William Scrase

Several websites identify this William with the pirate/privateer active in the 1620s and 1630s, but this was in fact his father's brother. A later marriage settlement refers to a "messuage, farm and lands in Botolphs, Bramber and 'Corall otherwise Coombes', in the tenure or occupation formerly of William Scrase."


Date of Birth: about 1620.

William’s monumental inscription gives his age at death as 63.

Date of Baptism: 26 March 1620.

Place of Baptism: Hamsey, Sussex, England.

The baptism is recorded in the parish register.

Date of Death: 23 September 1683.

The date is given by Comber (3:239) and Hughes-Clark (p. 97).

Date of Burial: 27 September 1683.

Place of Burial: Botolphs, Sussex (St Botolphs).

The burial is recorded in the parish register. The monumental inscription is given by Lower (p. 9).


Father: Tuppen Scrase (about 1583 - 1633).

William’s baptism record names his father.

Mother: Susan Haye (1585 - 1631).

William’s baptism record gives his mother’s name as Susan. Her surname is given by Lower (p. 14) and the Visitation of Sussex (Bannerman, p. 178, citing Harl. 1562, fol 163).

Spouse: Frances Valiant.

This relationship is recorded in their monumental inscription given by Lower (p. 9). It is also given by Renshaw (1913, p. 70), the Visitation of Sussex (p. 97), and Genealogies of Families Living In Sussex (citing Comber 3:239).


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

Charles Scrase (baptized 23 November 1649 at Botolphs, Sussex).

Frances Scrase (baptized 27 December 1650 at Botolphs, Sussex) married Thomas Symonds 14 February 1675 in Arundel, Sussex.

Elizabeth Scrase (1652 - buried 24 October 1694 at St Clement Danes, Westminster) married Henry Byne.

William Scrase (1654 - buried 12 February 1714 at Botolphs, Sussex) married Mary Lintott (Goreing) 21 December 1684 in St Stephen, Coleman Street, London. William was a great-great-great grandfather of the English Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Richard Scrase (baptized 16 November 1655 at Botolphs, Sussex - 1675).

Mary Scrase (baptized 2 April 1657 at Botolphs, Sussex) married John Humphrey in 1678.

Charles Scrase (baptized 16 August 1663 at Botolphs, Sussex - buried 19 March 1675/6 at Botolphs, Sussex).

Henry Scrase (baptized 29 January 1666 at Botolphs, Sussex). Henry was apprenticed in the Vintners’ Company in 1682.

Susan Scrase married William Chate in 1687.

Barbara Scrase.


The Will of William's brother Richard Scras:

