Jesus Gives Life to a Dead Girl and Heals a Sick Woman


Mark 5:21 - 43 (ERV)

马可福音 第五章 21 ~ 43节 (现代中文译本)




她听见过耶稣的事,所以杂在人群中,走到耶稣背后,摸他的衣裳, 心里想:“我一摸他的衣裳,一定得医治。” 她的血崩立刻止住,感觉到身上的病已经好了。 耶稣立刻知道有能力从自己身上出来,就在人群中转过头来,说:“谁摸了我的衣裳?”


于是耶稣环视左右,要知道是谁摸他。 那女人知道发生在自己身上的事,就战战兢兢地跪在耶稣脚前,把实情都说出来。 耶稣对她说:“孩子,你的信心救了你。平安地回去吧,你的病痛消除了。”



于是他带彼得、雅各,和雅各的弟弟约翰一道去,不许别人跟着。 他们来到会堂主管的家,耶稣看见大家乱成一团,号啕大哭。 耶稣进去对他们说:“你们为什么大哭大嚷呢?孩子并没有死,只是睡着了。” 他们都讥笑他。

耶稣就把他们赶出去,只让孩子的父母和他的三个门徒跟他进女孩子的卧室。 他拉着女孩子的手,对她说:“大利大,古米!”意思就是:“小女孩,我吩咐你,起来!” 女孩子立刻起来行走(那时她已经十二岁)。这事使大家非常惊讶! 耶稣郑重地嘱咐他们不要向人宣扬,又吩咐给孩子一些东西吃。


    1. 耶鲁是谁?

    2. 耶鲁请耶稣做什么事?

    3. 他在请求中说了他有什么样的问题?

    4. 耶稣和耶鲁为什么花了那么长的时间才到大耶鲁的家?

    5. 那个人群中的女人与耶鲁有什么相同之处和不同之处?

    6. 耶鲁家里的人来对耶鲁说了什么?你觉得耶鲁听了以后有什么感觉?耶稣又对他怎么说?

    7. 当耶稣到耶鲁家的时候,家里是什么样的情景?

    8. 你觉得为什么耶稣只带了几个人进去,而把其他人留在外面?

    9. 耶稣对那女孩说了什么?

    10. 当女孩复活了以后,耶稣要她的家人做什么?你觉得为什么耶稣要提出这样的要求?

    11. 为什么耶稣对女孩的死亡不担忧?

    12. 从这个故事里,你对耶稣有什么新的看法?

Jesus went back to the other side of the lake in the boat. There, a large crowd of people gathered around him on the shore. A leader of the synagogue came. His name was Jairus. He saw Jesus and bowed down before him. He begged Jesus again and again, saying, “My little daughter is dying. Please come and lay your hands on her. Then she will be healed and will live.”

So Jesus went with Jairus. Many people followed Jesus. They were pushing very close around him.

There among the people was a woman who had been bleeding for the past twelve years. She had suffered very much. Many doctors had tried to help her, and all the money she had was spent, but she was not improving. In fact, her sickness was getting worse.

The woman heard about Jesus, so she followed him with the other people and touched his coat. She thought, “If I can just touch his clothes, that will be enough to heal me.” As soon as she touched his coat, her bleeding stopped. She felt that her body was healed from all the suffering. Jesus immediately felt power go out from him, so he stopped and turned around. “Who touched my clothes?” he asked.

The followers said to Jesus, “There are so many people pushing against you. But you ask, ‘Who touched me?’”

But Jesus continued looking for the one who touched him. The woman knew that she was healed, so she came and bowed at Jesus’ feet. She was shaking with fear. She told Jesus the whole story. He said to her, “Dear woman, you are made well because you believed. Go in peace. You will not suffer anymore.”

While Jesus was still there speaking, some men came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue leader. They said, “Your daughter is dead. There is no need to bother the Teacher.”

But Jesus did not care what the men said. He said to the synagogue leader, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Jesus let only Peter, James, and John the brother of James go with him. They went to the synagogue leader’s house, where Jesus saw many people crying loudly. There was a lot of confusion. He entered the house and said, “Why are you people crying and making so much noise? This child is not dead. She is only sleeping.” But everyone laughed at him.

Jesus told the people to leave the house. Then he went into the room where the child was. He brought the child’s father and mother and his three followers into the room with him. Then Jesus held the girl’s hand and said to her, “Talitha, koum!” (This means “Little girl, I tell you to stand up!”) The girl immediately stood up and began walking. (She was twelve years old.) The father and mother and the followers were amazed. Jesus gave the father and mother very strict orders not to tell people about this. Then he told them to give the girl some food to eat.

Discussion Questions:

    1. Who was Jairus?

    2. What did Jairus ask Jesus to do?

    3. What does his request say about him and his problem?

    4. Why did it take Jesus and Jairus so long to get to Jairus’ home?

    5. How was the sick woman in the crowd similar and different from Jairus?

    6. What did a servant tell Jairus? How do you think Jairus felt after getting the message from the servant? What did Jesus say to him?

    7. What was the scene when Jesus arrived at Jairus’ home?

    8. Why do you think Jesus brought only a few of his followers and put everyone out of the house?

    9. What did Jesus say to the girl?

    10. What did Jesus request the family to do when he presented her alive? Why do you think He made these requests?

    11. Why wasn’t Jesus concerned that the girl had died?

    12. What did you learn about Jesus from this story?