





Boast = Brag – 自夸、吹牛;以……为荣

Distorting – 扭曲、模糊不清;我头疼得厉害,使我的眼睛都花了。

Collided – 撞上了什么东西


1.  你是不是觉得做一个谦卑的人很难?为什么?

2.  为什么谦卑的人有智慧?

3.  为什么骄傲自大会给人带来羞辱?

4.  为什么谦卑讨上帝的喜悦?

5.  你是不是一个谦虚的人?

God loves people who are humble. The Bible is full of verses that speak highly of humility and condemns pride or arrogance. So, what is humility? What does it mean to be humble? Basically, it is to think less of your own importance. A humble person does not boast about his success or his skills or his greatness. King Solomon (970-931BC) taught his son about the importance of being humble. He wrote that “when pride comes, disgrace follows, but with humility comes wisdom.” [Proverbs 11:2] Pride has a way of distorting truth or reality for a person. Prideful people can easily go to their destruction or be shamed because they think they are better than everyone else. The truth can be painful and bring shame when the prideful person meets someone who is greater than himself.

In the summer of 1986, two ships collided in the Black Sea off the coast of Russia. Hundreds of passengers died as they were hurled into the icy waters below. News of the disaster was further darkened when an investigation revealed the cause of the accident. It wasn't a technology problem like radar malfunction--or even thick fog. The cause was human stubbornness. Each captain was aware of the other ship's presence nearby. Both could have steered clear, but according to news reports, neither captain wanted to give way to the other. Each was too proud to yield first. By the time they came to their senses, it was too late.* 

Solomon also teaches his son that a humble man has wisdom. Of course, the humble man would grow in wisdom because he is willing to learn from others. The humble man knows that he does not have all the answers and should always be willing to learn and to grow.

Jesus spoke similar words in Matthew, the 23rd chapter: “The most important person among you will be your servant.  Anyone who lifts himself up will be brought down. And anyone who is brought down will be lifted up.” [23:11-12] He is telling his followers to think of themselves as being lower than others. The most important people in God’s kingdom are the people who are servants in actions and in attitude. Paul, a great teacher and follower of Jesus, said it like this: “Agree with each other. Don’t be proud. Be willing to be a friend of people who aren’t considered important. Don’t think that you are better than others.” [Romans 12:16] A humble person thinks of the needs of other people before he thinks of his own needs. If he sees a need or a job which needs to be done then he volunteers to do it. He will not think, “Let someone else do that, such work is beneath me.” Humility is pleasing to God, and such a person finds peace in God.


Boast = Brag – to tell others about your success in a prideful way

Distorting – to distort is to make unclear. My head hurt so bad my vision was distorted. It means I could not see clearly.

Collided – to crash into something.



1.    Do you think it is hard to be humble? Why or why not?

2.    Why does wisdom come to humble people?

3.    Why does shame come to prideful people?

4.    Why is humility pleasing to God?

5.    How about you? Does humility describe you?