Thanksgiving Celebrations Around the World





1. 在中国


2. 法国


巴黎在感恩节庆祝活动和独特传统中享有相当的份额。 1911年感恩节那天,许多居住在巴黎的美国人乘着感恩节假期访问了巴黎的“亨理之纽约酒吧”。在20世纪20年代,在这酒吧里经常出现着名作家弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德和欧内斯特·海明威。


3. 利比里亚




    1. 你是否有参加过感恩节大餐?那是怎么样的?

    2. 在我们以前的课程里,你听到了或者学到了有感感恩节的什么内容?

    3. 对于感恩节你有什么样的期待?

    4. 在这一年里,你有什么感恩的吗?

    5. 如果你侨居国外,你最想念的是哪个节日? 为什么?

    6. 如果你恰巧是侨居国外,请分享你是怎样庆祝了你喜欢的节日。

If you've ever lived or traveled abroad, you know how thrilling it is to explore, and get to know life in an unfamiliar place. That is, until it's time for the holidays back home. It's particularly tough to be abroad when everyone else back home is celebrating the holidays.

And Thanksgiving is especially easy to miss for Americans abroad. While being home might not be an option, many still celebrate it by attempting to recreate the holiday's traditional spread. Since this can get pricey, this means that Thanksgiving in another country comes with its own local spin. With 6.32 million Americans abroad in 160 countries, Thanksgiving is probably being celebrated in more places than you'd think.

Here's how Thanksgiving looks in a few places around the world:

1. China

In Beijing, China's capital, turkeys begin to pop up in markets popular with ex-pats during the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. But a turkey comes with a hefty price: a 14-pound frozen one can cost you over $50. Canned cranberry sauce is also a near impossible find in China, but thankfully there are alternatives. Putting together a meal might mean mixing both American and Chinese dishes, and the result could be pretty fantastic.

2. France

Celebrating Thanksgiving in France is definitely easier than it is in China. First of all, it's the leading turkey producer in the European Union, so you won't have any difficulties finding turkey there.

Paris has seen its fair share of Thanksgiving celebrations and unique traditions. Many American ex-pats visit Harry's Bar on the holiday, founded on Thanksgiving day in 1911. In the 1920s, the bar was frequented by famous writers like F Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway.

There are websites and shops that cater to ex-pats looking for American ingredients, like canned pumpkin and cranberry sauce. If you're alone, you can always remedy your homesickness with a Big Mac from one of the 1,258 McDonald's restaurants in France.

3. Liberia

One place where Thanksgiving is also an official holiday is Liberia, a West African country settled by American colonizers in 1820.

It's usually celebrated on the first Thursday of November, and much like it's sister holiday in the United States, it is also a day to celebrate food and family. But Thanksgiving dinners in Liberia rarely involve turkey. Instead, the thanksgiving meal in Liberia involves roasted chicken, mashed cassavas, and green bean casseroles.


Discussion Question:

    1. If you have ever experienced a Thanksgiving meal, what was it like?

    2. What things have you heard or learned from our previous classes about Thanksgiving?

    3. What aspects of Thanksgiving appeal or do not appeal to you?

    4. What are you thankful for this year?

    5. What festival or holiday would you miss the most if you live abroad? Why?

    6. If you actually live abroad, tell us how you have celebrated your favorite festival or holiday.