Ann Pigott


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Burial: 7 May 1594. 

Place of Burial: Eccleshall, Staffordshire. 

The burial is recorded in the parish register. 


Father: Thomas Piggot.

Mother: Elizabeth (or Isabella) Oneley.

These relationships are given in the 1623 Visitation of Shropshire (p. 401). Elizabeth’s will names her daughter Ann (Yonge) and her “cousin” John Salter (Ann’s son). Ann’s son John, in his will, names cousins who must be related to him through Ann’s father Thomas. See the Commentary section for more detail.

Spouse: Richard Salter.

This relationship is discussed on Richard’s page. Richard died in about 1551.

Spouse: John Yonge of Charnes Hall.

Ann is called Ann Yonge in her mother’s 1554 will. See the Commentary section.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

Thomas Salter married Alice Lawley.

Richard Salter married Jane Samuels. 

John Salter (born in Wrockwardine - probably died about 1557). John appears to have had an illegitimate son, David, with Katherine Fenimore. John was of Littlehales, Shropshire.

Rosa Salter

Robert Salter (died 1612) married Katherine. Robert was of Littlehales.

William Salter (buried 12 July 1582 in Edgmond, Shropshire).

Margaret Salter married George Childer 10 October 1586 in Albrighton (near Shifnal), Shrop[shire.

Ann Salter married (1) William Dudley 30 August 1584 in Albrighton; married (2) Edward Grove.

Thomas Yonge (buried 1627/8 in Eccleshall, Staffordshire) married Elizabeth Braddock.

John Yonge (buried 13 January 1634/5 in Uffington, Shropshire) married Joyce Horner 29 January 1581/2 in Shawbury, Shropshire. 

A daughter married John Sudley.

Mary Yonge.


from the National Archives catalogue 

(REQ 2/24/90 and 92)

Younge v Younge

Plaintiffs: Anne Younge [SFP].

Defendants: John Younge.

Subject: manors and lands in Charnes, Wrinehill, Betley and Pymley.

County: Staffordshire; Cheshire; Shropshire.

[1553 July 19-1558 Nov 17]


Messuages with appurts. in Pymley and Uffington, Co. Salop.


Jn. Yonge/Edward Hussey & Jn. Badeley/Jn. Yonge s. of Jn. Yonge.

30 Sept. 32 Eliz.[1590]

(C 78/92/16)

Colley v Yonge.

Plaintiffs: John Colley of Betley, Staffordshire, yeoman and Ellen Colley his wife, widow of Robert Lownes of Betley deceased.

Defendants: John Yonge of Charnes, Staffordshire, gent and Ellen Lownes widow, mother of the deceased Robert Lownes.

Subject of decree: Possession of a lease of a tenement in Betley.

Date of decree: 3 Nov 38 Eliz.  [1596]

From the parish register of Eccleshall:

1594  May 7 [burials]

Anna Younge

1600  December 13 [burials]

John Yonge of the Hall of Charnes, gent.

The 1600 will of John Younge of Charnes:

In the name of God amen the tenth day of December in the yeare of our Lorde god one thowsand six hundred I John Younge of Charnes in the Countie of Stafford gent beinge in good and perfect memorie thans be to god doe make and ordaine this my laste will and testament in manner and fourme followinge viz’t First I bequeath my sowle into the handes of the Almightie god my Creator Saviour and Redemer And my bodie to be earthe to be buried in the parishe Churche yarde of Eccleshall by the direction of my Executor Item I give and bequeath to the poore people of the Parrishe of Eccleshall Fower poundes to be distributed by the dyscretion of my executor and Overseer within one yeare next after my decease. Item I give and bequeath to my sonne Thomas Younge six Oxen and three kine with all my waines ploughes harrowes yokes Chaines and all other Implements belonginge to husbandrie together with all the tables Formes Chaires stooles Cubberts bedsteedes and all other treene and wodden vessell and ware now beinge and remaininge in my house att Charnes (Coffers excepted) And allso I give unto the said Thomas Younge all my spitts Cubbordes Racks Andirons tonges fyr shovells and other Iron tooles and ware there. Item I give and bequeathe to my sonne John Younge those two oxen in his possession and one Steere in Walles  Item I give and bequeath to my sonne in lawe John Sudley and to my daughter his wife to eache of them five shillings in full satisfaccon of her Childes parte of all my goodes and in accomplishment and dischardge of all covenaunts and promisses made to the said John in consideracion of the marriage betwene them or otherwise. Item I give and bequeathe unto my lovinge nephew John Hinton gent those fower Oxen which I lente him nowe in his owne possession  Item I give and bequeathe unto my servaunt Margarett Porter in consideracion of her faithfull service donne me that Fetherbedd in the Chamber at the staire head with boulster pillowes sheetes and all other furniture thereto belonginge and one brasse pott latelie caste att Shrewsberrie Item I give and bequeath to my lovinge Cosen Richard Perrins one Cowe And to my servaunts John Watsonne Margarett Chambers and Marie Claiton to eche of them a Cowe Item I give and bequeath to my lovinge Cosen Robert Peshall gent Fowre pounds to make him a Ringe. And my will is that my daughter Marie Younge shall remaine & abide with my sonne John Younge and by him shalbe maintained and kepte from time to time with sufficient and convenient meate drincke apparrell lodginge and all other thinges meete and convenient for her degree and callinge (yf she the said Marie and the said John wilbe so contented Or else yf they cannott agree to live together then I will that the saide John Younge shall paie yearelie unto the said Marie so long as she shall live from him sole and unmarried Fower poundes of lawfull Englishe monie to be delivered unto her quarterlie for her maintenance. And yf she the saide Marie shall happen to marrie with the consent and good likinge of the saide John Younge John Hinton and Robert Peshall or of aine two of them then I will that the said John Younge shall paye unto the saide Marie Fortie poundes of lawfull Englishe monie within one yeare after such marriage as aforesaide. But yf she the said Marie shall happen to marrie or espouse her selfe to aine personne without such consente and likinge as aforesaide Then my will is that she shall have online twentie poundes of lawfull Englishe monie and no more in full paiment and satisfaccion of his Childes parte of all my goodes and Chattells All the residue of my goodes and Chattells not given nor bequeathed my debtes Leagacies and Funerall expences paide and dischardged I give and bequeathe to my saide sonne John Younge and to my said servaunt Margarett Porter to be equallie devided betwene them. And I make ordaine and constitute the said John Young my sole Executor of this my last will and Testament And my saide lovinge cosen Robert Peshall overseer and finallie I do herebie renounce revoke and undoe all former wills and testaments and all legacies therein or thereby given or bequeathed. And do pronounce and declare this to be my onlie last will and testament in the presence of theise personnes whose names ar  subscribed viz Ro: Peshall Jo Swinnerton Margarett Porter Wiliam Tillesley &c.

