Ann Taylor


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown.

Date of Burial: 3 September 1684.

Place of Burial: Clent, Worcestershire.

The burial is recorded in the parish register (“Anne wife of Gilb: Cole buried Sept 3”).


Father: Francis Taylor.

Mother: Isabel Coxe.

The will of Isabel’s sister Dorothy Coxe shows that Francis Taylor of Clent and his wife Isabel Coxe had a daughter Ann Taylor. Ann’s husband Gilbert and son William were witnesses of the will of Isabel’s brother William Coxe.

Spouse: Gilbert Cole. Married 25 June 1633 at Clent.

The marriage is recorded in the parish register.


(Complete source citations for facts about the children on this page are currently outside of the scope of this project.)

William Cole (1634 - 1711) married Mary Scott 7 June 1666 in Chaddesley Corbett.

Elizabeth Cole (baptized 12 July 1639 in Clent - buried 1 March 1721 in Bromsgrove) married Anthony Dowbridge.

Gilbert Cole possibly married Elizabeth Waldron 3 February 1673/4 at Clent.

Isabel Cole (buried 10 March 1663 at Clent)

Ann Cole (buried 2 May 1665 at Clent)


The 1632 will of Dorothy Coxe of Clent:

In the name of god Amen The xijth day of June and in the yeare of our Lord god 1632 I Dorothie Coxe of Clent in the Countie of Stafford Spinster beinge sick in bodye but of p[er]fecte mynde and memorie I prayse God for it doe make and ordayne this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followeing (vizt) First and principally I give and bequeath my soule into the handes of Allmightie god my Creator trustinge to be saved by the death and merritts of Jesus Christ my onely Saviour and Redeemer my bodye to the grounde from wheare it came and to be buried in the p[ar]ishe Church of Clent neare unto my deceased parents and sister Then I give and bequeath to my Cozen John Taylor of Clent xxli of lawfull Englishe money to be payde to  him within sixe monthes after my decease and the ixli which he oweth me by bond when he shall accomplish the age of xxj yeares Then I give and bequeath to Richard Taylor his brother xiijli vjs to be payde when he shall accomplishe the age of xxj yeares Then I give and bequeath to my Cozen Elizabeth Hall wyfe of John Hall xxli and my Cloake and savegand[?] to be payde within sixe monthes after my decease Item I give and bequeath to my Cozen Anne Taylor their sister the some of xxxli to be payde within sixe monthes after my Decease And likewise I give and bequeath to her my Joyned bedd my feather bedd one bolster one pillowe one blanckett one Coverlett my best gowne my best peeticote with all other thinges belonginge to my best suite of apparrell and my shorte Coffer. Item my will is that Fortie poundes of my goodes shalbe sett forth by my Executors pately[?] after my decease and the use and cousneracon[?] of the sayd 40li to be payde by them at the end of euerye halfe yeare unto my sister Isabell Taylor wyfe of Frauncis Taylor duringe her naturall lyfe with Fortie poundes I doe give and bequeath unto her Fourre Children to be payde them at her decease equally amongst them or to as many of them as shalbe then lyvinge Provided allwayes that yf any of them decease before their porcons be payde that then it shalbe equally devided amongst the rest. Item I give to John Taylor sonne of my Cozen John Taylor the somme of iijli vjs viijd and to Elizabeth Hall daughter of John Hall iijli vjs viijd to be payde them at the age of xvteene yeares givinge my Executors a lawfull T[rsoharyre?]. Item I give to John Coxe sonne of my brother John Coxe the somme of xli. Item I give to my goddaughter Alice Cox the somme of xxxli and my longe Coffer, And I praye god blesse her  Item I give and bequeath to William Coxe my brother Wm Cox his sonne xli and my Joyned presse Item I give to my goddaughter Elizabeth Cox xxxli and my joyned boxe and I prayse god to blesse her. Item I give to Alice Coxe her sister xxli Item I give and bequeath to my brother Ambrose Coxe the some of xli and to his sonne John Coxe xLI to be payde at the age of xxj yeares or soe soone as he can give my Executors a lawfull discharge. Item I give to euerye one of my godchildren ij s vj d Item I give to my brother William Coxe his wyfe my blacke suske? gowne  Item I give to my goddaughter Elizabeth Coxe abouesayd my [stannell] petticote  Item I give to my Cozen John Taylor and his sisters Elizabeth and Anne sixe payre of sheetes to be p[ar]ted equally amongst them And to my sister Isabell their mother one payre of hempon sheetes my [Taivine?] gowne and all other worke daye apparrell Item I give to the sayd Elizabeth Hall and Anne Taylor eyther of them halfe a dozen of table napkins and to John Taylor foure table napkins I give to the sayd Elizabeth Hall and Anne Tyalor iiij peeces of pewter a salte and a Candletick equally between them Item I give v LI to the use of the poore of the p[ar]ishe of Clent to be [..ssurred] on them at the discretion of my Executors and ouerseers that the use and Consideracon [niley] be payde yearely at the feast of Easter to the sayd poore for euer This my will beinge discharged and my funerall Expences payde All the rest of my goodes moveable and unmoveable I doe wholly give to my brother John Coxe and my brother Wm Coxe equally betwixt them And doe make them my Executors to execute this my last will and Testament And I desyre my Cozens Thomas Waldron and John Waldron to be ouerseers to see this my will performed and doe give them for their paynes eyther of them v s.