In the name of God Amen, The Fiveth daie of July Anno Domini One thousand six hundred thirtie fower I Richard Scras of Blechington in the Countie of Sussex gent being sicke in body but of good and perfect minde and remembrance thankes and praise be given unto Allmightie God for the same doe make and declare this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge that is to saie First and principally I comend my soule into the hands of Allmightie God that gave it And my bodie to the earth from whence it came to be decently interred at the discrecon of my Exectuors hereafter named hopeing of a ioyfull resurreccon at the last daie and stedfaslty trusting and beleving to obteyne free remission and pardon of all my sinnes through the meere mercie and goodnes of God in Jesus Christ the second person in the Trinity who died for my sinnes and rose againe to make me righteous And as touching such worldly goods and estate as it hath pleased Allmightie God to bestowe and blesse me with all I give and bequeath as hereafter followeth viz. First I doe give and bequeath unto my brother William Scras his Executors and assignes All my estate right and interest which I have or can or maie any waies challeng or clayme in or to the Parsonage of Houavilla neere Brighthemston in the Countie of Sussex upon Condicon that he doe satisfie and paie unto Jane Trout of Hoosteene in the Countie of Lincolne Spinster, whom I intend if it please God to spare me life and to restore to my former health to take to wife being betrothed together The som[m]e of one hundred and fiftie pounds of lawfull money of England within eighteene moneths next after after [sic] my decease w[hi]ch I desire maie be with all convenient speed raised by my Executors hereafter named out of the revenues and profitts of the said Parsonage and satisfied unto her in regard of my said brothers minority Item I doe give and bequeath unto my brother Henry Scras his executors and assignes All my estate right title thythe and interest which I have or can or maie anie waies challenge or clayme to have of in or unto the Parsonage of Hova Ecclesia lying in Boney in the Countie of Sussex upon the like Condicon that my said brother Henry doe also satisfie and paie unto my Sister Dorothy Scras the som[m]e of threescore and ten pounds of like lawfull money of England within Eighteene moneths next ensuing after my decease w[hi]ch I do desire maie be with all convenient speed by my Executors hereafter named raised out of the revenues and profittes of the said Parsonage as aforesaid and by them satisfied unto her in regard of my said brothers minority And I doe likewise give & bequeath unto my said sister Dorothie Scras to make up the said legacie of three score and tenne pounds before menconed to be given unto her out of the said Parsonage of Hova Eccl:ia the som[m]e of one hundred and fiftie pounds one debt of fower score pounds of like money which my uncle Henry Scras oweth unto me, and which is remayning in his hands which I desire him maie be also paid and satisfied unto my said Sister Dorothie Scras within Eighteene moneths after my decease Accompting Eight & twentie daies to every moneth / Item I doe alsoe give and bequeath unto my said welbeloved and most-respected Jane Trowte before named the gold ringe w[hi]ch I lately bought for to be her wedding ringe and w[hi]ch is now with my wedding apparrell in my truncke w[hi]ch I have sent int Lincolnshire Item I doe also give and bequeath unto my brother George Bedford my best dowle bedd with a paire of blanketts, rugg and boulster and other furniture as it is now standeth Item I doe give and bequeath unto my Sister Suzan Blager the wife of Edward Blager To my Sister Marie wife of Richard Ran Clerke And to my Sister Edith the wife of the said George Bedford the som[m]e of twenty shillings a peece to make each of them a Ring to weare for my sake Item I doe alsoe give & bequeath unto my said brother William Scras the seale Ring of gold which was my Fathers with our Armes cutt upon the same which is now also in my truncke w[hi]ch I have sent into Lincolnshire Item I doe give and bequeath unto my Cosen Mary Pelham daughter of Harbert Pelham of the parish of Saint Martins in the Feildes in the Countie of Midd: my second best featherbedd and boulster with a paire of blanketts a paire of sheets and a paire of pillowbeares rugg Curtaines and vallance as the same now standeth Item I do give and bequeath unto my Cosen Thomas Pelham sonne of the said Harbert Pelham the som[m]e of twentie shillings of lawfull money of England to make him a seale ring to weare for my sake Item I doe also give and bequeath unto Suzan Pelham Dorothie Pelham Edith Pelham and Ellen Pelham fower daughters of my said uncle Harbert Pelham the som[m]e of sixteene shillings apeece of like money to make every one of them a Ringe to weare for a remembrance Item I doe also give and bequeath unto my said uncle Harbert Pelham twentie shillings for to make him a Ring to weare for a remembrance for my sake Item I doe likewise give and bequeath unto my Ant Pelham wife of my said uncle Pelham three paire of my best sheetes and a ring of twentie shillings price Item I do also give and bequeath unto Johane Dier wife of Robert Dyer for her paines and diligence about me in my sicknes the som[m]e of Three pounds of lawfull English money Item I doe also give and bequeath unto Ellen Tetherton wife of William Tetherton for her like care and paines about me in this my sicknes the som[m]e of fiftie shillings of like money Item I do also give and bequeath unto John Walldron Doctor of Physicke and my Phisition to make him a ring for a remembrance, the som[m]e of Fifitie shillings of like money Item I doe give and bequeath unto Bridgett Huse servant w[hi]ch my said uncle Harbert Pelham the som[m]e of twentie shillings of like lawfull English money Item I doe alsoe give & bequeath unto Anne Thursley maide servant with my brother George Bedford the som[m]e of tenne shillings of like money The rest and residue of all and singular my goods Chattells and personall estate whatsoever, my debts, legacies, funerall charges, and expences in the tyme of my sicknes being first paid and discharged I doe fullie and whollie give and bequeath unto my brother Henry Scras And I doe desire and intreate and hereby nominate and appoint my abovenamed brothers George Bedford Edward Blager and Simon Stone to be my Executors of this my last will and testament and do hereby give and bequeath unto the said Simon Stone the som[m]e of twentie shillings sterling to make him a ring And doe intreate them all to be carefull to see this my last will performed in every respect In witnes whereof to this my present testament conteyning five severall sheets I have to every sheete sett my hand with my seale to the last sheete and at the topp of them all to a labell the daie and yeare first above written Richard Scras. Signed sealed published and declared to be the last will and Testament of the said Richard Scras in the pr:ce of us and the words (vizt and a ring of twentie shillings price) enterlyned betweene the tenth and eleaventh lines of the fourth sheete were soe done and enterlyned by his directions and before the sealing and publishing hereof in the pr:ce of us and the words a paire of sheetes and a paire of pillowbeers in the third sheete and last line were likewise enterlyned before then sealinge John Jackson Edm: Cobie Scr the marke of John Jervis./.

