Thanksgiving (II)

感恩节 (之二)





1. 在你的国家里是不是有感恩节?

2. 当你与亲朋好友在一起欢聚的时候,一共会有多少人?

3. 美国的感恩节是不是有可能成为一个没有感谢上帝的感恩节?

4. 你有什么要感谢上帝的吗?

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the United States, as well as in other countries. For Americans, this holiday is on the fourth Thursday of November. (The first national observance of Thanksgiving was first called for by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863.) It is a day which is set apart for families to gather and give thanks to God for the blessings which He has given to us. It is also a day of prayer to seek God’s continued blessing for the future. However, today the spiritual element of Thanksgiving has been lost by most Americans. Instead, Thanksgiving Day has become a day in which families and friends feast together, watch football, and plan their Christmas wish lists for the upcoming shopping season.

This year my family decided to invite other families who did not have families nearby; and to invite families from other nations who were now in America, but had never celebrated an American Thanksgiving. When I first told my wife about my idea two months ago, she wanted to know how many would be coming. I assured her it would only be 10 or 12, maybe 15 at the most. This last Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving with 35 friends!  We had a wonderful time with our Korean, Chinese, and Japanese friends! We took time to go around the room and give everyone the opportunity to give God thanks for what He had done in their life. Afterwards, we asked God to bless the food and ate. We ate and ate. We had a table nearly 30 feet long and it was filled with all kinds of food and desserts. We enjoyed smoked turkey and ham, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes and onions, sweet potato casserole, corn casserole, green beans, cornbread dressing, and steamed vegetables. For dessert we had pumpkin pies, pecan pies, and lemon pies (my favorite) and more.

After lunch we enjoyed watching American football on t.v. The most enjoyable thing we did after lunch was to play a game taught to us by our Korean friends. We placed a blanket on the ground and using 4 sticks we tossed them into the air and tried to keep them on the blanket. The sticks would give us a number, by which we could move our team around a board. The board was actually a picture we drew on a large whiteboard. We divided into 3 big teams of 10 each. The game was simple enough for even the youngest child to play. We all enjoyed the game and there was much shouting, cheering, and laughter. The day ended and is now just a memory. But it is a memory for which I will recall for many years and one for which I will always be thankful.


1. Is there a day of thanksgiving in your country?

2. When your family and friends get together how many are in your group?

3. Would Thanksgiving Day be Thanksgiving Day if Americans did not thank God?

4. Do you have anything to thank God?