Online Bible Study







请在 免费下载 Zoom; 如果你在中国, 可以到 免费下载。

中文查经的 Zoom ID: 820 6915 3132, 密码: 11223344, 欢迎届时来参加,也可以点击:选择使用浏览器进入,再填上你的名字,点击进入,并使用网络声音。你就成功来到我们的教室了。

中文福音讲座的 Zoom ID: 842 6178 6615, 密码: 11223344, 欢迎届时来参加,也可以点击: ,选择使用浏览器进入,再填上你的名字,点击进入,并使用网络声音。你就成功来到我们的教室了。

英文查经的Zoom ID:881 6488 4416,密码:54321,欢迎参加。也可以使用, 选择使用浏览器进入,再填上你的名字,点击进入,并使用网络声音。你就成功来到我们的教室了。


Here are some of our Bible study resources for your references. Your comments are welcome.

Here is the information of our online Bible Study through Zoom: English Online Bible Study is on Fridays. From November first Sunday to March second Sunday, Bible Study starts at 21:00 Beijing time; from March second Sunday to November first Sunday, Bible Study starts at 20:00, Beijing time. Our Bible Study lasts about an hour.

The Chinese Online Bible Study is on Mondays, starts at 20:00, Beijing time, and it lasts about 2 hours.

The Chinese Evangelistic Forum is on Tuesday, starts at 20:00, Beijing time, and it lasts about 1 hour.

If you are interested to attend, please fill in the following form or contact us by sending us an email. Our contact email address is:

You may download Zoom from If you are in China, you may download it at

The Chinese Bible Study Zoom ID:  820 6915 3132, Passcode: 11223344. Hope you are able to join us at our Bible Study time.

The Chinese Evangelistic Forum Zoom ID: Zoom ID: 842 6178 6615, Passcode: 11223344

The English bible Study Zoom ID: 881 6488 4416, Passcode: 54321. Hope you are able to join us at our Bible Study time.

May our Lord God, Jesus Christ, be with you all the time!