The Maine Lobster Festival A Foodie's Dream

缅因州龙虾节 - 美食家的梦想

许多人告诉缅因州龙虾节的活动策划者,他们等了一整年才来到缅因州,只是为了品尝美食——这是有充分理由的。 缅因州被认为是美国的海鲜之都,罗克兰是该州最大的龙虾捕捞点之一。

所以,如果您要参加今年 8 月举行的第 75 届缅因州龙虾节,请带上丰盛的食欲。

2019 年,该节日供应了 19,000 磅新鲜烹制的龙虾以及所有配料——晚餐面包、农场种植的新鲜甜玉米和黄油 — 很多黄油。 那个称为“岸边晚餐”的套餐包括当地捕获的蒸蛤蜊和多达三只 1 ¼ 磅的龙虾。倍儿棒!

在 Main Eating Tent 入口附近的“龙虾咖啡厅”里,您可以尝试各种由缅因州龙制作的美味,比如:龙虾卷、龙虾奶酪通心粉、龙虾浓汤、烩龙虾球、龙虾凯撒沙拉,和龙虾馄饨,这还不是全部。 在这里还可以品尝清蒸缅因贻贝、熏贻贝、扇贝、虾和鲑鱼、自制新英格兰蛤蜊浓汤、海鲜浓汤、龙虾浓汤和龙虾、虾和玉米浓汤。 对于孩子们来说,节日仍将提供经典的“公平食品”,如油炸面团、爆米花、棉花糖和柠檬水。


节日的第三天,从上午 9 点开始,业余厨师将参加深受粉丝喜爱的海鲜烹饪比赛,吸引了来自世界各地的参观者和参赛者。 食谱可以包含任何风格,只要它包含缅因州海鲜。 最好的部分是,如果您被选为观众,您将可以在烹饪区品尝准备好的食谱,并在颁奖后领取参赛者的食谱。

2019 年,南卡罗来纳州的 Sue Jobes 凭借龙虾扇贝玉米浓汤获得了 525 美元的大奖。 她使用六根新鲜的缅因州玉米穗、六条培根、一磅龙虾和一磅扇贝等配料,将简陋的新英格兰玉米杂烩主食变成了美味的舒适食品。

每年,任何业余厨师(18 岁及以上)都会在这个受欢迎的活动中将他或她最好的原创食谱带到餐桌上。 一个评委小组选出五名参赛者参加比赛。 食谱可以是任何菜肴,咸味或甜味,但它必须是原创的,并且由缅因州水域的海鲜制成。 “评判标准之一是简单”,总裁兼法官西莉亚·克里·奈特 (Celia Crie Knight) 说。 “他们想尝尝美味,但又不复杂到观众无法回家自己做的食谱。”



缅因州龙虾节是在美丽的缅因州海岸举行的为期五天的欢乐盛宴! 这个一年一度的海鲜节在八月的第一个周末举行,从周三到周日。

最初是为了振兴缅因州中部海岸社区而举办的当地海洋节,现在已经变成了国际公认的当地海鲜庆祝活动。 缅因州龙虾节吸引了从我们当地社区到来自世界各国的游客。

你知道今年第 75 届缅因州龙虾节是免费的吗?


Many people tell the Maine Lobster Festival’s event planners they wait all year to come to Maine just to dig into the food—and for good reason.  Maine is considered the seafood capital state of the U.S., and Rockland is one of the state’s biggest lobster harvesting spots.

So, if you’re coming to the 75th Annual Maine Lobster Festival this August, bring a hearty appetite.

In 2019, the Festival served 19,000 pounds of freshly cooked lobster with all of the fixings—a diner roll, farm-fresh sweet corn, and butter — lots of butter. The Shore Dinner upped the ante with locally harvested steamed clams and up to three 1 ¼ lb lobsters. Decadent!

In the Lobster Cafe located near the entrance of the Main Eating Tent, you can try Maine lobster in every delicious way:  lobster rolls, lobster mac’n cheese, lobster bisque, lobster stuffed risotto balls, lobster Caesar salad, and lobster won-tons.  And that’s not all. This is the place to also try steamed Maine mussels, smoked mussels, scallops, shrimp, and salmon, homemade New England clam chowder, seafood chowder, lobster bisque, and lobster, shrimp, and corn chowder. For the kids, the Festival will still be serving classic “fair food” such as fried dough, popcorn, cotton candy, and lemonade.

Seafood Cooking Competition

On the third day of the Festival, starting at 9 a.m., amateur cooks compete in the fan-favorite Seafood Cooking Contest, attracting visitors and contestants from all over the world.  The recipes can encompass any style as long as it contains Maine seafood. And the best part if you are selected to be in the audience, you’ll get to sample the prepared recipes in the cooking area and pick up the contestants’ recipes after the awards are presented.

In 2019, Sue Jobes of South Carolina was awarded the grand prize of $525 for her Lobster and Scallop Corn Chowder.  Using six ears of fresh Maine corn, six strips of bacon, one pound of lobster and one pound of sea scallops, among other ingredients, she transformed the humble New England staple of corn chowder into a delectable comfort food.

Each year, any amateur chef (18 and older) brings his or her best original recipe to the table during this popular event. A panel of judges picks five contestants to participate in the contest. The recipe can be any dish, savory or sweet, but it must be original and made with seafood found in Maine waters. “One of the judging criteria is simplicity,” said President and judge Celia Crie Knight. “They want to taste a recipe that is delicious but not so complicated that the audience members couldn’t go home and make it themselves.”

The top three recipes are chosen as winners and awarded cash prizes.

Celebrating 75 Years!!

The Maine Lobster Festival is five days of fun and feasting on the fabulous coast of Maine! This annual seafood festival takes place during the first weekend of August, from Wednesday through Sunday.

What started as an idea for a local marine festival to revive Midcoast Maine communities has turned into an internationally-recognized celebration of local seafood. The Maine Lobster Festival attracts visitors from as near as our local communities to those from countries around the globe.

Did you know the 75th Maine Lobster Festival is FREE this year?


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