John Taylor of Clent


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Burial: 2 September 1597.

Place of Burial: Clent, Staffordshire.

The burial is recorded in the parish register.


Father: unknown.

Mother: unknown.

Spouse: Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was buried 20 October 1594 in Clent.

Sister: Elizabeth Taylor. Married Henry Waldron 5 November 1579 in Clent.

Sister: Dorothy Taylor. Married (1) ? Wilkinson; married (2) William Lewes.

These relationships are recorded in John’s will.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

William Taylor married Margaret.

Elinor Taylor (baptized 23 May 1574 in Clent)

Anne Taylor (baptized May 1576 in Clent)

Francis Taylor (baptized 30 May 1579 in Clent - buried 30 May 1579 in Clent)

Francis Taylor married Isabel Coxe 1 July 1601 in Clent.

Richard Taylor (buried 20 September 1597 in Clent)


The 1597 will of John Taylor of Clent:

In the name of god Amen The one and thirteth day of August 1597. And In the nine and thirteth yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god Queene of England Fraunce and Irelande defender of the faith etc. I John Tayller of Clente in the countie of Staff and dioces of Worcester yoman thoughe weake in bodie and of doubtfull and uncertaine health yet being (I praise god) of good and perfect memorie doe make ordaine and declare this my last will and Testament conteininge aswell the demise of some parte of my landes, as the disposition of all my goodes and chattells in manner and forme followeinge (that is to saie) First I commend my soule to Almightie god my creator trustinge to be saued and to haue remission of my sinnes by the death and passion of Christ Jesus my Redeemer. And my bodie to be buried wher it shall please god to appoint to be honestlie and decentlie brought to the grounde. And I doe giue deuise and bequeath unto Richard Taylor my sonne all and euerie the landes tenements earable grounde closes meadowes pastures and hereditaments whatsoeuer with all and singuler theire appurtenances which I haue or ought to haue in the towne or borough of Hales Owen and in Halberie or els where in the parish of Hales Owen in the county of Salopp To haue and to hould all and euerie the saide landes tenements eareable grounde closes meadowes pastures hereditamentes and premisses with all and singuler theire appurtenances unto the saide Richard Tayller and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten and to be begotten. And further I will and deuise, that all and euerie the saide landes ten’ts hereditamentes and premisses with theire appurtenances for lacke of such issue of the bodie of the said Richard shall come remaine and be to Frauncis Tayller one other of my sonnes and to the heires of the bodie of the saide Frauncis lawfullie begotten and to be begotten And for lacke of such issue to William Tayller my eldest sonne and to his heires and assignes for euer And further I giue and bequeath to Frauncis Wilkinson sonne of my sister Dorothy now wife of William Lewes the lease which I haue of the landes and tenementes in the parish of Wenlocke in the countie of Salopp together with all the landes and tenementes to me thereby demised or leased and all my estate with interest and terme of yeeres in and to the same for and towardes the releife of his said mother after the decease of the saide William Lewes her husband And if she die in the life tyme of the saide William Lewes her husband then to the proper use of the saide Frauncis Wilkinson. Also I giue and bequeath to the saide Frauncis Tayller my sonne the somme of tenne poundes of lawfull english monie, and my best Anvile to be paide and deliuered unto him within one yeare after my decease And to the said Richard Tayller my sonne I also giue and bequeath tenne poundes of lawfull englishe monie and one other of my Anviles to be paide and deliuered unto him within three yeares after my decease And further I giue and bequeath to Elenor Tayller my daughter the somme of fouerscore poundes of lawfull english monie & goods and chattells to the valewe of tenne pounds of like monie at and by the sight and Judgment of my Ouerseers hereafter named or some of them The same goodes & chattells and fortie poundes of the same fouerscore poundes to be paide and deliuered unto her the said Elenor at the daie of her marriage; and thother fortie poundes residue of the same fouerscore poundes to be paide unto her within one yeare after the daie of her marriage at such tyme or tymes as my Ouerseers hereafter named or the greater parte of them or the survivor or survivors of them shall thinke meete or conuenient or appoynte And also I giue and bequeath unto Anne Tayller my daughter the somme of fouer score poundes of lawfull englishe monie and goodes and chattells to the value of tenne poundes of like monie at and by the sight and Judgment of my Ouerseers hereafter named or some of them The same goodes and chattells and fortie poundes of the same fouerscore poundes to be payde and deliuered unto her the said Anne at the day of her marriage. And thother fortie poundes residue of the same fouerscore poundes to be paide unto her within one yeare after the daie of her marriage Or if occasion require thent he same goodes and chattells and all the said somme of fouerscore poundes to be paide and deliuered unto her the said Anne before the daie of her marriage at such tyme or tymes as my Ouerseers hereafter named or the greater parte of them or the Survivor or Survivors of them shall thinke meete or conuenient and appointe and further I will and bequeath and my minde and intent is that if my said daughters or either of them shall die or departe this life before she or they soe dyinge shall receiue the portion or Legacie to her or them soe dying in or by this my last will and Testament bequeathed. That then my saide sonnes William Tayller Frauncis Tayller and Richard Tayller and the suruivor of my said two daughters (yf either of them shalbe liueinge) shall haue and receiue the saide parte portion and Legacie of either of them my saide daughters soe dyinge to be equallie distributed amongest them / And further I giue and bequeath to euerie one of the children of Edward Waldren my brother in lawe five shillinges to be payde unto them within one yeare after my decease. And also I giue and bequeath to Dorothy Waldren my seruant daughter of John Waldren my brother in lawe twentie shillinges of the monie which the said John her father oweth me And to euerie other of the children of the said John Waldren I doe also giue and bequeath fiue shillinges to be paide unto euerie of them within one yeare after my decease out of the monie which the saide John their father oweth me Also I giue and bequeath unto euerie one of the five children now liveing of Henrie Waldren and Elizabeth his wife my sister a heffor of the age of two yeares or aboue to be deliuered unto them within five yeares after my decease. Also I giue & bequeath to the poore people of the parish of Clent aforesaide thirtie shillinges in monie or a quarter of corne to be distributed at the appointment of my Executor and Ouerseers. And to euerie one of my godchildren twelue pence. The residue of all my goodes housholde stuffe monie debts cattell and chattells whatsoeuer (my debtes Legacies and funerall charges beinge paide & discharged) I fullie and whollie giue and bequeath to the said William Tayller my full and sole Executor of this my last will and Testament. And I doe nominate and appointe the said Edward Waldren and Henrie Waldren my brethren in lawe, the said Frauncis  Tayller my sonne & John Eyer Ouerseers of this my said last will and testament. And I doe giue to euery one of them for their paines therein to be taken five shillinges. In witnes whereof I haue hereunto subscribed my marke the daie and yeare aboue written Theis beinge witnesses John Sparrie Edward Waldren John Waldren William Key John Playnt William Tayller and John Eyrer./

[Proved 1 November 1597]


Clent, St. Leonard Parish Registers, Staffordshire Parish Registers Society, 2004.

Will of John Taylor of Clent. Proved 1597 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.