Francis Stubbs


Date of Baptism: 13 February 1574/5.

Place of Baptism: Clent, Worcestershire.

The baptism is recorded in the parish register.

Date of Burial: 19 December 1655.

Place of Burial: Bromsgrove, Worcestershire.

The burial is recorded in the parish register.


Father: Francis Stubbs.

Mother: Parnell Palmer.

Francis's baptism records his father's name and his mother's first name. Parnell's surname is recorded in her marriage record. Parnell is named in her husband's will.

Spouse: unknown.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

Margery Stubbs (buried 20 December 1658 in Bromsgrove) married Thomas Foley.


from the Bromsgrove parish register:

December 1655

The day Francis Stubbes senex buryed

Francis’s will:

In the name of God Amen, I Francis Stubbs of Waseley hall in Chadwych in the parish of Bromsgrove in the Countie of Worcester yeoman beinge weake in bodie but of perfect memorie (I praise God) doe now make and declare this my last will and testament as followeth; First I commend my soule into the hands of Almightie God my Creator with assured hope to be made partaker of life everlastinge by the merits death and passion of Jesus Christ my Redeemer, And my bodie to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named. And I give and bequeath unto my daughter Margerie Foley widowe Twelve pence To be paid unto my said daughter within one yeare next after my decease, And I give and bequeath unto Thomas Foley and John Foley sonnes of my said daughter Margerie Foley the summe of twelve pence a piece, To be paid unto them within one yeare also next after my Decease And I give and bequeath unto Frances Bowyer now w[ife o]f William Bowyer and one of the daughters of the said Marger[ie] Foley the summe of Twelve pence, And to Anne Foley Margaret Foley and Ca[the]rine Foley three of the daughters of the said Margerie Foley the summe of Twelve pence a piece To be paid unto them respectively within one yeare next after my decease And I give and bequeath unto everie of the sonnes and daughters of Francis Westwood the summe of five shillings a piece To be paid unto them when they shall accomplish their severall and respective ages of fifteene yeares And I give and bequeath unto my grandchild Mary Westwood now wife of Francis Westwood the summe of five shillings To be paid unto her the said Mary within one moneth next after my decease All the rest of my goods and Chattells (my debts and funerall expences beinge satisfied and paid) I give and bequeath unto the said Francis Westwood, And I doe make ordaine and constitute the said Francis Westwood my full and sole executor of this my last will and testament And I doe hereby revoke all former wills whatsoever. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto subscribed my marke and put my seale the five and twentieth day of May in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred fiftie and five, The marke of Francis Stubbs. Signed sealed and published by the said Francis Stubbs to be his last will and testament in the presence of John Westwood William Westwood


Parish Registers of Bromsgrove. Digital images on accessed 30 July 2018.

Will of Francis Stubbs of Waseley hall in Chadwych. Proved 16 July 1656 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Digital images on accessed 29 July 2018.