A Busy Weekend










1. 举一个例子说明作者的周末是那么的繁忙。

2. 你是否曾有一个周末或者假期让你忙得不也乐乎?


I have survived a busy weekend. It was one of those weekends where you are ready for Monday morning to arrive so you can return to a sense of normalcy. My weekend began with a mad rush to finish up my work so I could leave for Arkansas. After four hours of work, and finalizing my project for Sunday, my son and I jumped in the car to get on the road. About two blocks from the house I noticed the car shifting in an unusual way. I quickly decided to stop by the mechanic’s garage where I normally go for repairs. Fortunately, they were not busy and were able to look at it right away. Half an hour later the mechanic informed me that all looked good and he could see nothing wrong with the car. We got back in the car and headed for Wendy’s to grab lunch and get on the road. After getting our order we got on the highway, the time was 12:15pm.

We headed north east away from Dallas. My wife and youngest daughter would meet us in Arkansas later that night. (They had driven 13 hours east to Chattanooga, Tennessee on Monday for a softball tournament.) We were all converging on Arkadelphia, Arkansas home of OuachitaBaptist University where my oldest daughter was graduating on Saturday morning. For now it was just Sam and me rolling down the highway with the radio blaring. We sang and danced, as best we could while sitting down and constrained by seatbelts, the entire 4 hours. We arrived at my daughter’s dormitory in the midst of a pouring rainstorm. Normally, this is not a problem; however, we were to remove all her belongings from her room and pack them into the back of our vehicle. We waited an hour for the rain to stop and quickly began to load the car. We had to hurry because we were to meet my parents and my in-laws for dinner at 18:00.

We made it to the restaurant at 18:00 only to find out we would have to wait for over an hour to get a table. We quickly decided to go somewhere else. My daughter led the three car caravan to another location where we could immediately get a table and have dinner. Dinner was enjoyable, but Sam and I still had another short drive to make. There were no available hotel rooms in the small town so we had to drive another hour to my Uncle’s lake house in Hot Springs. We needed to get there before dark so I could turn on the water. (Since no one lives in the house full time my uncle turns the water off at the street when he leaves, to prevent flooding.) We made it just as the sun was setting and we watched the sun set over the water. It was a lovely ending to a very long day.

The next morning we awoke early. My wife and youngest daughter had come in sometime after midnight. We quickly got dressed and left for the ceremony which was to take place at 9:30am. We were blessed with a beautiful sunny Spring day. The ceremony was very nice and I was proud to watch my oldest child walk across the stage to receive her degree.

After the ceremony we all gathered at another restaurant for lunch. We ate and visited with one another. This is nice because we all live quite a distance from our parents. My sister, and her daughter, were also present whom I had not seen in 4 years.

After lunch, Sam and I jumped back in the car to head home. Once again, we made the drive while singing and dancing. We made it home about 17:00. Overall it was a busy two days, and the weekend was not yet over. It was Saturday evening, but Sunday was coming.

Now it is Sunday evening. The sun is fading. I’ve taken my family to church and out to eat in honor of Mother’s Day. I’ve taken a nap and gone for a great Chinese massage. I am finishing my English lesson for my students in China. I’m ready for Monday morning. The busy weekend is over.


1. Name one thing that made the writer’s weekend so busy.

2. Have you ever had a busy weekend or days off where you were glad it was over?

3. Although the weekend was very busy, does it sound like the writer had a fun time?