These beinge wittnesses

Thomas Higgins by his mark

Thomas Waldron

sign’ et sigillum Dorothe Coxe

[Inventory 19 July 1632]

[Proved 14 November 1632]

The 1644 will of John Cox of Clent:

In the name of God Amen The seaventeenth daie of Februarie Anno Dom’ one Thowsand sixe hundre Fortie and fower and in the Twentieth yeare of the Raigne of our Soueraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland Kinge defender of the Faith &c I John Cox of Clent in the Countie of Stafford gent being weake of body and of doubtfull and uncertaine health yet praised be God of good and perfect memorie doe therefore make and ordaine this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following First I comend my soule unto Almightie God my maker trusting to be saved and to haue Remission of all my sinns by the death and passion of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer and my bodie when it shall please God to doe his will thereupon to be buried in the parish Church of Clent/ Item I give and bequeath unto Alice Cox my daughter Eleven hundred poundes of Currant mony of England Item I give and bequeath unto John Cox my sonn Fower hundred poundes of Currant mony of England if there shall be soe much to be recouered in of my debts which are oweing unto me when my daughter Alice Cox hath her portion that is given and bequeathed unto her taken forth and discharged and all other debts legacies and Funerall chardges dischardged And alsoe I doe give and bequeath unto my said twoe Children Alice Cox and John Cox all my bedsteeds and bedding lynnen Brass pewter and all other houshould stuffe and Cattell whatsoeuer to be equallie devided betweene them at the discretion of my overseers herein to be named Item I give and bequeath unto Francis Taylor my brother in lawe one of my better sutes of apparell throughout Item I give and bequeath unto Isabell Taylor my sister and now wife of Francis Taylor Fyve poundes of Currant mony of England Item I give and bequeath unto the parish of Clent Five poundes and the Consideration thereof to remaine to the use of the poore of Clent to bee distributed unto them yearely at Christmas Item I give and bequeath unto John Cox my Godsonn Sixe shillings Item I give and bequeath unto my brother Williams daughter Alice Cox my goddaughter six shillings Item I give and bequeath unto William Wall my Godsonn twoe shillings Item I give and bequeath unto John Greene my Godsonn twoe shillings Item I give and bequeath unto John Hill my Godsonn twoe shillings Item I give and bequeath unto John Taylor my Godsonn twoe shillings six pence Item I give and bequeath unto John Hall my Godsonn twoe shillings six pence Item I give and bequeath unto all the rest of my Godchildren twelue pence a peece And further my Will is that if John Cox my sonn should Fortune to die and departe this life before he shall accomplish the age of one and twentie yeares That then that portion which is given and bequeathed unto him by my will And alsoe all those debts which I caused bonds to be made unto my brother William Cox and my sonn John Cox and to his use shall remaine unto my daughter Alice Cox yf she be the longer survivor All the rest of my goods whatsoever moveable and unmoveable my debts legacies and Funerall chardges being paide and discharged I doe give and bequeath unto Alice Cox my daughter And I doe also make and ordaine the said Alice Cox my daughter my full and sole executor of this my last will and Testament And I doe alsoe nominate and appointe William Cox of Clent my brother and James Nashe of Lynoke my brother in lawe my overseers to see this my last Will and Testament truely observed performed fullfilled and kept Giveing them for their paines therein to be taken Fiftie shillings a peece In Witnes wherof I haue hereunto putt my hand and seale the daie and yeare aboue written John Cox Sealed and deliuered in the presence of William Cox his marke Francis Tayler./

