Coffee or Tea?


现在,很多人都是忠实的咖啡饮用者。他们无法想象在没有 - 一些人称之为热的“乔杯”(咖啡)的情况下开始他们的早晨。有些人讨厌喝咖啡而更喜欢喝茶。其他人两个都喜欢!




Now, many people are loyal coffee drinkers. They cannot imagine starting their morning without -- what some call -- a hot “Cup of Joe.” Some people hate coffee and prefer to drink tea. Others enjoy drinking both!

Whichever you prefer, know that English has some useful expressions using tea and coffee.

Let’s start with something around the home.

The table sitting in the middle of the living room (and usually in front of a sofa) is called a coffee table. We never call it a “tea table.” There is no such thing. Even if you hate the taste of coffee and never set a coffee cup on that table, you would still call it a "coffee table."


从咖啡就引申出:“快清醒了!你没有觉察到有事情要发生了吗?”的成语,“Wake up and smell the coffee!”


如果你真的喜欢某些东西或者真的很擅长什么,那你就可以说,这是我的“cup of tea”。


所以,当你要表示某一个项目是你喜爱或者擅长的话,你不说有些东西是你的“cup of tea”。

但是,如果你根本就不喜某一个项目或者不擅长这个项目,你反而可以使用这个词组。如果你不喜欢露营,你可以说露营不是你的“cup of tea”。如果你不擅长跳舞,那跳舞也不是是你的“cup of tea”。

事实上,如果你不喜欢咖啡,你可以说这不是你的“cup of tea”。实际上,这将是一个很有幽默感的表达方式。





    1. 在这篇文章中,你对哪些感兴趣?哪些感到惊奇?

    2. 在你的母语里,有哪些词组使用了咖啡、茶、或者其他的饮料?

    3. 请使用“...for all the tea in China”和“...cup of tea”造句。

Coffee, as you know, can help you feel more energized. In fact, many people use coffee to wake up in the morning.

And that is where we get the idiom “Wake up and smell the coffee!”

We say this to people who are not accepting a situation as it really is. They are not being realistic. They need to face facts. You can say it to someone or about someone.

If you really like something or are really good at something, it is your cup of tea.

But not so fast. That’s not really the way we use the phrase today. Yes, many years ago when the expression came into the language it was used in a positive way. But these days we almost always use this expression in a negative way.

So, you don’t say that something is your cup of tea -- even if you are talking about your beloved cup of tea.

If something is not your cup of tea, you simply don’t like it or are not good at it. The cup of tea in the expression can mean anything. If you don’t like to go camping, you could say camping is not your cup of tea. If you’re not good at dancing, it is not your cup of tea.

In fact, if you don’t like coffee, you could say it's not your cup of tea. And actually, that would be a funny way to use this expression.

Now, some places are known for their coffee and others for their tea. For example, China is famous for its tea. China's tea culture has a long history and tradition. And that is where we get our final expression for today.

Some famous Chinese teas are very expensive. If you gathered all the tea in China, it would be worth a lot of money.

So, if you want to say that you are unwilling to do something ... at any cost, you could say, "I wouldn't do it for all the tea in China." For example, if you are deathly afraid of heights, you could say "I would not skydive for all the tea in China." This expression is simply an exaggerated, or larger than life way of saying, "No way! I won't do it! I don't care what you pay me!"



impression n. the effect or influence that something or someone has on a person's thoughts or feelings

positive adj. good or useful

negativeadj. harmful or bad : not wanted

exaggerate v. to think of or describe something as larger or greater than it really is : to make (something) larger or greater than normal

Discussion questions:

    1. What is interesting or amusing to you from this article?

    2. What are some phrases or idioms in your language using coffee, tea or any beverages?

    3. Practice using " ... for all the tea in China" or " ... cup of tea" in a sentence.