Our Christmas Season





在圣诞节那一天, 我们就全家在家里度过。我们会玩游戏,在电视上看电影,要不就是在家里休息。而第二天,我和我儿子就会去看那在路易斯安那州的我的父母。我的父母是住在森林里的。我们去看望老人家,也会到他们附近的森林里去打猎。我们希望能够打到最美味的野味 - 鹿。几天之后,回家就要把装饰圣诞节的装饰品都放回到盒子里去,然后放到储藏室里,等明年再用。



1. 在哪里可以找到耶稣诞生的故事?

2. 你是否曾经参加过圣诞节派对?

3. 耶稣的另外一个名字或者头衔是什么?

Christmas is the busiest and biggest holiday of the year in America. Although the holiday is just on December 25th, the season lasts from the day after Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day. During the entire month of December there are many parties and events in which people gather with family and friends to enjoy time together. Christmas is also known as the busiest shopping season in America. Most people buy gifts for their children and for one another. These gifts are exchanged throughout the season, but primarily on Christmas Eve (the night before Christmas) and Christmas Day.

This year my family will spend Christmas in our traditional way. Because my family and my wife’s family, live far away from us we will see them at different times of the Christmas season. My wife’s family will come to our home the week before Christmas and spend an entire week with us. We will have a large dinner together and then we will give gifts to her parents and to the children. (In our family the adults do not exchange gifts with one another. This helps to save money.)

On Christmas Eve we will gather with our church family at 7:00pm. We will sing songs about the birth of Jesus and light candles in celebrating the Light of God which has come into a dark world. (In the Bible, Jesus is referred to as the Light of the World.) After the short service, my family will return home and exchange gifts with one another. When my children were younger we would give them gifts on Christmas morning. During the night when they were asleep we would place gifts for them under the Christmas tree. When they awoke the next morning they would find toys and gifts under the tree. It was all a surprise for them. Now my children are mostly grown and prefer to sleep late, so we open gifts the night before.

On Christmas Day we will spend time with just our family. We will play games and watch movies and spend the day resting. The next day, my son and I, will travel to see my parents in Louisiana. They live far in the woods. We will go to visit and to go hunting in the woods near their home. Our hope is to hunt for wild deer which are excellent for eating. After we return home, the next few days will be spent putting all the decorations back into boxes and into storage for next year.

For my family the celebration of Christmas is more than buying gifts and eating wonderful food. The primary purpose of Christmas is to think about the birth of Jesus Christ. (Christmas is the celebration of Christ) The story about Jesus’ birth is found in the Bible in Luke, chapter 2. Every year, before we open gifts, I will read this story aloud from the Bible. It reminds us that the greatest gift of all has been given. This gift is much better than clothes, toys, or electronics. This gift is the gift of life, hope, and love which is found in Jesus Christ - a gift which will always be worth celebrating.



1. Where is the story about Jesus’ birth found?

2. Have you ever been to a Christmas party?

3. What is another name or term for Jesus?
