Rainald de St Valéry (died 1166)

Steward of Normandy 1146-1153

Justiciar of all Normandy


Date of Birth: unknown.

Date of Death: 5 August 1166.

This date 1166 is given by the VCH of Hampshire (Volume 4, sub Dibden Liberty). 1166 is given as the probable date of death by Fowler. Cawley gives the date as 5 August, after 1163, citing Ex Obituario monasterio ulteriores portus (p. 452): “5 Aug. Obierunt Reginaldus de Sancto Walarico et ejus uxor.”


(probable) Father: Bernard de St Valéry.

This relationship is given by Cawley, citing Domesday Descendants, which he notes does not cite a primary source. Fowler (p. 3) states that Rainald was “presumably” the son of Bernard.

Mother: unknown.

Spouse: unknown.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

Bernard de St Valéry (died 1191).

Walter de St Valéry. Archdeacon of Rouen.

Guy de St Valéry.

Laura de St Valéry married Jean, count of Ponthieu.


Cawley, Charles. “Renaud de Saint-Valéry” in Medieval Lands.

Fowler, G. Herbert. “De St. Walery” in The Genealogist: New Series: Volume XXX pp. 1-17.

Heston and Isleworth: Manors” in A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 3 (Victoria County History, 1962).

Hardwicke: Manors and other estates” in A History of the County of Gloucestershire: Volume 10 (Victoria County History, 1972).

The liberty of Dibden” in A History of the County of Hampshire: Volume 4 (Victoria County History, 1911).

“Ex Obituario Monasterii Ulterioris Portus” in Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France, Tome XXIII (Martin Bouquet, ed.) (Paris, 1894).

Parishes: Beckley” in A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 5 (Victoria County History, 1957).

Spelthorne Hundred: Hampton: manor” in A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 2 (Victoria County History, 1911).

Tetbury:Manors and other estates” in A History of the County of Gloucestershire: Volume 11 (Victoria County History, 1976).