Bernard de St Valéry (I)


Date of Birth: unknown.

Date of Death: unknown.


Father: Gulbert.

This relationship is (tentatively) given by Fowler and by Cawley. It is recorded by Ordericus Vitalis (3:41-42).

Mother: uncertain.

It seems that she was a daughter of Richard, the duke of Normandy, but sources differ as to which Richard -- I, II, or III. (III would seem to be chronologically impossible.) Her name was possibly Papia, but this, too, is not entirely clear.

Spouse: unknown.


Walter de St Valéry married Elisabeth, sister of Miles de Montlhery.


Cawley, Charles. “Gilbert” in Medieval Lands.

Fowler, G. Herbert. “De St. Walery” in The Genealogist: New Series: Volume XXX pp. 1-17.

Orderic Vitalis. Historiæ Ecclesiasticæ.(Paris, 1838-1852).