Salvation Army


美国救世军自 1880 年成立以来,一直是为面临逆境的人们带来希望和援助的灯塔。该组织由威廉·布斯和凯瑟琳·布斯在伦敦创立,后来将其使命扩展到美国,并成为美国的一支重要力量 解决贫困、无家可归和救灾问题。

救世军在美国的存在的核心是其多种社会服务计划。 该组织在全国各地经营庇护所,为无家可归的人提供庇护。 这些庇护所不仅为人们提供栖身之所,还为毒瘾患者提供康复服务,解决导致无家可归的复杂因素。

在抗击饥饿的过程中,救世军经营食品储藏室和流动厨房,确保弱势个人和家庭能够获得营养膳食。 标志性的红色水壶和铃声,特别是在节日期间,可以明显地提醒人们该组织致力于为其慈善事业筹集资金。

救世军在美国工作的一个重要方面是对灾难的反应。 无论是自然的还是人为的,该组织都会迅速动员起来,为受影响的人们提供紧急住所、食物和支持。 他们的食堂、移动供餐单位通常位于前线,在危机期间提供即时援助。

救世军的影响超出了立即救援工作的范围。 该组织开展康复计划,解决毒瘾问题并为个人提供康复之路。 就业服务和教育计划有助于打破贫困循环,为人们提供建设稳定和可持续未来所需的工具。

社区参与是救世军方法的一个关键要素。 该组织运营的社区中心是各种项目的中心,从儿童的课后活动到老年人的健康计划。 天使树计划是另一项值得注意的举措,确保贫困儿童在节日期间收到礼物。

作为一个基督教组织,救世军的精神事工是其使命不可或缺的一部分。 救世军军官被任命为牧师,领导会众并监督该组织的各种举措。 虽然他们的服务向所有人开放,但救世军的基督教身份影响了其价值观,并影响了其满足其服务社区需求的整体方法。

美国救世军是对抗贫困、无家可归和与灾难相关的挑战的一支坚韧力量。 它对实际同情心、精神事工和社区参与的承诺对无数人的生活产生了持久的影响,体现了该组织在全国范围内“行善”的座右铭。


The Salvation Army in America has been a beacon of hope and assistance for individuals facing adversity since its establishment in 1880. Founded by William and Catherine Booth in London, the organization expanded its mission to the United States, where it has since become a vital force in addressing poverty, homelessness, and disaster relief.

Central to the Salvation Army's presence in America are its multiple social service programs. The organization operates shelters across the country, providing a refuge for those experiencing homelessness. These shelters offer not only a roof over one's head but also rehabilitation services for individuals struggling with addiction, addressing the complex factors that contribute to homelessness.

In the fight against hunger, the Salvation Army runs food pantries and soup kitchens, ensuring that vulnerable individuals and families have access to nutritious meals. The iconic red kettles and bell ringers, particularly during the holiday season, serve as a visible reminder of the organization's commitment to raising funds for its charitable endeavors.

A crucial aspect of the Salvation Army's work in America is its response to disasters. Whether natural or man-made, the organization mobilizes quickly to provide emergency shelter, food, and support to those affected. Their canteens, mobile feeding units, are often on the front lines, delivering immediate assistance during crises.

The Salvation Army's impact extends beyond immediate relief efforts. The organization runs rehabilitation programs, addressing addiction and offering individuals a path to recovery. Employment services and educational programs contribute to breaking the cycle of poverty, providing people with the tools they need to build a stable and sustainable future.

Community engagement is a key element of the Salvation Army's approach. Community centers operated by the organization serve as hubs for a variety of programs, from after-school activities for children to wellness initiatives for seniors. The Angel Tree program, another notable initiative, ensures that underprivileged children receive gifts during the holiday season.

As a Christian organization, the Salvation Army's spiritual ministry is integral to its mission. Salvation Army officers, who are ordained ministers, lead congregations and oversee the organization's various initiatives. While their services are open to everyone, the Christian identity of the Salvation Army influences its values and informs its holistic approach to addressing the needs of the communities it serves.

The Salvation Army in America stands as a resilient force in the fight against poverty, homelessness, and disaster-related challenges. Its commitment to practical compassion, spiritual ministry, and community engagement has made a lasting impact on countless lives, embodying the organization's motto of "Doing the Most Good" across the nation.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is the Salvation Army? What type of organization is it?

2. How does the Salvation Army fight hunger?

3. How does it help people recover from addiction?

4. How does it help during disasters?

5. How does it help children?

6. What is its motto? Why?

7. Does the motto inspire you to do the most good in your community?