This Codicill was made and put in writinge by the direccon of the said Richard Scras vizt That whereas Harbert Pelham and George Bedford became baile before Sr Robert Heath knight Lord cheife Justice of the Court of Comon Pleas and Sr George Crooke knight one of his maties Justices of his highnes Court of Kings bench at Westminster for Tuppin Scras Father of the said Richard Scras upon two severall accons of five hundred pounds apeece As by the Records of the said Severall Courts whereupon relacon being thereunto had doth appeare being at the suite of Edward Bust Now my will and minde is And I doe hereby publish and declare the same to be that my said uncle Harbert Pelham and my brother George Bedford be first of all and imediately after my decease freed and discharged of the said severall recognizzances And by my Executors or any other to whom my estate or the estate of my said Father shall come saved and kept harmelesse of and from theire said severall engagments And all suited trobles & demaunds that maie accrew or growe by reason of theire said being baile for by said father Tuppin Scras before any other legacies or debts whatsoever be or maie be paid by force of this my present last will and Testament before menconed The said last will of mine aforesaid or any thing therein conteyned to the contrary notwithstandinge Witnes my hand and seale the said fiveth daie of July abovewritten Anno Dmi One thousand six hundred thirtie fower Richard Scras Witnesses to this Codicill w[hi]ch was sealed and delivered by the said Richard Scras, and annexed to the said will in the pr:ce of us John Jackson, the m[ar]ke of John Jarvis Edm: Cobie Scr.

A 1638 Chancery case brought against William and his brother-in-law Edward Blaker by William's uncle Henry (C78/414 no. 5).

