My Testimony



大家好,谢谢您们让我有幸与您们分享我生命中唯一也是最宝贵的经历。在我还年青的时候时,我就第一次明白到什么是迷失。这个迷失不是指人真的在丛林里迷了路,而是指人生命的迷失,就如圣经中所说得那样。我明白到罗马书三章二十三节说的〝世人都亏缺了神的荣耀〞那正是指着我。从世人的眼里、看我不是个邪恶或着坏人,但是圣经说〝世人〞那就包括我在内了,犯了罪得罪了圣洁完美的上帝。这个真理刺进我的心, 我认识到自己正在属灵的黑暗中,我是个迷失者,我站在伟大全能的创造主前,真是满心愧疚与罪恶。

但是还好、是在明白自己的罪的同时,我也清楚知道上帝愿意饶恕我一切的罪。圣经上明明的说〝神如此爱我,所以让祂的独生爱子耶稣基督来代替我应当受的责罚,也就是我悖逆圣洁神的罪,为此我应当承受祂的愤怒与审判。但神是爱〞(约翰一书四章十六节),在祂美好的爱中, 祂赐给我怜悯与恩典。因祂把一切的愤怒与责罚放在自己的爱子耶稣身上,所以我才能得到赦免与饶恕,能够与造我的主重新恢复和好的关系。这只有耶稣能做,耶稣说:我就是道路、真理、生命,若不借着我没有人能到父那里去。 (约翰福音十四章六节),耶稣不只是从神来,祂就是神(约翰福音一章一节),这个神-人成为人的样子,为我的罪成为完全的赎罪祭。因祂代替了我们当受的罪,我们如今才能活着。


你是否有这样的盼望?你是否活在平安与喜乐中呢?你是否受感动知道这是真实的,神正在呼召你?向祂承认祂是对的你是错的,你有罪并得罪了祂。向主耶稣呼求,祂是上帝差派来到世界,来代替你受罚的。 (祂被钉在十字架上死了,第三天神让祂从死里复活!直活到永永远远!)靠着上帝儿子耶稣基督的名求神赦免你的罪,转离你罪恶的道路,降服在祂手中。把你生命的主权交给上帝。从我的经验,我可以告诉你,你的生命将不再一样,我过去曾是失丧的,如今上帝找到了我!

Lost and Found

Hello and thank you for the privilege of sharing with you the single, greatest moment of my life. I was a young boy when I first understood the profound truth of what it means to be lost. Not the physical type of being lost, such as being lost in the woods; but spiritual lostness, the kind of which the Bible speaks. I came to understand when God’s Word says “all have fallen short of the glory of God.” (Rom. 3:23), it was talking about me. I was not a “bad” or “evil” person, according to the views of mankind. However, the Bible says that all men, this means me, have sinned against the holy and perfect God. When this truth penetrated my heart, I realized that I was in spiritual darkness. I was lost. I stood guilty before a perfect and mighty God, who is also my Creator.

The good news is with understanding my sinfulness also came the understanding that God was willing to forgive my sin. The Bible declares that God loves me so much that He gave His one and only son, Jesus, to take my punishment for me. Because of my sin against a Holy God I deserved His wrath and judgment. Yet, God is love (1 John 4:16), and in His wonderful love He extended mercy and grace to me. How? God placed his wrath and anger on his very own son, Jesus, so that my sin might be forgiven and that I might be restored to a

right relationship with my Creator, God. Only Jesus can do this. In fact, Jesus himself said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) Jesus not only came from God, but is God (John1:1). This God-Man took on humanity so He might provide the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He took our place that we might live!

At that moment, even as a young boy, it all made perfect sense. I knelt down on my

knees and asked God to forgive me of my sin. I gave God control of my life and I committed myself to live for him. That was 36 years ago. The journey has not always been easy. I have not always lived as I should, but I have LIFE! I live in peace and in joy, no matter the circumstances, because I know God is real and in control. I live without the guilt and shame of having sinned against God, for my God has taken all of that away. I now live with the

confident hope my life has an eternal purpose. Today I worship Jesus in faith, but one day I will worship Jesus, my Savior and Lord, face to face.

Do you have this hope? Do you live in peace and in joy? Do you sense that these words are true and God is calling to you? Admit to God that He is right and you are wrong, that you have sinned against Him. Call on Jesus, the One who was sent by God, to take your punishment. (He was killed on a cross, but 3 days later God raised Jesus back to life! He lives

forever and ever!) Ask God to forgive you in the name of His Son Jesus. Turn away from your sinful path and surrender your life into His hands. Turn control of your life over to God. From my own experience, I can tell you, your life will never be the same! I once was lost, but God found me!