[Proved 18 November 1646]

The 1658 will of  William Cox of Clent:

In the name of God amen - The seaventh daie of September in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand Six hundred Fiftie Eight I William Cox of Clent in the County of Stafford yeoman being sick and weake but of good and perfect memory. Prayse be to Allmightie God & calling to Remembrance the uncertaine estate of this transitorie Life, And that all Flesh must yeeld unto death when it shall please God to call doe make constitute ordaine & declare this my Last Will & testament in manner and forme following viz revoking & adnulling by these presents All & everie Testament and Testaments Will and Wills heretofore made & declared either by Word or by Writing & this to be taken onlie for my Last Will and Testament & none other: And first being penitent & sorry fromthe bottome of my heart for my sinnes past most humblie desiring forgivenesse for the same, I give & Commit my Soule to Allmightie God my Saviour and Redeemer in whom & by the merits of Jesus Christ I trust & beleeve assuredlie to be saved and to have full Remission and forgiveness of all my sinnes And my bodie I Commend tot he dust from whence it came to be decently buried in the parish Church of Clent nere to my deceased freinds & Relations. And for the setling of my outward and temporall Estate & such goods Chattles & debts as it hath pleased God farr above my defects to bestowe upon me I doe order give and despose the same in manner in forme following. vizt. First I give and bequeath to my welbeloved Wife the summe of thirtie pounds of Lawfull English monie to be paid within two Monethes after my decease.  Item I give and bequeath to my deer Wife Tenne stricks of hard Corne & Tenne of Mault to be delivered withine One Moneth after my decease. And also my Will is, That my Wife shall use occupie and enioy All the house hold goods dureing her naturall Life, And after her decease to be equallie divided betwixt my daughters. Item I give & bequeath to my Grandchild Anne Wildey twentie pounds of Lawfull English monie to be paid within two yeares after my decease giving my Executor a Lawfull discharge. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Tristram twentie pounds of Lawfull English monie To be paid within One yeare after my decease: Item I give and bequeath to my three grandchildren Abigail Rebecca and Elizabeth Tristram, One hundred marks a peece to be placed out for their good and Advantage within One yeare after my decease by the Advice and Consent of my Executor & Overseers. Item I give and bequeath to my Kinsman Richard Taylor Tenne Shillings. To my kindsman William Taylor tenne shillings. To my kinswoman Elizabeth Hall tenne shillings. To Normanduke Chapman five pounds of Lawfull English monie to be paid within One yeare after my decease. Item I give and bequeath to the poore of the parish of Clent Three pounds of Lawfull English monie the use thereof to remaine to the poore of the parish of Clent forever and to be yearlie distributed at the Feast of Easter according to the discretion of the Feoffees and others. All this my Will fulfilled, Legacies discharged Funerall Expences paid All the rest of my goods I whollie give to my sonne in Lawe Andrew Tristram whom I make constitute and appoint to be my sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament: And lastlie I nominate & appoint my sonne in Law Humphrey Wildey & my kinsman John Cox to be Overseers to see this my last Will and Testament performed And for their paines I give them tenne shillings a peece. In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand & seale The daie and yeare above written. The marke of William Cox Witnesses to the sealeing hereof Jo: Cox; The marke of Gilbert Cole  William Cole

[Proved 20 November 1658]


Amphlett, John. A Short History of Clent. (1890)

Clent, St. Leonard Parish Registers, Staffordshire Parish Registers Society, 2004.

The will of Dorothy Coxe of Clent. Proved 1632 in the Consistory Court of Worcester.

The will of John Cox of Clent. Proved 1646 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.

The will of William Cox of Clent. Proved 1658 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.