyll my bodye be buryed yn the chyrche yearde of clent also I geue to the chyrch of clent yn recompence for the ij claspes of syluer that I had of the sayde chyrche v s also I bestowyd ij s iiij d for mendyng of a vestment whyche I remyt also I bequethe to John my sone a new bed hyllyng wythe the bedd that I now lye uppon also bequethe to John Cox my sone xvj li whyche rycharde cox my sone and eyre shalle paye to hym at the dayes as thomas cox my sonne wythe other of my frynds shall thynke mete and convenyent also I bequethe to Wane Rawley a floke bed a keuerynge a bolt iij shets a [...] a kofer a pot a pene ij platers the rest of all my goods unbequethyd my dettes payde my wyll parformyd my bodye onestlye brought to the erthe I be quethe to all my chyldern to be deuydyd yn defertlye a mongeste them  I make my executors of thys my laste Wyll Thomas cox and Wyllyam cox my sonnes also I wyll desyer John Colvlye my brother yn law & Rycharde my sonne to be my ouer seers thes beryng Wyttnes John Wheler and Rychard Slape Wythe other mo

I bequethe to Ysbell gaskyn anolde flokbed a noggen shett a plate

I bequethe Wyllyam baylys a red hayfor also I bequethe John Gorbett my godson a shepe

[proved ? die Decembris Anno dni’ 1561]


Clent, St. Leonard Parish Registers, Staffordshire Parish Registers Society, 2004. 

The will of Phylypp Cox of Clent. Proved 1561 in the Consistory Court of Worcester.