The Easter Story


By Linda Sue Pochodzay Edwards


他们曾经相信耶稣是上帝的儿子,他们也记得耶稣是怎样医治有病的人们,还让瞎眼的重见光明。他们记得耶稣用几条面包和几条小鱼,让成千上万的人们吃饱。他们甚至也记得耶稣如何让已经死 了的人从新活过来。耶稣是如此的一个好人、一个仁慈的人,祂怎么竟然要死的这样惨呢?

正好在太阳要落山的时候,耶稣的一个朋友约瑟注意到耶稣已经再也没有呼吸了。于是他就赶到彼拉多(罗马帝国的派驻的总督 - 译者注)那里问,是否可以收耶稣的尸体,然后把耶稣下葬。在得到彼拉多允许之后,约瑟就和耶稣的另一个朋友尼哥底母一起,用新的布把耶稣的身体包起来,然后把祂埋葬的一个坟墓里。

第二天,那些极力要杀死耶稣的法利赛人又想起了耶稣所说过的话。耶稣曾经教导过大家,祂在三天之后要复活。他们担心这是不是真的会发生!另一方面,他们恐怕耶稣的门徒也记得耶稣说过这样的话,于是就来偷耶稣的尸体。如果这样的话,那些门徒们就可以散布谣言说耶稣复活了。 为了这个缘故,那些法利赛人就去见彼拉多,要求把耶稣的坟墓用巨大的石头封起来,再要派战士们看守着那个坟墓。


然而,玛利亚和其他一些妇女决定在清晨起来,去看耶稣的坟地。在去的路上,她们就讨论开了怎样才能进入坟墓。她们是带着一些香料和香水来,是准备膏耶稣的身体的(古代制作木乃伊的做法 - 译者注)。她们也知道坟墓是被一块巨大的石头封住了,但是她们想不出用什么办法可以把那巨石移开。












一次,耶稣的另外两个朋友,要到一个名为以马忤斯的村子去。 他们俩边走边讨论这几天所发生的事。突然有一个行人,与他们俩同行,那人慢慢地就加入他们的行列,还想参与他们俩的讨论。革流巴(两人中的一位 - 译者注)就告诉他耶稣被钉死在十字架,然而那些妇人们却发现那坟墓已经空了。




当他们看到了祂手上和脚上的钉痕,他们终于明白了祂曾经告诉过他们祂将要从死里复活。因他们能有耶稣又与他们一同,就充满了极大的喜乐和兴奋。于是他们就致力于向所有的人传扬这个美好的信息 - 耶稣复活了!


  1. 你是否曾听到过这个故事?是在哪里听到的?

  2. 为什么耶稣的朋友那么悲痛?为什么耶稣必须去死?

  3. 为什么耶稣的坟墓是空的?

  4. 你是否像彼得一样?你是不是必须亲眼目睹之后才相信?

  5. 读了这个故事以后,你能怎样来描写耶稣?

What an awfully sad day it had been for the friends of Jesus! They had stood watching sorrowfully, as Jesus hung on the cross dying. They didn't fully understand why it had to happen.

They believed that Jesus was the Son of God, and they remembered how He had healed the sick and made blind people see. They remembered how He had fed thousands of people with just a few loaves of bread and fish. They even remembered how He had caused dead people to come back to life. He was such a good, kind man; why did He have to die?

Just before the sun was beginning to sink into the west, Joseph, one of Jesus' friends, noticed that Jesus was no longer breathing. He hurriedly went to ask Pilate if he could have the body of Jesus so he could bury Him. When Pilate agreed, Joseph and Nicodemus (another friend) carefully wrapped Jesus' body in clean cloths. Then they took Him to a tomb to bury Him.

The next day, the Pharisees started thinking about Jesus. They were the people that had wanted to kill Jesus. They remembered how He had taught them, saying that He would rise again after three days. They were worried that it might be true! They also thought that Jesus' disciples would remember and might try to steal the body from the tomb just so they could say that Jesus rose again. They went to Pilate, suggesting that the tomb be closed up with a huge stone and that guards be placed all around the tomb.

Just before daylight the next day, the most amazing thing happened! There was a GREAT EARTHQUAKE! An ANGEL from the Lord came down from heaven, moved the gigantic stone away from the door of the tomb and sat on it. The guards began to shake with fear! They fell down to the ground as if they were dead!

Mary and some other women had decided to get up very early in the morning and go to visit the tomb where Jesus was placed. While walking down the road, they were discussing how they were going to get inside the tomb. They had brought along some spices and perfume that they wanted to place on Jesus' body. They knew the huge stone had been placed in the doorway and they had no idea how they were going to move it.

What a SURPRISE they found when they reached the tomb! The stone had already been moved! And . . . there was an ANGEL sitting on the stone! The women were quite afraid, but the angel spoke gently to them:

"Don't be afraid. I know that you have come to see Jesus. He is not here; for he is risen just as he said. Come inside and see the place where he lay."

The women went inside the tomb and found it empty, just as the angel had told them.

The angel spoke to the women one more time:

"Go quickly and tell the other disciples that Jesus has risen from the dead; and he is going into Galilee where you will see him."

The women did just as the angel had told them. They ran quickly from the tomb, with fear and great joy, to tell the good news to the other disciples. But . . . when the women found Peter and their other friends and tried to tell them the good news, . . . no one believed them!

When the women persisted, Peter decided that he needed to find out for himself.

He ran all the way to the tomb.

He went inside.

He saw the cloths that had been wrapped around Jesus, but the body was not there.

He wondered if it could possibly be true. Did Jesus really raise from the dead? Was Jesus really alive?

Two of Jesus' other friends were going on a journey to a village called Emmaus. As they walked and talked, they discussed all the things that had happened over the past few days. A man came along and joined the group. He walked along with them and wanted to join their discussion. Cleopas began telling the man about how Jesus was crucified on the cross. They talked about how the women found the empty tomb.

As they continued their journey, they invited the man to come in with them and have dinner. When they sat down to eat their meal, the man picked up a loaf of bread and broke it in pieces. Then he prayed for the meal and gave the bread to the men. At that very moment they realized that the man was JESUS! They had been talking to Jesus the whole time and didn't even know it!

Then . . . ANOTHER strange thing happened. As soon as they realized who it really was that sat at the table with them . . . Jesus disappeared! They talked about the wonderful time they had talking with Jesus down the road, and they just couldn't help talking about his strange disappearance. They got up from their meal and returned to Jerusalem where they told all the other disciples the good news that Jesus REALLY DID raise from the dead and had talked with them.

As they were talking, Jesus again appeared to them. They were afraid and thought they were seeing a ghost, but Jesus told them not to be afraid. He showed them His hands and feet where He had been nailed to the cross, so they would believe that it was really Him.

When they saw the nail holes in His hands and feet, they finally believed that Jesus had risen from the dead, just like He said He would. They were so happy and joyful to have their friend with them again. They were so excited that they had to tell EVERYBODY the good news that JESUS IS ALIVE!

Discussion Questions:

    1. Have you heard of this story before? Where did you hear it from?

    2. Why were Jesus’ friends so sad? Why did Jesus have to die?

    3. Why was the tomb empty?

    4. Are you like Peter? Do you have to see things for yourself before you will believe it is true?

    5. What can you say about Jesus from this story?