New Year's Resolution





·         增强体质:吃健康的食品,减重,加强体育锻炼,吃得讲究一些,少喝酒,戒烟,不再咬指甲,除掉坏习惯

·         改变思想理念:从正面来看事物,笑口常开,享受生活

·         改进个人的经济状况:还掉债务,存些钱,作一些小量的投资

·         改进个人的工作状况:在现有的岗位上做的更好,寻找一个更好的工作,创造条件开始自己的事业

·         改进只身的教育水准:提高学习成绩,接受进一步的教育,学习一些新的事物,常常学习,多看书,增进知识

·         自身的改进:更好地管理自己,减少压力,改变暴躁的脾气,更好地管理自己的时间,凡事独立自主不依靠他人,少看一些电视,少玩一些电子游戏

·         外出旅游

·         当一位志愿者去帮助别人,锻炼生活中的技巧,操练公共道德,给慈善机构捐款,到慈善机构去当一名兼职的志愿者

·         改善与他人的关系,提高社交活动的技巧,积极参与社交活动

·         交新的朋友

·         花时间与家人共度有意义的时光

·         安定自己,该订婚的订婚,该结婚的结婚,该生孩子的生孩子

·         尝试一些异国的食品,探索一些新的文化

·         提高个人的属灵境界,常常祷告,多亲近上帝,使自己更加属灵




1.    在你所居住的地方,人们是否都会写新年立志?

2.    你是不是觉得写新年立志是件好事情?

3.    你有没有写过新年立志?如果写过的话,一共写过几次?你这次写的新年立志与往年的有什么不同?

4.    你是不是可以告诉我们你在新年立志上决定作什么样的努力?

5.    从这个文本里,有哪些也是你的立志或者接近你的立志?看了文本以后,你是不是觉得有的应该加在你的新年立志上?

A New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. A key element to a New Year's resolution which sets it apart from other resolutions is that it is made in anticipation of the New Year and new beginnings. People committing themselves to a New Year's resolution generally plan to do so for the entire following year. This lifestyle change is generally interpreted as advantageous.


Popular goals for New Year’s Resolutions include:

•          Improve physical well-being: eat healthy food, lose weight, exercise more, eat better, drink less alcohol, quit smoking, stop biting nails, get rid of old bad habits

•          Improve mental well-being; think positive, laugh more often, enjoy life

•          Improve one’s finances: get out of debt, save money, make small investments

•          Improve one’s career: perform better at current job, get a better job, establish own business

•          Improve one’s education: improve grades, get a better education, learn something new, study often, read more books, improve talents

•          Improve oneself: become more organized, reduce stress, be less grumpy, manage time, be more independent, perhaps watch less television, play fewer video games

•          Take a trip

•          Volunteer to help others, practice life skills, use civic virtue, give to charity, volunteer to work part time in a charity organization

•          Get along better with people, improve your social skills, enhance social intelligence

•          Make new friends

•          Spend quality time with family members

•          Settle down, get engaged/get married, have kids

•          Try foreign foods, discovering new cultures

•          Improve one’s spiritual condition, pray more, be closer to God, be more spiritual


The nature of New Year's resolutions has changed during the last decades, with many resolutions being more superficial and appearance-oriented than in previous times. At the end of the 19th century, a typical teenage girl's New Year's resolution was focused on good works: she resolved to become less self-centered, more helpful, a more diligent worker, and to improve her internal character. Body image, health, diet, and desired possessions were rarely mentioned. At the end of the 20th century, the typical teenage girl's resolution is focused on good looks: she wants to improve her body, hairstyle, makeup, and clothing. No conclusion for a typical 21st century girl’s new year’s resolution has been published yet.

Discussion Questions:

1.  Is making a New Year’s Resolution popular in your country/location?

2.  Do you think making a New Year’s resolution is a good thing to do?

3.  Have you ever made any New Year’s resolutions? If yes, how many times have you done so? What are the differences between resolutions you have made in the past and ones you have made for this year?

4.  Will you tell us about your resolution(s)? 

5.  From the article above, which one matches (similar) to your own New Year’s resolution? Are there any you would like to add to your New Year’s resolutions?