Asking Directions 




















旅游者: 现在过来的是不是我该乘坐的公共汽车?






Tourist: Excuse me, sir, I’m trying to find my way to the church that Frank Lloyd Wright designed. I forget the name of it, but I’m told that it’s one of the most beautiful buildings in the city.

Native: Yes, I know the one you mean. You must be new in town. We get a lot of tourists asking where that church is. Are you driving or taking public transportation?

Tourist: Today I’m taking buses. You’re right; I am a tourist. I drove here yesterday and spent the day driving to all the sights, but today I have decided to go by bus.

Native: That’s good. It’s slower, but you’ll get to see more of the city riding the bus. First of all, you’re on the wrong street. You have to walk more than two blocks to Garvey Boulevard where you’ll catch the A-12 bus. Take it about a mile. When you pay the driver, be sure to ask for a transfer; you’ll need it. Get off the A-12 at Prescott Avenue and transfer to the M-16 bus going north.

Tourist: Maybe I should write all this down. I don’t want to get lost. Let’s see. That’s the A-12 to Prescott, then transfer to the M-16 going north.

Native: Right. Ask the last driver to let you off at Valley Road. The church you’re looking for is only a short walk from there. You can’t miss it.

Tourist: Thanks. I appreciate your help.

Second Native: Young man, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation with that gentleman who just gave you directions.

Tourist: Yes, ma’am?

Second Native: I think he must be confused, because the directions he gave you are all wrong. If you follow them, you’ll have a lovely ride, but you’ll end up at the zoo.

Tourist: What should I do, then?

Second Native: Walk with me. I’m heading in the direction where you’ll be catching the bus you want. Where are you from? I don’t recognize your accent.

Tourist: I’m from Lima, Peru. That’s in South America. This is my first visit to the States, and I want to see as many sights as I can.

Second Native: I’ve never visited your country. The farthest south I’ve ever been is Mexico City. Well, here we are. This is the corner of Wall Drive and Utley Street, and here is your bus stop. Take this S-1, which will stop right where we’re standing, down to the lake. The bus will turn right, but you should get off and cross the street. It’s called Shore Lane.

Tourist: And that’s where the Frank Lloyd Wright church is?

Second Native: No. You’ll see another bus stop with a sign like this one. All the bus stops here have the same bright-colored signs, so they’re easy to spot. Transfer there to the T-2 going south. The end of the line for the T-2 is just across the street from the Frank Lloyd Wright church. The whole ride shouldn’t take you any more than thirty minutes.

Tourist: Thank you. I’m glad you set me straight. It would be easy to get lost in a town this large.

Second Native: It’s not difficult to find your way around if you have a good map of the city. I recommend that you buy one. There’s a definite plan to the way the city is designed and the streets are named. If you study a map, you’ll find out how easy it is.

Tourist: Is that my bus coming down the street now?

Second Native: Yes, it is. I hope you have the correct change.

Tourist: Why? Won’t the driver make  change for me?

Second Native: Not any more. In the old days, drivers made change for people, but now you have to have the correct amount. When you get on, you drop the fare into a fare box which sits on the floor next to the driver. When you want to get off, pull the cord above the side windows to signal the driver.

Tourist: At least that’s the same. Our Peruvian buses also use the cord signal. I hope I don’t get lost. Thank you and goodbye.

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