The Dallas Asian Festival







May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month in the United States. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed a joint resolution declaring the first 10 days of May to be a time of honoring the heritage of people from the Asian-Pacific rim. Later the 10 days were extended to include the entire month of May.

May was chosen because the first immigrants from Japan came to America on May 7, 1843. It also was in May of 1869 when the transcontinental railroad was finished through the hard work of many Chinese immigrants.

In May, all across America’s major cities, there are festivals celebrating the culture and foods of Asian countries and their people. Last Saturday, my family and friends, attended such a festival in downtown Dallas. We watched the traditional dances of the Philippines, Sri Lanka, India, and Vietnam. We talked with people from all kinds of places and countries, including China. We also tasted of many different types of food from across Asia. The city park, where the festival was held, was full of people from at least 26 nations. Young people were dancing to the pounding of drums, and the elders were sitting, under what shade could be found, watching everything with pleasant smiles. Many of the people were in their native costumes or dresses. The dresses were beautiful and bright colors of red, gold, yellow, purple and green. The costumes had many beads and decorations attached to them. All of them were quite beautiful.

It would have been nice if we could have stayed longer but it was very hot and very crowded. After a couple of hours we decided to find a restaurant in which to eat and to cool off. We had told our friends about a place which we love to visit called the Spaghetti Warehouse. It is an Italian restaurant. So, from Asia to Italy we “took a trip.” It was nice to enter the cool air of the building and escape the heat of the hot sun.

We were able to have our favorite waiter, Bruno, serve us. (We like him because he not only works hard but is very pleasant and funny.) If he serves you a glass of water, and you drink it quickly, he will bring you more water in a larger container. If you also drink this he will bring an even larger container. Our Japanese friends thought this was very funny. My daughter was given a serving pitcher for her Diet Coke.



    1. 你觉得这篇文章里有哪些地方很特别?

    2. 你对了解其他国家文化的那些方面感兴趣?

    3. 你觉得对外国人的什么是最难了解的?

    4. 你对作者所说的,人们“之间相同之处远远超过我们的分歧”,有什么看法?

Overall, we greatly enjoyed the day. It makes me happy to meet new people and experience new things. I am always amazed by the diversity of mankind’s cultures and languages. Yet, the more I learn about other people the more I realize that we are truly more alike than we are different.


    1. What is something interesting from this article?

    2. What do you like about learning about another culture?

    3. What do you think is the most difficult thing about getting to know someone from another culture?

    4. What are your thoughts on the author's comment that the more he learns about other cultures, the more they are alike than different?