Gormlaith ingen Finn ua Caellaide


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Death: unknown.

Place of Death: unknown.


Father: Finn ua Caellaide, king of half of Osraige.

This relationship is given by Baldwin.

Mother: unknown.

Spouse: Laigsech ua Mórda.

This relationship is given by Baldwin. It is recorded in the Ban Senchus (see below).


(I am basing the children here on Dobb’s version of the Ban-Shenchus, but I haven’t checked how modern scholarship views all the relationships here. My personal understanding of old Irish historiography and even my ability to read the language is contemptible, so take it for what it’s worth.)

Mac Craith of Laígis (fl. 1165).

Cacht married (1) Gilla Pátraic of Osraige; married (2) Donnchad Ua Conchobair, king of Uí Fáilge; married (3) Muirchertach Ua Tuathail, king of northern Leinster.

Duíbe Cablaíge.


from the Ban Senchus (Dobbs ed, Revue Celtique XLVIII (1931) p. 233):

Gormlaith (ob. 1152) ingen Find m. Dunlaing hUi Ceallaig, bean Laígsíg (ob. 1149) hUi Morda, mathair Mic Raith (see 1158) ríg Laígsi, 7 Caicte 7 Duíbe Cablaíge:

[Cacht ingen hUi Morda,

Dúbcablaíg ingen hUi Morda].


Baldwin, Stewart. “Eve of Leinster and Radnaillt of Dublin”, a posting (26 February 1998) to soc.genealogy.medieval.

Dobbs, Margaret. “The Ban-Shenchus” in Revue Celtique (1930, pp. 283-339; 1931, pp. 163-234; 1932, pp. 437-489).