Whereas before this tyme that ys to say in the Terme of Easter in the Eleaventh yeare of the reigne of our Souverainge lord king Charles Henry Scras of Blechington inthe County of Sussex gent complaynant exhibited his bill of Complaint into this honorable court againste Edward Blaker and William Scras defendants declaring by the same bill that Whereas Tuppin Scras late of Cumber in the parishe of hamsey in the county of Sussex gent deceased beeing in his life tyme indebted unto him the said complaynant in the som[m]e of Three hundred pounds by seuerall bonds and for the better security of him the complaynant made a deede of guifte unto him in december in the eight yeare of his majesty’s raigne of [divers?] goods of his the said Tuppin’s in the said deede of guift menc’oned amounting to neere the value of the said debt which afterward was deposited by the consent of the said Tuppin and him the complaynant in to the hand of Richard Scras eldest sonne & heire of him the said Tuppin to the end the best value of them should bee made for satisfacion of the Complaynant the said Richard beeing bound in some of the bond with the said Tuppin and that not long after the said Tuppin dyed intestate before the said debt was maide and alsoe that not long after the said Richard the Sonne without alt[er]ing[?] the p[ro]p[er]ty[?] of the said goods haveing made a will dyed and made one Edward Blaker the nowe defendant his Executor and that the said defendant Blaker by v[ir]tue of the said Executorshippe poss[ess]ed himselfe of moste of the said good excepting some houshouldstuffe and cattle which hee the Complaynant did possesse himselfe of by v[ir]tue of the said deede of guifte under which the said defendant Blaker was as hee the said Complaynant alleadged well acquainted and which good soe by him poss[ess]ed did not amount to aboue one hundered pound and that after this the other defendant William Scras tooke out l[ette]res of administration of his the said Tuppins estate and by reason thereof did make title to the said goods in his the complaynants poss[ess]ion but that afterward finding the iuste consid[er]ac’on of the complaynants said deeds of Guift and of his debt did afterward conferme the same deed of guift of the said goods in his the complaynants poss[ess]ion toward the satisfacc’on of his debt and for soemuch conceided himselfe to be without any question whatsoeu[er] as hee alleadged but further shewed that the said defendant Blaker, beeing [tedetously?] mynded by v[ir]tue of his Executorshippe to the said Richard Scras had poss[ess]ed himselfe of most of the goods ould unto him the complaynant as before as namely [...s] peeces of plate lynnen woollen bedding apparrell [...lls] pewter bras & other things of greate value but that afterward the said defendant Balker conceiding such his titles not good by reason of the said deeds of guift had of late before the exhibiting of the complaynants bill of complaint p[re]tending the said Tuppin Scras to be in his debt by bond and that the complayant had wrongfully poss[ess]ed himselfe of the said Goods inhis the Complaynants poss[ess]ion caused him the complaynant to bee arrested by presse att the com’on lawe as executor in his owne wrong uppon a bond of twoe hundred pounds or thereabout entred into by the said Tuppin as was disposed and threatned to bring [divers?] other acc’ions againste him the complaynant touching the same goods and had for that p[ur]pose as the complaynant alleadged combyned with the other defendant William Scras to chardge him the complayant therewith and that hee had alsoe by casuall meanes gotten the said deede of guift and confermac’ion of the other defendant William Scras intended to defeate him the complaynant of the rest of his debt the said defendant seekeing to conceale the said Tuppin Scras and Richard Scras these [per]p[et]uall estates did give out in speeches that the said Tuppin had made a deede of guifte to the said Richard his sonne the which if such were was but in truste as the said complaynant alleadged and after his the said comlaynant [...ede] and not to p[rej]udice him although the said defendant Blaker doth nowe set the same on foote to wrest him the complaynant of his iust debt In consid[er]ac’on whereof and to the end the said Blaker and Scras might setforth the truth of all the p[ro]misses uppon there oathes and that they might discou[er] what estate of the said Tuppin and Richard Scras came to their hands of the defendant Blaker or any other to his use or by or with his privity knowledge or consent and whether the l[ett]res of administrac’on of the said Tuppins estate were not graunted unto the said William Scrase the other defendant and whether the said deed of guift made to the said Richard Scras if any such were doe not beare date after the said deede made to him the said complaynant and