A Story of Baby Jesus


















那天晚上,玛利亚和约瑟有了第一个孩子,这是既兴奋有激动的事。这个孩子不是一般的人,而是耶稣 – 宇宙万物的创造者、万王之王、拯救万人的救世主。




1. 除了这个故事以外,你是否听到过有关耶稣的故事?如果有的话,请告诉我们你所知道的一些故事。

2. 你认为那天使是不是给玛利亚代来好消息?为什么?

3. 在约瑟和玛利亚正式结婚前,约瑟发觉玛利亚已经怀了一个孩子,约瑟有什么反应?如果你是约瑟的话,你会怎么做?

4. 你觉得玛利亚是一个怎样的人?约瑟呢?

5. 救世主耶稣怎么没有出生在一个宫殿里,反而出生在马槽里呢?你认为这是什么意思的?

A long time ago, in the town of Nazareth, lived a young woman named Mary.  Mary did her chores, was kind to others, and loved God very much.  She was engaged to be married to Joseph, who was a carpenter.

One day, while Mary was at home cleaning her room, an angel suddenly appeared.  Before Mary could say anything the angel told Mary that she was favored by God, and that God was with her.

Mary was surprised.  She was trying not to be afraid, but she had never seen an angel before.  After all, Mary was just a regular lady like you or I.  Why was this angel visiting her?  What did the angel want?

The angel quickly tried to reassure Mary, "Do not be afraid!"  the angel said.  "God has found favor with you.  You will have a baby boy, and are to give him the name Jesus."

Mary was confused, she was not yet married to Joseph, so how could she have a baby?  The angel thought that this might concern Mary so he said, "The Holy Spirit will perform a miracle, and because of this your baby will be called the Son of God."

To Mary's surprise the angel had more exciting news; "Even your cousin Elizabeth is going to have a son in her old age.  Many thought that she couldn't have children, but she is already pregnant.  Nothing is impossible with God."

Mary couldn't believe what she was hearing, she didn't know what to say.  She realized that she was trembling, and knelt down.  When she was finally able to speak she said, "I am the Lord's servant, and I hope everything you have said will come true."

The angel then disappeared, and Mary was left alone.

Soon after, Joseph found out that Mary was going to have a baby.  Joseph was confused and upset by this. But an angel came to him in a dream and said, "Joseph do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.  The child Mary is going to have is God's son, and you are to give him the name Jesus."

When Joseph woke up he remembered what the angel had said.  He knew that everything was okay, and he wasn't upset anymore.

In those days the government decided that they should count everyone that lived in that area of the world.  So Joseph had to take Mary to his town, Bethlehem to register.

It took Mary and Joseph a long time to get to Bethlehem.  They didn't have cars back then, so it probably took them a lot longer to get there.  This was very tiring for Mary because she was soon going to have a baby.

When they reached the town, all the hotels were full and there was nowhere that they could stay.  Finally, someone felt bad for them, and offered them a place to stay.  

The Bible doesn't say for sure where they stayed but most people think that they stayed in a small barn where animals were kept.  In any case, doesn't it seem strange that Jesus, the King of the Jews wasn't born in a fancy palace or even a hospital?

Mary and Joseph were thankful that they at least had a place to lay down.  It was warm, and there was plenty of straw to lay on.

That night an exciting, wonderful thing happened.  Mary and Joseph had a baby!  But it wasn't just any baby, it was Baby Jesus!  The creator of the whole world, the King of Kings, the one who would save the world.

The little baby boy fell asleep in Mary's arms and she wrapped him in cloths and laid him in a manger on some clean straw.

Mary and Joseph soon fell asleep, they were so glad to have this special baby join their family. 

Discussion Questions:

1.  Have you ever heard any story of Jesus besides this one? If so, please tell us what you know about Jesus.

2.   In your opinion, did the angel bring a good news to Mary? Why and why not?

3.   When Joseph noticed that Mary was with a baby before they were officially married, what was the reaction that Joseph wanted to take? If you were Joseph, what would you do?

4.   What kind person do you think Mary was? How about Joseph?

5.   How come Jesus, the Savior of the world, was born in a manger, not in a palace? What is the meaning of this, in your own opinion?