[Proved 9 May 1601]


The “Pigott of Chetwyn” pedigree given Grazebrook and Rylands comes from the manuscript copy of the 1623 Visitation preserved in the Shrewsbury School Library, but doesn’t appear in Harl. MSS. 1396 or 1241. There are several errors in it:

Apart from the first, all of the errors involve misplacing women who are actually are connected to the Pigotts in some way. Given this, I take the Visitation to be evidence for Ann Pigott’s marriage to Richard Salter, although one wishes it were better evidence.

    The Visitation shows Ann Pigott to be a sister of the Robert Pigott who married Elizabeth Gatacre. This works chronologically and is consistent with other evidence (Robert’s mother Elizabeth Oneley calls Ann’s son John Salter her “cousin” in her will. If the Visitation’s placement of Ann’s marriage is correct, John Salter would actually be Elizabeth’s grandson. Her calling him her “cousin”, however, is consistent with usage at the time and Elizabeth’s own usage elsewhere in the will, where she refers to the husband of another grandchild as “my cosen William Humfreston”. Both John Salter and William Humfreston were executors of Elizabeth’s will.)

    The 1557 will of Ann’s son John Salter also mentions “my Cossyn Humfrestons”. In this case, John is referring to the husband of his first cousin (in the modern sense). John also makes his executors “my Cossyns John Cotts and Robert Pygott esquiers”. The latter was Ann Pigott’s brother, mentioned above, and thus John’s uncle in modern terms (according to the Visitation and this page). I believe John Cotts was John Cotes of Woodcote, a grandchild of Mary Blount’s sister Eleanor and thus a second cousin of John’s mother Ann Pigott. John also mentions a cousin Isabel Aspley whom I have not yet traced. She was the daughter of Richard Aspley of Newport. Richard’s 1556 will names his daughter, Isabel, and John Salter was a witness.

    Taken altogether, I find the evidence that the Ann who married Richard Salter was a Pigott to be overwhelming, and the evidence that she was the daughter of Thomas Pigott and Elizabeth Oneley to be good enough.

The 1614 Visitation of Staffordshire makes the Ann Piggot who married John Yonge the daughter of Robert Piggot of Chetwynd. This is chronologically unlikely, and “Robert” must be an error for “Thomas”, given that Thomas’s widow Isabel names her daughter Anne Yonge in her will. 


The Heraldic Visitations of Staffordshire in 1614 and 1663-4 (H. Sydney Grazebrook ed.) in Collections for a History of Staffordshire pt. 2 v. 5 (1884). 

The Journal of the British Archaeological Association Vol. XXIV (1867).

The Visitation of Shropshire, 1623. Paul Grazebrook and John Paul Rylands, eds. (London, 1889).

Will of John Salter of Littlehales, Edgmond, Shropshire. Dated 1557, proved 1597, in the Consistory Court of Lichfield and Coventry. Digital images on accessed 12 February 2021.

Will of John Younge of Charnes. Proved 1601 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 

Will of Isabella Pygot of Chetwynd. Proved 1554 in the Consistory Court of Lichfield and Coventry.

Will of Richard Aspley of Newport. Proved 1556 in the Consistory Court of Lichfield and Coventry.

Will of Thomas Pygot of Chetwynd. Proved 1549 in the Consistory Court of Lichfield and Coventry.