but only in truste and might alsoe setforth the date and condic’on of the said bond of Twoe hundred pounds and whether the same were not long since satisfied either by payment or other security and ought to have beene deliu[er]ed upp and cancelled and that hee the said complaynant might bee alsoe satisfied the remainder of his said debt and bee dischardged of the said suite doe uniustly comenced against him by the defendant Blaker uppon the said Bond beeing disabled of his poss[ession]es att lawe the said complaynant therefore prayed the ayd of this court & [pr… of subp…] to bee to them the said Edward Blaker and William Scras Ejected for there appearances in this court and annswering the p[ro]misses the which beeing graunted and they wherewithall sued they accordingly appeared and made there annsweres to the same bill whereunto the said complayant replyed and the defendants [...yned] and witnesses were examined on both sides and published according to the courses of this court and afterward a day was appointed for the hearing of the said cause in open court att which day uppon hearing of the said cause in open court at which day uppon the hearing & debating of the matter in the presence of the councell learned on both sides the scope of the plaintiffs bill beeing to establish his possession in [...] goods and to diston[?] & to have gayne other goods app[er]teyning to him or damags for them which the defendant Blaker hath and to be received againste the said Blaker uppon a bond of Twoe hundered pounds by him put in suites at the com’on lawe againste the plaintiffe as a [...]Executor in his owne wrong of Tuppin Scras deceased beeing in his life tyme indebted to the payntiffe in Three hundered pounds the said Tuppin for the plaintiffs satisfacc’on in december octavo caroli made a deede to the plaintiff of [...] of his the said Tuppins goods and a greate parte of the said goods were deliu[er]ed to the plaintiffe by the said Tuppin & by his direcc’on in his lifetyme but the said Tuppin dyring the defendant William Scras tooke administracc’on of Tuppins estate and by v[ir]tue thereof made title to the plaintiffs goods soe conveyed as aforesaid but after finding the plaintiffs consid[er]ac’on to bee iuste the defendant William desisted and made a deed of Confermac’on thereof to the Complaynant yet the defendant Blaker beeing executor to Richard Scras eldest Sonn of the said Tuppin hee the defendant Blaker layed clayme to the said goods and tooke a way one part thereof and haveing an aunchient dormant bond of Twoe hundered pounds entered by Richard Scras the plaintiffs Father unto him long since satisfied brought his acc’on att lawe againste the plaintiff as executor in his owne wronges as aforesaid uppon the said bond of twoe hundered pounds supposed to bee entered into by the said Tuppin and wold by the said goods soe conveyed to the plaintiff uppon a supposed deede of guift made from the said Tuppin satisfie the debt supposed to bee due uppon the suaid bond whereas it nowe appeared by the [...] that Richard Scras eldest Sonn of the said Tuppin did not in his lifetyme euer intermedle with any his said Fathers goods although the defendant Blaker would nowe set on foote a present deede of guift thereof made unto the said Richard by his said Father neither could the defendant by the p[ro]ofe nowe impeach the conveyance thereof made to the plaintiff as aforesaid, and as for the debt p[re]tended to bee due uppon the bond of Twoe hundered pounds the defendant Blaker haveing put in two annsweres in this court one to a bill exhibited by the plaintiffs Father about eleaven yeares since and the other to the plaintiffs nowe bill hee by his first annswere doth confesse the whole debt thereby payable to bee dischardged save only a matter of fiftie shillings for interest and yet by his second annswere hee affirmes the whole debt to be one which [...] and another, the first annswere confessing the whole debt to bee payd and the second anessing[?] the debt to bee still due, uppon uppon [sic] all which this court doth conceive the said bond fitt to bee dischardged and that the plaintiffe ought to have and retaine the said goods and to that end yt ys this p[re]sent terme of St Michaell that ys to say on Wensday the seaventh day of November in the Fowerteenth yeare of the raigne of our Sou[er]aigne lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland Fraunce and Ireland king defender of the faith &c by the right honorable Thomas lord Coventrye lord keep[er] of the greate Seale of England and the authoritye of the said high Court of Chauncery ordered and decreed that the defendant shall deliu[er] upp the said bond to the plaintiffe to be cancelled and the plaintiffe shall hould and enioy the said goods according to the deed of conveyance thereof made unto him by the said Tuppin as aforesaid. 

