John Chalcroft


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Burial: 28 May 1560.

Place of Burial: Kingsnorth, Kent.

The burial is recorded in the parish register.


Father: Robert Chalcroft.

Robert names his son John in his will.

(presumed) Mother: Alice

Robert names his wife Alice in his will.

Spouse: Margery.

This relationship is suggested by baptism and burial entries in the Kingsnorth parish registers. Margery died in 1541.

Spouse: Margaret Tufton. Married 4 February 1541 in Kingsnorth.

The marriage is recorded in the parish register. Margaret was the widow of Richard Ashurst and the daughter of Nicholas Tufton. She died in 1548.

Spouse: Elizabeth Briggett. Married 27 August 1548 in Kingsnorth.

The marriage is recorded in the parish register. Elizabeth died in 1558/9.

Spouse: Emelyn (Steedes), widow. Married 25 September 1559 in Kingsnorth.

The marriage is recorded in the parish register. John names his wife Emelyn in his will.


(John names the children below in his will.)

Margaret Chalcroft married someone surnamed Bryte by 1560.

William Chalcroft (died 1602) married (1) Joan Maysters of Mersham 13 October 1569 in Kingsnorth; married (2) Joan Plommer.

Robert Chalcroft.

Thomas Chalcroft.

Edward Chalcroft (baptized 24 January 1538/9 in Kingsnorth)

Humphrey Chalcroft (baptized 23 September 1540 in Kingsnorth- buried 22 October 1540 in Kingsnorth)

Walter Chalcroft (baptized 20 November 1541 - buried 14 January 1541/2 in Kingsnorth)

John Chalcroft (baptized 8 January 1549/50 in Kingsnorth - buried 7 August 1551 in Kingsnorth)

Alice Chalcroft (baptized 11 February 1552/3 in Kingsnorth)

John Chalcroft (baptized 16 May 1554 in Kingsnorth - buried 19 June 1554 in Kingsnorth)


from the Kingsnorth parish registers:



Januarie The xxiiijthe daie was Edwarde Chalcrofte Baptized


September The xxiijtie daie was Humfrye Chalcrofte Baptized


November The xxtie daie was Walter Chalcrofte Baptized


Januarie. The viijth. daie was John Chawlcrofte the sonne of John and Elizabeth Baptized.


Februarie. The xith daie was Alyce Chawlcrofte Baptized.


Maie. The xvith daie was Jhon Chawlcrofte Baptized.



Februarie. The iiijth daie was Jhon Chawlcrofte & Margaret Esherste maryed.


Auguste. The xxvijth daie was Jhon Chalcrofte & Elizab: Brygget m


September. The xxvth daie was Jhon Chawlcrofte & Emeline Steedes wydowe maryed.



September. The xiith daie was Richarde Esherste Buried./

October. The xxijtie daie was Humferye Chawlcrofte buried.


November. The xxijthe daie was Margerye Chawlcrofte buried.

Januarie The xiiijth daie was Walter Chawlcrofte buried.


Aprill The xiijth daie was Margarett Chawlcrofte Buryed the wief of Jhon & Daughter of Nicholas Thufton.


Auguste. The vijth daie was Jhon Chawlcrofte the sonne of Jhon Buryed


June. The xixth daie was Jhon Chawlcrofte the sonne of Jhon Buried./


Marche. The xiijth daie was Elizabethe Chawlcrofte buried.


Maie. The xxviijth daie was Jhon Chawlcrofte buried.

John was a churchwarden of Kingsnorth in 1552.

John’s will:

