Trains versus Planes









1.  你是否曾经乘火车或者乘飞机旅行过?

2,  你是去哪里了?

3,  你喜欢以什么样的方式旅行?为什么?

4.  你是否在国外乘过火车?

5.  请比较一下国内的火车和国外的火车区别。(哪一个你更喜欢?)

On my recent trip to China, I enjoyed taking the train for part of my journey. My first train ride was from Beijing to Qingdao. The second trip was from Wuhan to Beijing. This was the first time in my life to ever ride a train and I greatly enjoyed the experience. After reflecting on my travels, I have decided that for short to medium trips I prefer taking a train rather than an airplane.

For one, the train allowed me to use my cell phone while I traveled. All airlines require you to turn your phone off while in the air. Trains have no problem with cell phones being used, and it was nice to be able to communicate with family and friends while traveling.

Second, trains are smooth in movement. There is no need to worry about turbulence. Trains have a smooth start and a smooth ending with a smooth ride. Airplanes have harsh takeoffs and landings. Depending on the weather, airplanes can be quite stressful, especially in rough weather. Overall, trains are gentler in their movement than planes.

Third, trains have more room in which one can move around. Train cars allow for one to get up and walk around and there are places to stand and stretch. Airplanes do not allow for such movement. It was nice to stand and walk about while traveling.

Lastly, trains, on short to medium trips, are either equal or shorter in time than air travel. Both trips I took were about 5 hour trips by the bullet train. Although the plane ride would have been just over 2 hours, the overall time for travel would have been about the same. Why? Because airports are located outside of the city and with traffic it takes about 1 hour to drive from the downtown area to the airport. Train stations are typically in or near the downtown area. With more security precautions airports require that passengers check in at least 1 and a ½ hours before the flight. Trains have less security issues and one only has to appear about 30 minutes before the departure. Considering the traffic and the wait times at the airport this puts the overall time of travel at about the same as trains. Again, this really only compares to trips that are about 5 hours by bullet train or about 2 hours by plane. (Maybe on trips less than 750 miles.)

My first two experiences on trains were wonderful. I enjoyed being able to see the countryside as the train rolled down the tracks. (This is something else you cannot do by airplane.) I enjoyed meeting new people and talking with those around me. I know it will not be my last trips by train and I look forward to traveling in China in the future.



1.      Have you taken a trip by train and/or plane?

2.      Where did you go?

3.      Which way of travel do you prefer? Why?

4.      Have you ever ridden a train outside of your home country?

5.      How did the trains compare? (Which was better?)