from the Sussex VCH, 7:266

[I]n 1641 William Scrase had a lease of Hova Ecclesia from Dr. Goffe, (fn. 27) being a renewal of his tenure as Goffe had only recently been appointed. (fn. 28) From this time the Scrases, who had been customary tenants of the manor in the previous century and settled in the neighbourhood much earlier, (fn. 29) were lessees of the manor and held the court until 1702, when it passed to Tuppen's great-granddaughter Elizabeth, the wife of Nathaniel Tredcroft.

from the Wiston Archives catalogue

WISTON/3666 28 June 1655

Assignment of fee farm rent of £602. 15s. 9d. [see no. WISTON/3649] from John, [2nd] Earl of Thanet, and Samuel Shorte of Tenterden, co. Kent, esq., to William Hay, snr., of Little Horsted, esq., John Gratwicke of Eatons in Henfield, gent., and William Scrace of Botolphs, gent.

In 1653 "Mr William Scrase of New Shoreham" was named as an overseer of the will of Edward Blaker of Portslade, gent., who was the husband of a sister of the William of this page.

WISTON/5436 17 Oct 1662

Notice, to 'Captaine or Lieutenant' William Scrace that he should issue warrants to constables to warn certain persons to provide 'such furniture [articles of war] as is hereby aportioned on them', and to order a muster, 7 Nov. 1662, at Ashington Common.

In 1653, William Scrase of New Shoreham was overseer of the will of his brother-in-law Edward Blaker of Portslade.

from the West Sussex Record Office online catalogue:

Assignment of fee farm rent of £ 602. 15s. 9d. [see Wiston/3649] from John, [2nd] Earl of Thanet, and Samuel Shorte of Tenterden, co. Kent, esq., to William Hay, snr., of Little Horsted, esq., John Gratwicke of Eatons in Henfield, gent., and William Scrace of Botolphs, gent.

28 June 1655

Recites fully from 29 Oct. 1604.

Bargain and sale of property in New Shoreham

11 March 1658

(a) Elizabeth Merlott of Chichester,widow, John Dunstall of Henfield, yeo., John Fletcher of Steyning, gent.

(b) Thomas Jenner of New Shoreham, gent., William Scras of Annington in Botolphs, gent., John Scras of Hove, gent.

Messuage, mansion house, malthouse and buildings, with orchards, gardens, and other appurtenances, with 1a. of land, in the Borough of New Shoreham, sometime the land of Robert Jackson, late of New Shoreham, mariner, and lately sold to John Dunstall by the daughters and co-heirs of Robert Jackson.

Consideration: £25

Endorsed: Memorandum of sealing and enrolment before two J.P.s and the Clerk of the Peace for Sussex.

Settlement (lease and release; with counterpart of each), on the intended marriage of Nicholas Eversfeild and Elizabeth Gildredge.

27, 28 June 1675

(a) John Eversfeild of Charlton in Steyning, esq.; (b) Nicholas Eversfeild of Steyning, gent., son and heir apparent of (a); (c) Elizabeth Gildredge of Eastbourne, spinster, one of the daus. and co-heirs of Nicholas Gildredge, late of Eastbourne, esq., dec'd.; (d) Nicholas Townley of the Inner Temple, London, esq., and William Scrace of Annington in Botolphs, esq.

(a) conveys the property to (d) to hold part to the use of (b) for life, with remainder to (c), for her jointure, with further remainder to the eldest son, and then to the other sons, respectively, of (b) and (c), in tail male, or for default of male issue, to the use of (a) and his heirs; the other part to the use of (a) for life, with remainder to (b), for life, with further remainder to the eldest son, and then to the other sons, respectively, of (b) and (c) in tail male, or for default of male issue, to the use of the heirs of (a).

from the Botolphs parish register:

1649 Charles the Sonne of William Scrace and of Francis his wife was baptiz. Novemb[er] the xxiijd

1650 Frances the Daughter William Scrace and of Frances his wife baptized December the 27th 1650

1655 Richard the Son of William Scrace gen. & of Francis his wife was baptized Novemb[er] 16 th 1655

Mary the daughter of Mr Scrace & of Francis his wife baptized Aprill 2.d 1657

1663 August te 16. Charles Scras the sone of William Scras & Frances his wife was baptised

Henry Scrase, the Sonne of William, & Francis his wife Baptised January 29 1666

Charles Scrase the Sonne of William Scrase & Frances his wife was buryed March 19. 1675

Richard Scrase the Son of William Scrase buryed December 11. 1678

Francis Scrase, wife of Mr William Scrase, was buryed Novemb. 3. 1681.

