Tipping and Etiquette in the United States (I)

在美国的小费惯例 (之一)








一些咖啡馆、面包店、和某些店,在他们的付款柜台上会放一个小费的罐子。 这种情况在最近几十年变得很普遍,但是这个现象使人感到糊涂,甚至对这样的情况有争议。一般来说,只有对服务感到特别满意的顾客才会在这样的小费罐子里放一些小费;其他人是不放小费的。事实上,顾客怎么做都没有错。






    1. 在您居住的地方是怎样付小费的?

    2. 在您那里的付小费的目的与在北美付小费的情景有何不同和相同的地方?

    3. 您觉得什么样的情况下要父小费?

    4. 您个人对付小费的标准是什么?

While tipping is not mandatory in most of the United States, it is customary in many circumstances for service, especially at almost all sit-down restaurants which offer table service and many food servers depend on tips as an essential part of their wage. Some states allow a "tip credit" to count as part of the Federal Minimum Wage of $7.25/hour so tipped employees may be paid as low as $2.00 an hour plus tips. Generally, the average tip is 15% to 20% of the total meal cost.

Tipping practices can vary depending upon the location in the U.S., and even published guidance can vary greatly depending upon the source. For example, some Americans don't tip at a buffet restaurant, but it's generally good form to tip $1-2/person for wait staff just clearing several rounds of plates, to as much as 10 percent if the wait staff is refilling drinks and providing other services. The general rule is to tip in proportion to the service, and the quality of service being delivered.

Tip jars at carry-out restaurants are a recent innovation, and one resisted by many Americans. While one guide ... advises to tip 10 percent at carry-out restaurants, many Americans do not tip for carry-out, even when a tip jar is present, and tipping at most chain restaurants, such as McDonald's, is not common. Some who do contribute to tip jars, put in change or only $1, depending upon the size of the order.

Keep in mind that those who provide service are often dependent on income and generally are grateful for any tips received, especially when prompt and exceptional service has been provided. Tipping is the means by which to acknowledge good service.

Many visitors to the U.S. feel pressured to tip even when they do not feel it is fair or reasonable to do so. Customers are REQUIRED to pay 'mandatory gratuities (tips)' if these are disclosed (on the menu or elsewhere) prior to being served. Mandatory gratuities are charged by many restaurants when large groups (6 or more; sometimes, 8 or more) are being served. Mandatory gratuities also are used by some restaurants with large numbers of foreign customers who may not be familiar with American tipping customs, often in tourist centers such as New York City.

When 'mandatory tipping' is practiced, you may add more to the 'mandatory tip' if there is a desire to additionally reward some exceptional service. Always examine your bill carefully to see if there is a mandatory gratuity included in the bill so that you don't accidentally add an additional gratuity to your payment. If you feel your service was deficient, you can request a manager in order to have the mandatory gratuity adjusted downward.

Fast food restaurants do not have tipping as there is no 'table service' (when a server brings your food to your table).

Some coffee shops, bakeries and other establishments have tip jars on their check-out counters. These have become more prevalent in recent decades and there is some confusion, even controversy about them. Generally, those who feel a desire to reward good service will make a contribution to a tip jar. Others do not. Both are fine.

Tips are often a major source of compensation for wait staff and other U.S. service providers. Employers often pay these employees lower wages in anticipation that tip income will provide a significant portion of the employees' income. Customers should realize that they are not auotmatically paying 'more' (due to tipping). In non-tipping countries, the tips are simply built into the price of the food. An advantage to tipping, therefore, is the ability to tip whatever is appropriate: if the service is poor, a small tip should be left, signaling to the server that their service was subpar.

Many hotel guests who tip housekeeping staff leave tips daily before leaving the hotel, both to reward the person immediately servicing the room and in expectation of good service.

Source: https://www.tripadvisor.com/Travel-g191-s606/United-States:Tipping.And.Etiquette.html

Discussion Questions:

    1. What are the tipping practices in your region?

    2. How is the purpose for tipping in your region similar or different than the American tipping practices?

    3. What services do people tend to give tips?

    4. What are your personal guidelines regarding tipping?