William de Chabbenore


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Death: unknown.

Place of Death: unknown.


Father: Thomas de Chabbenore.

Mother: Sybil.

These relationships are given in the plea rolls (pp. 273-4, pp. 279-80). Thomas was the son of a William.

Spouse: uncertain.

Perhaps the Alice, widow of Hubert de Brerleye, in the fine below is William’s wife.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

Sybil de Chabbenore (died about 1382) married Sir Richard de la Bere.


from the Feet of Fines (abstracted on Some Notes on Medieval Genealogy:

CP 25/1/82/29, number 45.


16 April 1312? Westminster.

Hugh de Crofte and Perina, his wife, querents, by Philip de la Lee, put in their place by the lord king's writ, and Alice, who was the wife [of Hubert de Brerleye], William de la Groue and Isabel, his wife, Walter le Carpenter of Eton' and Alice, his wife, deforciants.

Property: 1 messuage, 2 carucates of land, 12 [acres of meadow?] and 50 shillings of rent in Neuton', Stokelowe and Stratton', which William de Chabbenore and Alice, his wife, hold for the life of Alice, the wife of William de Chabbenore.

Action: plea of covenant.

Agreement: Alice, who was the wife of Hubert de Brerl[eye], William de la Groue, Isabel, Walter and Alice, his wife, have acknowledged the tenements to be the right of Hugh, and have granted for themselves and the heirs of Alice, who was the wife of Hubert de Brerleye, Isabel and Alice, the wife of Walter, that the tenements - which William de Chabbenore and Alice, his wife, held for the life of Alice, the wife of William, of the inheritance of Alice, who was the wife of Hubert de Brerleye, Isabel and Alice, the wife of Walter, in the aforesaid vills on the day the agreement was made, and which after the decease of Alice, the wife of William de Chabbenore, ought to revert to Alice, who was the wife of Hubert de Brerleye, Isabel and Alice, the wife of Walter, [sic] and the heirs of Alice, who was the wife of Hubert de Brerleye, Isabel and Alice, the wife of Walter - after the decease of Alice, the wife of William de Chabbenore, shall remain to Hugh and Perina and the heirs of Hugh, to hold of the chief lords for ever.

Warranty: Warranty

For this: Hugh and Perina have given them 100 pounds sterling.

Note: This agreement was made in the presence of William de Chabbenore and Alice, his wife, and they did fealty to Hugh and Perina in the court.

CP 25/1/82/36, number 219.


Between 13 October 1318 and 13 October 1322, York.

Thomas de Chabbenore and Alice, [his] wife, [querents, by ...] W[e]ston', put in the place of Alice, and Roger Don, deforciant.

Property: The manor of Chabbenore.

Action: plea of covenant.

Agreement: Thomas has acknowledged the manor to be the right of Roger, as that which Roger has of his gift.

For this: Roger has granted to Thomas and Alice the manor and has rendered it to them in the court, to hold to Thomas and Alice, of the chief lords for the lives of Thomas and Alice. And after the decease of Thomas and Alice the manor shall remain to Thomas, son of the aforesaid Thomas, and Lucy, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, to hold of the chief lords for ever. In default of such heirs, successive remainders (1) to John, brother of the same Thomas, son of Thomas, and the heirs of his body, (2) to Robert, brother of the same John, and the heirs of his body and (3) to the right heirs of the aforesaid Thomas de Chabbenore.

Note: Endorsed: Sibel, daughter of William de Chabbenore, puts in her claim. Walter, son of Thomas de Chabbenore, puts in his claim.


Wrottesley, G. Pedigrees from the Plea Rolls (1905).