William Scrase, the elder, was buryed Septemb. 27. 1683

1651 Richard the sonne of Will[iam] Scrace gent & of Francis is wife was buried Novemb[er] the 14 th 1651

Pethurst Sessions: orders relating to poor relief (6-7 October 1679) (East Sussex Record Office QO/8/1679-10-06)

Treasurer for maimed soldiers is to pay 40s to Robert GATES, a soldier now under the command of Captain William SCRASE who had a fall from his horse and broke his arm.

Midhust Sessions: orders relating to poor relief (2-3 October 1682) (East Sussex Record Office QO/8/1682-10-02)

Treasure is to pay Robert Gates of Horsham, a soldier under the command of Captain William Scrace Esq, broke his arm in His Majesty's service and is to be paid 20s towards his charges of the cure of his arm.

William Scras’s monumental inscription (from Lower, page 9)

Here lyeth the body of Cap’t. William Scras of this parish who was interred the twenty seventh day of September, 1683, aged sixty three. And also Frances his wife who was bvried November the Third, 1681.

(from Dallaway 2:2:215)

In the 1673 Alphabetical Account of the Nobility and Gentry, William is listed as "William Scrace of Buttolphs Esq" (p. 95).

from the Keep catalogue:

PBT 1/3/6/182D

Tuppen Scrase [Scrace] of Blatchington, gent; grant of administration. 29 March 1634. 


An Alphabetical Account of the Nobility and Gentry (London, 1673).

Bannerman, Bruce (ed.), The Visitations of the County of Sussex made and taken in the years 1530 by Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux King of Arms; and 1633-4 by John Philipot, Somerset Herald, and George Owen, York Herald etc. (London: 1905).

Dallaway, James. A History of the Western Division of the County of Sussex: including the Rapes of Chichester, Arundel, and Bramber, with the City and Diocese of Chichester. (London: T. Bensley, 1815-32).

"England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/NBK4-S5W : accessed 19 Apr 2014), William Scrase, 26 Mar 1620; citing Hamsey, Sussex, England, reference item 1; FHL microfilm 1067355.

England. Sussex. Genealogies of Families Living in Sussex. A database extraction of John Comber’s Sussex Genealogies (Cambridge: W. Heffer and Sons, 1931 -). Captain William Scrase.

Hughes-Clarke, Arthur William, and Edward Bysshe. The Visitation of Sussex, anno domini 1662, made by Sir Edward Bysshe. (London: [Harleian Society], 1937).

Lower, Mark Anthony, “Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Scrase” in Sussex Archaeological Collections, Volume 8 (London: John Russell Smith, 1856).

Parish registers of Botolphs, Sussex. Digital images on FamilySearch.org accessed 4 March 2018.

Parish registers of Hamsey, Sussex. Digital images on FamilySearch.org accessed 4 March 2018.

Renshaw, Walter Charles. “Notes on the Scrase Family of Co Sussex”, in The Genealogist (New Series) Volume XX, pages 217 to 221, 1904.

Renshaw, Walter Charles. Searches in the History of the Family of Byne or Bine of Sussex (London: Chiswick Press, 1913); digital image Open Library (https://archive.org/stream/searchesintohist00rens#page/n5/mode/2up : accessed 12 March 2014)

Sussex Burials, transcribed by the Sussex Family History Group, available on Findmypast.co.uk (accessed 18 April 2014).

Page, William, et al. The Victoria History of the County of Sussex: Volume 7.(London: A. Constable, 1905 -).

Will of Edward Blaker of Portslade. Proved 1654.

Will of Richard Scras. Proved 1634 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.

The Wiston Archives at the West Sussex Record Office, catalogue contents on the National Archives website.

The Scrase Family and Piracy I have collected some source material on this at the page linked to here.