In the name of god amen I John Chalcrofte of the paryshe of Kingsnorth in the County of Kent yoman the xxvij daye of Maye in the yere of oure Lorde god a thousande fyve hundreth and threscore sycke of bodye and hole of mynde do orden and make my laste will and testamente as followethe Firste I do geve and bequith my soll Into the hands of god almightye and my bodye to be buryed in the church yarde of the paryshe afrosaide of Kingsnorth Secondarylie I do geve and bequith unto the hygh chaunchell of Kingsnorth iijs iiijd Itm I do geve to Mo[..] Wyll to Johan Watts wedowe to goodman Partrych to goodman [...ell?] and to John Woodford iijs a pece Itm I geve unto Dynes Y[n..ell?] xxiijs and a cowe not the beste nor the worste Itm I geve unto Emelyn my wyffe foure kyn not of the best nor worste Item I do geve to Henry [...wart] and John Assh[...] ij scyths a yard of [...abyr…] an Andyron and the beste [...] y[...] th[...] mill baks Itm I do geve to the [...] of the churche of Kingsnorth xxs Itm I do geve unto Margarit Bryte my daughter ij dosen of peuter [... … …] sixe plates and dishes Itm to her a fetherbed a bolster ij blancketts a coverlet three [kyn?] of the mydl sorte ij brasse potts ij passanetts [...] payr(?) of sheetes and ij kyn of the mydl sorte Itm I do geve to Willm~ my sonne the parlor ax(?) wh[ich] standeth thar ys a sayd the hanginges a [for…] a [cuberd...] a rounde table a greate chayer a large(?) table and the trestles and ij carpetts in the hull a playne table a counter a hanginge clothe [...] iij [f...s] and a rounde table in the lytle parlor two fetherbedds and hangings a bedsted[old?] a troslebed and a greate cheste In the Cuttre all the vessles belonginge to yt all the brenginge(?) vesselles In the Kytchyn a greate potte and a litle potte ij trevytts one the greteste thother the smalleste the table to remayne there the hooks and hanginges to remayne lykewyse and foure dryppinge pannes In the back howse all to remayne that pertaynithe and belonging to bakinge Furthermore I do geve to the saide Willm my sonne in the greate chambre a kevydbed a fetherbed bolster blancketts pillows and coverlets a treslebed a fitherbed and all that belongeth to yt the hanginges and all the chambre hoole as yt wont comenly to be dressed In the nexte chambre to yt I do geve to hym as yt wont to be dressed bedds hangings and ij chestes in the [...] a shyp cheste and a brode cheste Itm I do geve to the saide Willm~ my sonne foure great spytts that is to say too of the mydle sorte and ij of the smallest sort Itm I geve to the saide Willm~ sixe dosen of [pints?] parted from the greteste to the smalleste & a dosen of candelstyckes to be tak equally from the biggeste to the smalleste Itm ij greate potts Itm my greate kettles that is to saye ij of the bigeste sorte and ij of the mydle sorte Itm ij hanging kitles ij brasse pannes & one pewter bazon and bachaser(?) Itm I do geve to Robte my sonne my house and lands at Chilmynton in feo symple to hym and to his heyres lafully begoten Itm I do geve unto the saide Robte my sonne one of the bygests ketles two hanging ketles and a pewter bazon Itm I geve to Thomas my sonne my house and lands called Chapmans and my lands called Danyelles & Goodwyns in feosymple to hym and to his heires lafully begoten Itm I do geve to the saide Thomas my sonne one of the byggeste ketles two hanginge ketles and a pewter bazon It I do geve unto Edward my sonne my lands called Law(?) in fee symple to hym and to his heyres lafully begoten Itm I do geve unto the saide Edward my sonne one of the bygeste kettles one hanginge ketle and a pewter bazon Itm I do geve & bequith to Ales my daughter twentie pounds to be paide owte of my moveables Itm I geve to the sayde Alyce ij greate potts iiij kettles ij of the biggest sorte and ij of the smallese ij hanginge kettles too brasse pannes and [...] porringers with taws The hanginge ketles muste bequally devyded amongeste Willm~ Robte Thomas Edwarde and Alys and foure brasse pannes muste be equallye parted betwene Willm~ and Ales Itm I do make and orden Willm~ and Robte my sonnes my executors and Mr John Tufton and Mr John Burrowe esquyers overseers to this my will wytnesses to this Robte Cloke John Thorneton John Allerton and Thomas Clyver clerk persons (presens?) there

[proved 17 June 1560, Court of the Archdeaconry of Canterbury]


The overseers of John’s will were the son and son-in-law of Nicholas Tufton and Margaret Hever.


Parish registers of Kingsnorth, Kent. Digital images on accessed 26 April 2020.

Will of John Chalcrofte of Kingsnorth, 1560, Canterbury Cathedral Archives and Library PRC/17/34/123