William Drape


Date of Baptism: 20 August 1700. 

Place of Baptism: St Nicholas, Whitehaven. 

The baptism is recorded in the parish register. 

Date of Death: between 7 December 1744 and 14 October 1745.

Place of Death: unknown.

The dates are when William made his will and when it was proved.


Father: John Drape.

Mother: Mary.

William’s father is recorded in his baptism record. 

Spouse: Martha Wood. Married 2 September 1725 in Whitehaven, Cumberland, England (Holy Trinity).

The marriage is given in the bishop’s transcripts of the parish register.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project. All children were baptized in Whitehaven.)

John Drape (baptized 27 July 1726).

William Drape (baptized 13 July 1728 - buried 3 July 1729).

Rachel Drape (baptized 29 May 1730).

Martha Drape (baptized 11 June 1732) married Samuel Hinde about 1752, probably in Whitehaven.

Mary Drape (baptized 6 April 1734).

William Drape (baptized 4 February 1735) married Mary Davy 4 December 1757 in Whitehaven.


William Drape’s marriage (Whitehaven Holy Trinity, 1725)

7.ber 2 William Drape & Martha Wood [Whiteh.n]

William's will:

In the name of God Amen, I William Drape of Whitehaven in the County of Cumberland Shipwright being Week in Body, but of sound mind and memory (Blessed be God) do this seventh day of December in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and forty four, Make and Publish this My last will and testament in manner following.

(That is to say) I Recommend my soul to Almighty God that gave it wholly Relying on the Mirits of our Saviour Jesus Christ for the Remission of all my sins. And my Body to be Buried  in a decent Manner at the Discretion of My Executrix herein after named, and as for such worldly Goods wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me, I dispose of them as follows,

First I will that all my debts and funeral Expences be duly payd and discharged, Also I Give and Bequeath unto My Loving Wife Martha Drape all that my Messuage and Testament with the Appurtenances situate and Being at Parton in the County aforesaid to Hold to her the said Martha Drape for ever, to be morgaged soold or disposed of as she shall se convienent-

Also all the Rest and Residue of my Money Goods and Chattle, temporal and personal whatsoever I Give unto my said wife Martha Whom I do appoint sool Exexutrix of this my last will and Testament Revoking and and [sic] disanulling all former and other wills by me heretofore made, In Witness whereof I have hereunto set My hand and seal the day and year above Written.

sined sealed and published by the Testator of his last will and Testament in Presence of us whose names are under written

Thomas Gibson

William Wilson

George Robinson

William Drape  [seal]


Administration of John Drape of Whitehaven, 1716, 1726, Consistory Court of Cheshire, Archdeaconry of Richmond, Copeland Deanery.

Will of William Drape late of Whitehaven, shipwright, proved 14 October 1745 in the Consistory Court of Cheshire, Archdeaconry of Richmond, Copeland Deanery.

William Drape and Martha Wood, marriage, Whitehaven Holy Trinity, bishop’s transcripts of the parish registers; FHL microfilm 90678, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.